MONTHLY UPDATES2024-08-07T16:21:59+00:00

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of December 5 – 9, 2022


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes


NEW! Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023 that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


EPA Seeks Feedback on Inflation Reduction Act Programs

Comments are due by January 18, 2023. In addition, the agency will conduct extensive public engagement as it works to implement the law.

EPA has announced initial public engagement and input opportunities for a subset of new and existing programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. These programs, which include funding for air quality and climate projects addressing clean energy, transportation, methane emissions, and climate super-pollutants, will advance the President’s bold agenda to combat the climate crisis, protect public health and advance environmental justice. 

EPA’s engagement strategy for these programs includes:

  • Request for Information (RFI): Issuing a request for public input to inform program design;
  • Expert Input: Soliciting expert input on key program design questions from EPA’s Federal Advisory Committees including the Local Government Advisory Committee, Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee;
  • Listening Sessions: Launching a stakeholder listening session series to enable key stakeholders including environmental justice communities, state and local governments, clean energy advocates, labor, and others to provide input directly to EPA staff; and
  • New Webpage: Creating a one-stop shop for information on the implementation of Inflation Reduction Act programs managed by EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation.

EPA has published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comment on six public dockets that correspond to Inflation Reduction Act provisions in the law.


Public Encouraged to Review and Comment in Six Public Dockets


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) FY2022 Appropriations

To View Report, Click Here.

This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should not be relied upon for purposes other than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in connection with CRS’s institutional role.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains the key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

More detailed information about the contents of these new materials can be found in the attached document.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (, Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions for NTAA webinars* When you register for GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a rollcall, ultimately saving time. For other NTAA calls, NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

January 5,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, December 8,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! January 25,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET (tentative)

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.


ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Climate Change / Energy


The first in-person National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) was an absolute success! We are excited to announce that the session recordingsthe highlight reel, and the slide deck overview are now available. A special thanks to all who attended and made NTICC 2022 possible. For more information, check out the NTICC website.


RFI EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – $5 billion

Deadline: January 18, 2023

This RFI is for a program to help eligible entities to help plan and implement climate pollution reduction strategies. Click here for more information.



USDA Seeks Input from Tribal Leaders on Advancing Clean Energy for Tribal Communities Through the Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2022 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced that USDA will host a Tribal consultation on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

Tribal leaders and their proxies are invited to give input on new funding authorities under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that will help advance clean energy for people living in Tribal communities. Tribes, Tribal enterprises, Tribal utilities and other non-Tribal applicants may be eligible for funding under the IRA programs offered by USDA.

To attend the consultation, visit the Tribal Consultation on the IRA webinar registration page []. To learn more, read the full Tribal Consultation Notification [].


Toxics/Mobile Sources


NEW! Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected]. Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at:


Indoor Air Quality


New! Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended  Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners. This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!





NEW! Morongo Band of Mission Indians: Environmental Specialist I – Tribal Air Program

Click Here for Full Job Description

Under the direction of the Environmental Department Director, the Environmental Specialist (Level I) is responsible for carrying out entry level tasks under the Tribal Air Program. Activities include operating air monitoring equipment, conducting routine maintenance and repairs of equipment, following and developing standard operating procedures and quality assurance project plans, conducting indoor air quality assessments, and assisting with education and outreach activities. Environmental Specialist I is an entry-level position and meets the minimum qualifications. At this level, incumbents learn and perform program activities under supervision.



The Department of Religious Studies is hiring an 1855 professorship in the position of Great Lakes Anishinaabe Knowledge, Spiritualities, and Cultural Practices.

Applications closes: July 8, 2024, | Click Here for Full Job Description

The Department of Religious Studies is hiring an 1855 professorship in the position of Great Lakes Anishinaabe Knowledge, Spiritualities, and Cultural Practices. We seek a scholar with a focus on Anishinaabe communities, and more broadly, Great Lakes Native American cultures. The scholar’s areas of interest should include Anishinaabe worldviews, ceremony, knowledge systems, and communal cultural practices in the context of colonialisms, resistance, resiliency, and sovereignty. The specific area of focus is open with preference to knowledge of traditions of Anishinaabe communities, and more broadly, Native American communities. We are particularly interested in scholars whose work and teaching complement cross-university strengths in environmental practices, North American Indigenous Law, communal health and wellness, and social justice. In keeping with our land-grant mission, we seek a scholar engaged in public-facing conversations about how contemporary Native American knowledge, language, spiritualities, and culture can inform larger discussions around law, public policy, land stewardship, resource management, community health and wellbeing, Tribal governance, museum collections and archives, and environmental justice movements.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

REMINDER! Selections for the ARP Enhanced Air Quality Monitoring Competitive Grant

EPA selected 132 projects, in 37 states, to receive a total of $53.4 million to conduct ambient air monitoring of pollutants in communities across the country with environmental and health outcome disparities stemming from pollution and the COVID-19 pandemic. EPA will start the process to award the funding by the end of 2022, once the grant applicants have met all legal and administrative requirements. This table can be sorted by clicking on each column header. A downloadable version is available HERE.


