Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes
EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!
This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air.
The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars please do not hesitate to reach out to Toni Colon ([email protected]) and/or Tanya Abrahamian ([email protected]) with any feedback.
NEW! The Opportunity for Prize Competitions at EPA
This webinar will showcase three successful EPA Prize Competitions, discuss their results, and share opportunities to get involved. Workshop topics will include: How can prize competitions serve as a catalyst to finding new, innovative solutions to environmental problems? What are the benefits of hosting a prize competition? How can you join a challenge or start your own? Wednesday January, 19, 2022 at 3:00 PM. Eastern Time. Click here to register.
NEW! Addressing Air Quality in Tribal Communities (for Beginners)
January 25-27, 2022 | 9am-2pm PDT; 10am-3pm MDT; 12pm-5pm EDT
(2-hour session, 1-hour break, 2-hour session, Daily)
Apply Now: https://forms.gle/1S3amRpocRphTMuX7
Course capped at 12 participants
- Identifying air quality sources and concerns in a community
- Tribal Air Program Case Studies
- Resources for tribal air quality professionals
The application is due on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance to the workshop via email by Tuesday, January 18. Those accepted to participate in the workshop will receive the Zoom link and password to join the workshop. The link and password are unique and should not be shared with others.
A Sense of Place: Indigenous Perspectives on Earth, Water and Sky featuring Larry Campbell, Swinomish Elder
Registration is open for our next webinar! Register now for our 9th webinar “A Sense of Place: Indigenous Perspectives of Earth, Water and Sky,” featuring Larry Campbell, Swinomish Elder, Thursday January 20, 2022 at 11:00 AM, Pacific Time. Space is limited so please register now.
Biden order requires net-zero federal government emissions by 2050
There will be many opportunities to heat the more rural, northern federal buildings with wood, pellets and wood chips! The US Forest Service itself has many such buildings and understands the technology and benefits.
EPA releases new report on Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in the United States: A Focus on Six Impacts
EPA’s new report quantifies the degree to which four socially vulnerable populations— defined based on income, educational attainment, race and ethnicity, and age—may be more exposed to the highest impacts of climate change. The report quantifies six types of impacts: air quality and health, extreme temperature and health, extreme temperature and labor, coastal flooding and traffic, coastal flooding and property, and inland flooding and property. Access the report. To download the report’s findings related to the disproportionate risks of climate change to American Indian and Alaska Natives. To find more information about climate change: https://www.epa.gov/climate-change
NTAA Upcoming Calls
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions* When you register for the GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a roll-call, ultimately saving everyone’s time.
Mobile Sources Work Group: This monthly work group addresses all mobile source pollution issues. Attend by clicking here. | Thursday, February 3,
2pm ET |
STAR Work Group: Join the Status of Tribal Air work group to provide input on the report. | Wednesday,
January 11, 3pm ET |
Wood Smoke Work Group: Join this work group every other month to address wood smoke issues in Indian Country. Attend by clicking here. | Thursday, January 20,
2pm ET
EPA Policy Call: Call in to hear updates from EPA on policies, actions, and tools relevant to Indian Country and Air Quality. Attend by clicking here. | Thursday, January 27, 2pm ET |
Indoor Air Quality Work Group: Join this work group every other month to help support IAQ work throughout Indian Country. Attend by clicking here. | Thursday, February 17, 2pm ET |
Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Attend by clicking here. | Wednesday, January 26, 11 am AK |
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professional (ITEP)
Click here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs. New courses have been added, so check it out!
ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.
AIAQTP Schedule and Registration
Recorded Webinars
Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.
ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to tribes and climate change.
EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series
Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.
Climate Change / Energy
NEW! Applications open for the Arctic Rivers Summit, March 2022
Scheduled to take place at the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage, Alaska, March 29-31, 2022. The Summit is part of the Arctic Rivers Project funded by the National Science Foundation’s Navigating the New Arctic Program. The Summit will be an in-person workshop to discuss the current and potential future states of Alaskan and Yukon rivers and fish and how we can adapt. It will bring together up to 150 Tribal and First Nation leaders, community members, managers, and knowledge holders, academic, Indigenous, federal, state, and provincial researchers, non-governmental organizations, and others.
Applications are due by January 23, 2022. For more information, please visit the Arctic Rivers Summit website.
