Policy Resource Kits 

Policy Resource Kits 

NTAA Policy Resource Kits

The Policy Resource Kits (PRKs) linked below were crafted to alert NTAA Member Tribes and other Tribal Air Offices about important U.S. EPA & Federal Agencies’ proposed rules, and provide tools for Tribes to use in submitting informed comments on U.S. EPA actions. PRKs include fact sheets, official NTAA comments, a Tribal template letter and other resources for Tribes to use in submitting their own comments.

Current NTAA
Policy Resource Kits

This is an important step in providing tools and guidance to EPA staff when considering, not just exposures from multiple sources and multiple pollutants, but also other issues that can impact the fence line communities. This is particularly important to Tribes where communities are “locked in place” and don’t have the options for relocation. It also provides the Agency tools to work with the impacted Tribes to consider cultural and traditional practices that can be impacted by the decisions at hand.

This guidance throughout discusses the importance of working with and consulting with Tribes on decisions that impact them. It seeks to move EPA forward in providing guidance on considering cumulative risk.

Comments on this proposed action are due to EPA by February 19, 2025, using the Federal Rulemaking Portal or by email to [email protected]

The Docket ID is: EPA-HQ-OLEM-2024-0360.


  1. NTAA Tribal Template Letter – A Template word document that includes NTAA’s comments that can be used by Tribes to submit to the EPA.
  2. NTAA Fact Sheet – A fact sheet that can be used by Tribes to inform community members and leadership regarding this proposal.
  3. NTAA Comment Letter – The official letter NTAA submitted to the EPA in response to the proposal.

Stationary combustion turbines are widely used to generate electricity and to power compressors. EPA last revised the NSPS for these combustion units in 2006. The current proposal would strengthen NOx emissions standards for new units including a provision that would include hydrogen-fueled combustors. The proposed standards would apply to facilities that begin construction, reconstruction or modification following publication in the Federal Register.

EPA will receive comments on this proposal until March 13, 2025, using the Federal Rulemaking Portal (preferred) Or email to <[email protected], including in the Subject Line “Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2024-0419”.


  1. NTAA Tribal Template Letter – A Template word document that includes NTAA’s comments that can be used by Tribes to submit to the EPA.
  2. NTAA Fact Sheet – A fact sheet that can be used by Tribes to inform community members and leadership regarding this proposal.
  3. NTAA Comment Letter – The official letter NTAA submitted to the EPA in response to the proposal.

Closed NTAA
Policy Resource Kits

Other NTAA
Policy Resources

NTAA Letter to EPA with Recommendations on Tribal DERA Program – On January 10, 2020, the NTAA EC and Mobile Sources Work Group submitted this letter to the EPA to provide recommendations on how to improve the Tribal Diesel Emissions Reductions Act (Tribal DERA) program so that it is more fully utilized, better meets the goals of the program, and better serves Indian Country.

EJ 2020 Fact Sheet – On July 29, 2016, NTAA submitted this comment letter to U.S. EPA regarding EPA’s proposed EJ 2020 Action Agenda. To learn more, you can click here for EPA’s EJ 2020 Fact Sheet. The fact sheet highlights the vision, goals, key areas, lead EPA offices and anticipated results of EJ 2020. It also includes general information about stakeholder outreach efforts, implementation and annual reporting for EJ 2020.

NTAA_CommentExtReq_SubpartWRule.pdf – This NTAA letter sent to EPA on June 13, 2014 requested a comment period extension for EPA’s Proposed Rule to Limit Radon Emissions from Uranium Mills. EPA did respond by extending the comment period till October 29, 2014.

NTAA_ECLettertoEPA1914.pdf – This NTAA letter was sent to EPA on January 9th, 2014 reminding EPA about the importance of funding Tribal Air Programs. EPA response was given at an in-person meeting between NTAA EC members and EPA leadership that same day.

NTAA_lettertoEPAonEJPrinciples6514.pdf – This NTAA letter was sent to EPA on June 5th, 2014 reflecting NTAA’s comments on U.S. EPA’s proposed Policy on Environmental Justice for Working with Federally Recognized Tribes and Indigenous Peoples. The comment period for this proposed policy closed on June 9th, 2014.

AppendixA_NTAACommentsonEPAEJPrinciples6514.pdf – This is an appendix to NTAA’s June 5th letter on U.S. EPA’s proposed Policy on Environmental Justice for Working with Federally Recognized Tribes and Indigenous Peoples listed above.

NTAA Letter to U.S. EPA on the subject of EPA’s proposed requirement that all grant applications be submitted electronically to Grants.gov – This NTAA letter was sent on March 11, 2014 commenting on the Grants.gov issue mentioned above.

Tracking Federal Air
Quality and Climate
Change Actions

The Federal Register

Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions

  • The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs within the Office of Management and Budget produces a Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Degregulatory Actions twice a year to report on the actions administrative agencies plan to issue in the near and long term.
  • You can track actions by searching via specific federal agencies here: reginfo.gov/public/do/eAgendaMain
  • You can track EPA actions here: reginfo.gov

How to comment online via Regulations.gov

Regulations.gov is your source for information on the development of Federal regulations and other related documents issued by the U.S. government. Through this site, you can find, read, and comment on regulatory issues that are important to you.

You can search for a regulation such as a proposed rule, final rule, or Federal Register (FR) notice and submit a comment on a regulation. You can also quickly access regulations that are popular, newly posted or closing soon directly from the homepage.

Each federal action that you can comment on has a docket number that you can use in the search line of the Regulations.gov home page. You can find the docket number in the public notice published by the federal agency within the Federal Register or on the agency’s website. For example, EPA’s Docket number usually look like this: EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0000.

  • For more information on how to comment, click here: regulations.gov/faqs
  • You can find out who else has commented on a specific federal action by opening the Docket Folder.

How to comment offline

  • EPA actions can be commented on via email, mail, fax or in person. Each proposed action will include specific addresses to submit your comments via email, mail, fax or in person.
  • EPA has a website for commenting on EPA actions with helpful tips here: hepa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets

Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law maintains an online tool for tracking government attempts to restrict or prohibit scientific research, education or discussion, or the publication or use of scientific information, since the November 2016 election. Read more about the tracker and related resources.

The Sabin Center also maintains a Climate Deregulation Tracker which identifies attempts to scale back federal climate mitigation and adaptation measures: climate.law.columbia.edu/Silencing-Science-Tracker


Mehrdad Khatibi
[email protected]

Miranda O’Neill
[email protected]

Martha “Marty” Johnson
[email protected]