EPA Resource: EPA is pleased to announce that we have updated our Local Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool and our Tribal Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool.

Updates include:

  • Revised Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) factors from through 2020, as available.
  • Updated default stationary energy emission factors and heat contents from the latest Climate Registry, EPA GHG Emissions Factor Hub, and US Inventory publications.
  • Global Warming Potential (GWP) values are now editable on the Factors tab. The bottom of the Control Sheet tab also contains new guidance on updating the GWP values and a navigation button to the GWP Entry section on the Factors tab.

Download the updated local community and government operations tool and users’ guides.

Download the updated tribal community and government operations tool and users’ guides.

Find our State Inventory and Projection Tool and additional State and Tribal greenhouse gas data and resources here.


EPA Resource: EPA’s Home Heating Fuel Use Web App

Are you curious about how people heat their homes? EPA has developed a Home Heating Fuel Use Web App that lets you visualize American Community Survey 5-year average home heating fuel data across the U.S. by census tract. Use this data to inform outreach or implementation planning related to energy efficiency, residential electrification, wood stove change-outs, and more.


EPA Resource: EPA’s Tracking Matrix

Does your community have climate goals to meet or brownfields that might be suitable for solar? Check out EPA’s Tracking Matrix to learn more about geothermal, biomass, solar and wind installations being built on contaminated lands across the country. EPA’s RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative 2022 Tracking Matrix shows current trends in the development of renewable energy on contaminated lands. Project examples include successful community solar projects in Nashville, Tennessee; Schenectady County, New York; Morrisville, Vermont; and Spanish Fork, Utah.


Tribal Air Quality Flag Program Packet

Customize this flyer/poster template to share information with your community about air quality, how it can affect health, and actions to take on a bad air quality day.

You may need a PDF reader to view files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more. Tribal Air Quality Flag Program Packet


Soliciting Expert Input from the Environmental Finance Advisory Board (EFAB)

EPA is soliciting expert input on key program design questions from the Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB), a Federal Advisory Committee that provides advice and recommendations to EPA’s Administrator and regional and program offices on ways to lower the costs of, and increase investments in, environmental and public health protection. The EFAB will provide its advice and recommendations to EPA by December 15, 2022.


Department of Energy (DOE) Announces $32 Million to Reduce Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas Sector

All interested applicants must register and submit application materials through Fed Connectregister here for an account. All questions about the FOA must also be submitted through FedConnect.


Air Monitoring Equipment Available for Loan to State, Local, and Tribal Agencies

In 2021, EPA’s Office of Research and Development initiated the Wildfire Smoke Air Monitoring Response Technology (WSMART) Pilot, loaning air monitoring technologies to state, local, and Tribal air organizations to support supplemental air monitoring in areas affected by wildfire smoke and with observational data coverage gaps. During 2022, this pilot technology loan program will continue to provide several technology types – including stationary air sensor systems and a compact mobile monitoring system – to state and local air agency monitoring staff and professional Tribal air quality staff members upon request. The equipment is not available for public use. For more information and access to the loan request webform, please visit the WSMART website:

For technical questions, please contact [email protected].


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

EPA’s State and Local Climate and Energy Program will use this newsletter to share updates and opportunities as they become available and to let you know how the EPA’s IRA programs can help your jurisdiction.

Our monthly funding newsletter will also continue to provide information on climate and clean energy grant and technical assistance opportunities and deadlines for state, local, and Tribal governments. You can also visit the White House’s website about clean energy and climate action in the IRA. Use it to learn how you can save on utility bills, get support to purchase electric vehicles, energy-efficient appliances, and more. Share the news: Tax Credits for Energy-Efficient Home Upgrades have been Extended!

Under the IRA, federal tax credits for energy-efficient home upgrades have been extended. This means that if you made any qualifying home improvements to your primary residence after December 31, 2021, you may be eligible to claim credit on your federal taxes when you file for 2022. Qualifying upgrades include ENERGY STAR-certified products, as well as improvements to your home’s envelope or exterior – such as windows, doors, and insulation. To learn more, read through ENERGY STAR’s property tax credit guidance.