Save the Date: 2022 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit
May 16 – 18, 2022 @ the Pala, CA | Register Here
In partnership with the La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians, the Pala Band of Mission Indians, and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, the Climate Science Alliance is excited to co-host the 2022 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit (SWTCCS).
ITEP’s Climate Change Adaptation Training Courses registration is online!
Learn more about the courses and register here.
Toxics/Mobile Sources
NRC invites comment on Draft Programmatic Agreement on protection of archaeological sites affected by proposed placement of mine waste repository on top of reclaimed Church Rock uranium mill tailings deposit: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is requesting comment on a draft Programmatic Agreement (PA) between the NRC, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Navajo Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office (NNTHPO), New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office (NMSHPO), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and United Nuclear Corporation (UNC). The purpose of this draft PA is to resolve any adverse effects to historic properties identified during consultation for a proposed license amendment application for the UNC Mill Site.
Submit comments by January 21, 2022.
> Federal Register (TBA)
> Download: Draft Programmatic Agreement , Nov. 30, 2021 (PDF)
> Access Docket ID NRC-2019-0026
Indoor Air Quality
New! EPA is looking for comprehensive programs that demonstrate improved asthma outcomes, compelling financial outcomes and progress toward financial sustainability. Check out examples of successful asthma programs and previous winners in the Hall of Fame – Applications Due February 1, 2022
Learn more here about the online application process, which allows you to highlight how your program emphasizes environmental management as a standard component of care. You can also access the downloadable checklist to help you through the application process.
Have questions about your application?
Visit AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org/awards for more information, or contact us at [email protected]
Choose the Right Portable Air Cleaner for the Home
Whether you are in the market for a portable air cleaner for your home or you were thinking about gifting one this holiday season, EPA’s Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home can help you make a well-informed decision.
Tips for selecting and using a portable air cleaner:
- Never buy or use an air cleaner that generates ozone, a lung irritant.
- Choose an air cleaner with a clean air delivery rate (CADR) that is large enough for the size of the room. The higher the CADR the more particles an air cleaner can capture and remove from the air and the larger the room it can be used in.
- Running your air cleaner at a higher speed and for a longer time will help improve the air cleaner’s effectiveness.
- Place your air cleaner in the rooms where you spend more of your time such as your living room or bedroom.
- Replace filters regularly and follow all air cleaner manufacturing maintenance instructions.
Read EPA’s Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home for more details and tips.
Improving Environmental Health in Schools White Paper
The authors of this white paper are environmental health academics who recognize the importance of in-school education. However, we also understand that infectious disease transmission in schools is an existential challenge affecting the health of local communities and ultimately, society at large. We have extensive experience implementing environmental improvements both before and during the current pandemic. We wish to persuade the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as the lead Agency for protecting human health and the environment, that now is the time to revive and expand their School Integrated Pest Management (SIPM) initiative to improve environmental health in schools and document the tangible benefits that follow.
U.S. Department of Education Encourages Use of American Rescue Plan Funds to Improve Ventilation and IAQ in Schools
Indoor air quality is critical to reopening schools safely and keeping them open. The U.S. Department of Education has released new guidance encouraging the use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to improve ventilation systems and make other indoor air quality improvements in schools to prevent the spread of COVID- 19 and tackle longstanding school ventilation improvement needs. The new Department of Education guidance highlights EPA resources to support investments in improved ventilation and indoor air quality. Use the following resources from EPA to supplement the information in the guidance:
- Indoor Air and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Visit this page for the latest guidance on best indoor air practices to limit the spread of COVID-19.
- Ventilation and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Ventilation is an important approach to lowering concentrations of indoor air pollutants, including viruses. Increase the ventilation in your school with outdoor air when possible.
- Air Cleaners, HVAC filters, and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Air cleaners and HVAC filters can help to reduce viruses and pollutants in the air. Consider upgrading the HVAC filters in your system and using safe, effective portable air cleaners to supplement HVAC filtration. Note: Do
not use air cleaners that intentionally generate ozone in occupied spaces.
- Implementing a Layered Approach to Address COVID-19 in Public Indoor Spaces: A layered risk reduction approach is best to limit airborne transmission of COVID-19 – learn how to combine increased ventilation and filtration with other CDC recommendations, such as wearing masks and social distancing.
Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!