About Us: Executive Committee

Lisa Gover
Region 9 (Alt)
Gila River Indian Community
Email: [email protected]
Lisa Gover has worked with Native Nations across the Americas. She is an enrolled member of the Pawnee Nation and a Comanche descendant. Born in Oklahoma, Both nationally and internationally, she is versed in a wide array of issues of Tribal Government and of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas. She served as the Director of the Campo Environmental Protection Agency during which time she was the Campo Band’s delegate to several State and National Partnership Groups including the National Tribal Air Association (NTAA). Though environmental protection and natural resources has been the focus of her professional career, she researches and provides policy advice in many areas of tribal government, economic development, tribal program administration and inter-governmental relations.
She currently serves as Region 9 Tribal Caucus Policy Advisor under the EPA cooperative agreement with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe and is conducting some important policy work on the Pawnee Nation Governing Documents Committee and Delegate in the Pawnee Nation Constitution Convention (2022).