Renewable Energy tax credits have also been extended and will be available through the end of 2023. These include incentives for Geothermal Heat Pumps, Residential Wind Turbines, Solar Energy Systems, and Fuel Cells.

What’s New for Federal Tax Credits in 2023? There will be new efficiency tax credits in place starting January 1, 2023, lasting 10 years – through 2032. The tax credit amount is generally limited to 30% of the project cost. The previous lifetime cap of $500 has been changed to an annual cap of $1,200 to $2,000 depending on the efficiency improvements you make. This means you will be able to claim credit for more projects, especially if they are spread out over multiple years.

For more information and to stay up to date on available tax credits, make sure to bookmark ENERGY STAR’s page on Federal Tax Credits so you can maximize savings on your home energy efficiency projects.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!

Toxics/Mobile Sources

U.S. Department of Energy: Electric Vehicles with Final Assembly in North America

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (Public Law 117-169) amended the Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit (IRC 30D), now known as the Clean Vehicle Credit, and added a new requirement for final assembly in North America that took effect on August 17, 2022. For more details on the credit, see Electric Vehicle (EV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Tax Credit. Also see the full list of alternative fuel vehicle incentives amended or created by the Inflation Reduction Act. Click Here for more information.


Indoor Air Quality

Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality:

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.



NEW! 2022 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)

Application closes: December 27, 2022 for Alaska sub-applicants; January 27, 2023 for directly applying Tribes | Click Here for Full Listing

FEMA administers the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) to provide funding for hazard mitigation projects & planning. Federally recognized tribes can apply directly; otherwise, applicants must apply as a sub-applicant with the state. This post focuses on information to apply as a sub-applicant. Communities/consortiums of communities considering applying for BRIC can receive Direct Technical Assistance (DTA) from FEMA. Learn more here.

Eligible Applicants:

  • State agencies, boroughs, cities and Federally Recognized Tribal Governments with a FEMA approved, and locally adopted Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) as defined in 44 CFR Part 201


Contact Alaska’s BRIC Program Manager for more information on applying as a sub-applicant:


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

You have received this email as a subscriber to the NTAA Weekly Update. To unsubscribe or modify your subscriptions, click the appropriate link below:

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TOP STORIES/HEADLINES: Week of November 28 – December 2, 2022

NTAA News!

The NTAA is excited to present the 2022 Status of Tribal Air Report! We hope that you’ll be able to join us for an informational webinar to review the 100-page report from NTAA EC members and staff. This webinar will take place on Tuesday, December 6th, 12-1:30pm PST or 3-4:30pm EST. Register here!


NTAA has just published a helpful fact sheet for Tribes: The Inflation Reduction Act and Its Potential for Tribal Participation. This fact sheet and additional resources can be found on NTAA’s Policy Resource Kit web page here. EPA and several other federal agencies are conducting Tribal consultation for Tribes on funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). More information can be found on this new NTAA fact sheet!


Top Stories

LIVE! The White House – Today, the White House is pleased to kick-off the 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit. Click here to view the agenda.
The Summit will feature new Administration announcements and efforts to implement key policy initiatives supporting Tribal communities. Tune in to both days of the Summit using the links below.
            Wednesday, November 30th:
Thursday, December 1st:


ABC News – Biden making new commitments at Tribal Nations Summit

White House Fact Sheet – Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Support Indian Country and Native Communities Ahead of the Administration’s Second Tribal Nations Summit

AP – Biden making new commitments to Native American nations during summit

Reuters – COP27 climate summit missed chance for ambition on fossil fuels, critics say

The Guardian – Bison proliferate as Native American tribes reclaim stewardship

Indian Country Today – Mary Peltola, 1st Alaska Native in Congress, wins full term

Ambient Air Quality/EPA/Tribes News

E&E News – Committee deadlocks on EPA air nominee

E&E News – Biden admin proposes methane rules for public lands

E&E News – Leaders to decide fate of spending, permitting bills

National Law Review – EPA Proposes Expedited Release of Environmental Justice Data

ABC 10 – Why cultural burning might be an answer to California’s fire season 

Oregon Public Radio – Air pollution monitoring to increase for diverse communities in Portland and on Oregon coast

American Council on Science and Health – Timing The Health Effects Of Air Pollution

East Oregonian – Umatilla tribes celebrate 40 years of Department of Natural Resources

Indian Country Today – Joye Braun, the firestorm, dies at 53

National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update

Climate Change/Energy

The Hill – Possible rail strike could send shockwaves through energy industry

Washington Post – 3 climate stories you may have missed over the Thanksgiving break

Inside Climate News – Corn Nourishes the Hopi Identity, but Climate-Driven Drought Is Stressing the Tribe’s Foods and Traditions

Inside Climate News – For Many, the Global Warming Confab That Rose in the Egyptian Desert Was a Mirage

The Hill – Climate activists set to pressure Biden with Congress divided

AP – NASA cancels greenhouse gas monitoring satellite due to cost

Gizmodo – Drought Is Killing Christmas Trees Across the U.S.

E$E News – Colorado: Capital of ‘responsibly sourced’ oil and gas

E&E News – EPA floats sharply increased social cost of carbon

E&E News – Western states ponder regional grid as renewables grow

Reuters – Puerto Rican towns sue Big Oil under RICO alleging collusion on climate denial

Toxics/Mobile Sources

E&E News – EPA skips stricter aircraft pollution regs

AP – Judge orders Enbridge, tribe to form emergency pipeline plan

Gizmodo – Shipping Emissions Are Black Friday’s Dirty Secret

KTOO – Biden administration announces $15M in climate grants for Alaska tribes

Rig Zone – Final Guidance Published for Tribes to Pick Up Orphaned Well Grant

Indian Country TodayLong battle against radioactive waste turns personal

Indoor Air Quality

New York Times – Can Sensor Technology Help Keep Office Workers Healthy?

CNBC – Is your house making you sick? 3 things you might not realize are affecting your health at home—and how to fix them


UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of November 28 – December 2, 2022



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

REMINDER! EPA Seeks Feedback on Inflation Reduction Act Programs

Comments are due by January 18, 2023. In addition, the agency will conduct extensive public engagement as it works to implement the law.

EPA has announced initial public engagement and input opportunities for a subset of new and existing programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. These programs, which include funding for air quality and climate projects addressing clean energy, transportation, methane emissions, and climate super-pollutants, will advance the President’s bold agenda to combat the climate crisis, protect public health and advance environmental justice. 

EPA’s engagement strategy for these programs includes:

  • Request for Information (RFI): Issuing a request for public input to inform program design;
  • Expert Input: Soliciting expert input on key program design questions from EPA’s Federal Advisory Committees including the Local Government Advisory Committee, Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee;
  • Listening Sessions: Launching a stakeholder listening session series to enable key stakeholders including environmental justice communities, state and local governments, clean energy advocates, labor, and others to provide input directly to EPA staff; and
  • New Webpage: Creating a one-stop shop for information on the implementation of Inflation Reduction Act programs managed by EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation.

EPA has published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comment on six public dockets that correspond to Inflation Reduction Act provisions in the law.

Public Encouraged to Review and Comment in Six Public Dockets


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


EPA Webinar: Sensor Pods for Volatile Organic Compound Fenceline Monitoring and Data Analysis

Thursday, December 1, 2022, | 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET | Register Here

This webinar will review progress from EPA SPod prototypes to commercially available versions with example field applications. We will describe the best use practices for the SPod, as well as EPA’s SPod set up and operation procedures. We will discuss development of an EPA software system called the Sensor Network Intelligent Emissions Locator (SENTINEL). This open-source analysis tool will help users transform SPod fence line sensor data into quality assured and easily visualized emission source information. Lastly, we outline emerging partnerships with EPA Region 4 (Southeast) and others that will help make these NGEM systems available to various groups.


University of Oregon Webinar Series: Addressing Equity and Environmental Justice in the Forest Service’s Wildfire Crisis Strategy

  1. Considering Equity in Wildfire Risk and Protection Thurs. Dec. 1, 10am PDT —– REGISTER:
  • Webinar #4 in the Equity in Environmental Justice Series This webinar will summarize recent research examining the equity implications of rising wildfire risk and associated costs, including insurance coverage and the comparative costs for risk management activities in populations with different incomes.
  • Presented by: Matthew R. Auer; The University of Georgia School of Public and International Affairs


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) FY2022 Appropriations

To View Report, Click Here.

This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should not be relied upon for purposes other than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in connection with CRS’s institutional role.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


New Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains the key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

More detailed information about the contents of these new materials can be found in the attached document.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (, Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions for NTAA webinars* When you register for GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a rollcall, ultimately saving time. For other NTAA calls, NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

January 5,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, December 8,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! November 30,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET (tentative)

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, December 15, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professional (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.  New courses have been added, so check it out!


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.


ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Climate Change / Energy

The first in-person National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) was an absolute success! We are excited to announce that the session recordingsthe highlight reel, and the slide deck overview are now available.

A special thanks to all who attended and made NTICC 2022 possible. For more information, check out the NTICC website.


RFI EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – $5 billion

Deadline: January 18, 2023

This RFI is for a program to help eligible entities to help plan and implement climate pollution reduction strategies. Click here for more information.


NEW! The U.S. IRS seeks comments on upcoming energy guidance. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued three notices asking for comments on different aspects of extensions and enhancements of energy tax benefits in the Inflation Reduction Act.

  •  Notice 2022-56 requests comments related to the qualified commercial clean vehicles provisions and the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property.
  • Notice 2022-57 requests comments related to the credit for carbon capture.
  • Notice 2022-58 requests comments related to the credit for the production of clean hydrogen and the clean fuel production credit.

The IRS is requesting that those interested in providing feedback to the questions in the notices follow the instructions in the notices to reply by December 3, 2022. The latest information on energy guidance and other issues related to the Inflation Reduction Act is available on a special page on


REMINDER! U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Webinar: 2022 Tribal Energy Webinar Series: Tribes Leading the Way to a More Sustainable Energy Future

December 7, 2022, | 11:00 AM – 1:00 Pm MST | Register Here

Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy, the 2022 Tribal Energy Webinar Series will focus on how Tribes can position themselves to participate in the energy transition to the benefit of their communities and future generations. Tribes have been working toward a more sustainable future for many years. This webinar will highlight projects across Indian Country and rural Alaska that demonstrate successful steps toward a cleaner energy future.


USDA Seeks Input from Tribal Leaders on Advancing Clean Energy for Tribal Communities Through the Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2022 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced that USDA will host a Tribal consultation on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

Tribal leaders and their proxies are invited to give input on new funding authorities under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that will help advance clean energy for people living in Tribal communities. Tribes, Tribal enterprises, Tribal utilities and other non-Tribal applicants may be eligible for funding under the IRA programs offered by USDA.

To attend the consultation, visit the Tribal Consultation on the IRA webinar registration page []. To learn more, read the full Tribal Consultation Notification [].


Toxics/Mobile Sources

REMINDER! EPA Announcing IRA Clean Ports Funding Listening Sessions

IRA Clean Ports Funding Listening Session #1 | December 6, 2022, | 1:00 – 3:00 PM ET | Register Here

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) provides EPA with $3 billion to fund zero-emission port equipment and technology and to help ports develop climate action plans to reduce air pollutants at U.S. ports. This new funding program will build on EPA’s Ports Initiative that the Agency established to ensure that our nation’s ports, a critical part of our infrastructure and supply chain, help address public health and environmental impacts on surrounding communities. See below for legislative text enabling this historic funding program:

This session will begin with a brief overview of the legislation and conclude with an interactive listening session. We encourage all to attend, whether you work at a port, work with near-port communities, or simply are interested in helping ports transition to zero-emissions. Please come prepared to share your feedback on the program, including:


  1. What types of zero-emission port technologies or related planning support do you see as most critical for delivering emissions reductions?
  2. What do you see as the biggest hurdles to transitioning to zero-emission port equipment?
  3. How do you see this program complementing other available funding programs (e.g., at EPA, other federal or state programs) that can support efforts to reduce emissions at ports?
  4. How would you like to see funding for zero-emission port technology, related planning and permitting, and development of climate action plans work together? Should the funding opportunities be sequenced or combined?
  5. How can we help ensure this program addresses concerns of near-port communities and advances environmental justice?

For more information, please visit our website:

If you have any questions or feedback, please email: [email protected]


Indoor Air Quality

New! Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: To be determined Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners

This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments.


REMINDER! EPA Seeks Information to Support Indoor Air Quality Management Improvements to Reduce Disease Transmission and Improve Public Health

Comments must be submitted by December 5, 2022.

Building upon the Biden-Harris Administration’s Clean Air in Buildings Challenge, a key component of the President’s National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking public comment to inform efforts by EPA and others to support the widespread adoption of actions that lead to improvements in indoor air quality in the nation’s building stock, with a particular emphasis on schools and commercial buildings, to help reduce disease transmission indoors and improve public health. For more information, see FR Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0794


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!



Our mission is to advance air quality management policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests, and unique legal status of American Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives.

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