TOP STORIES/HEADLINES: Week of March 2-6, 2020


The Voices of Grand Canyon

Read, listen, watch, and learn in this story map about the native people of the Grand Canyon region. Jim Enote (Zuni), Nikki Cooley (Navajo), Leigh Kuwanwisiwma (Hopi), Coleen Kaska, (Havasupai), and Loretta Jackson-Kelly (Hualapai) share what the Grand Canyon means to them and what they know in their hearts to be true.


Indian Country Today – Tribes ‘cannot afford to lose’ the National Environmental Policy Act

Editor’s Note: The NTAA has posted a Policy Resource Kit, including a Tribal Template Letter, to aid your Tribe in commenting on the NEPA proposed changes. Comments are due into the White House by March 10, 2020.


Deadline for submitting proposals for the NTFAQ has been extended to March 20, 2020

The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals and the National Tribal Air Association invite you to submit a proposal to present or conduct a session during the upcoming National Tribal Forum on Air Quality, scheduled for May 27-29, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The deadline for submitting proposals has been extended to March 20, 2020! We accept requests from tribal organizations, federal and local government agencies, colleges and universities, and other public and private sector representatives working in the field of air quality. In addition to traditional presentations or panel sessions, we encourage proposals with interactive elements, including demonstrations, roundtable discussions, listening sessions, workshopping opportunities, educational activities, special caucuses or other stakeholder meetings. To submit a request to present, or for more details on options, please visit this link.


EPA Announces Supplement to Science Transparency Proposed Rule

The NTAA commented on the original proposal, Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science, on August 13, 2018. Once this supplement is published in the Federal Register, there will be a 30 day comment period. The NTAA will be publishing a Fact Sheet, Tribal Template Letter, and Comment Letter as quickly as possible. Stay tuned!



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

The Hill – Lawmakers grill EPA chief over push to slash agency’s budget


Inside Climate News – Breathing Polluted Air Shortens People’s Lives by an Average of 3 Years, a New Study Finds


US News – US Judge Cancels Oil and Gas Leases on Some Sage Grouse Land


PRNewswire – OG&E announces new solar projects with Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes; solar energy centers to be built in Davis and Durant, Oklahoma


EPA – EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler Calls for Applications to Develop and Implement National Environmental Education Training Program


Native Sun News – LaCreek, Pass Creek vote to accept KXL Pipeline money


Indian Country Today – Tribal leader: Border wall is ‘needlessly destructive’


Indian Country Today – Pebble Mine is on the ‘fast track’


Yes Magazine – Indigenous Blockades Don’t Just Decry Destruction – They Affirm Life


ENN – CO2 Tracking in Space


Daily Herald – Doctor’s orders: Does air pollution cause depression?


Gizmodo – China’s Air Pollution Rates Plummet after Coronavirus Lockdown


National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update


Climate Change/Energy

Utility Dive – Spending more on renewables ‘inappropriate,’ as technology is already viable: DOE Secretary


Grist – What would it take to get more farmers fighting climate change?


Reuters – Canada’s Trudeau to seek industry, indigenous input to define climate plan


WPR – Dairy State: Cheese Producers Wrestle with Climate Change amid Already Struggling Industry


Omaha World Herald – Will simple economics deal fatal blow to long-delayed Keystone XL pipeline?


The Guardian – Vital COP26 climate talks could be derailed by coronavirus


NPR – Better Late Than Never? Big Companies Scramble to Make Lofty Climate Promises


Ensia – 3 Ways to tell if Corporations are Genuine about Fighting Climate Change


NPR – Alaska Feels the Brunt as Investors Promise Retreat on Fossil Fuels


Indian Country Today – Scientists have long warned about link between pandemics and climate change


Yes Magazine – An Aspirational Vision of Life after Fossil Fuels


NY Times – Oil Industry Tool to Spare Polar Bears Is More Miss than Hit


NY Times – How a Trump Insider Embeds Climate Denial in Scientific Research


Toxics/Mobile Sources

US EPA – Agency Releases Annual Automotive Trends Report Showing Marginal Increases in Fuel Economy


Bloomberg – China’s Megacity Drivers Leading New Push to Cheap EV Batteries


NPR – Citing Climate Commitments, U.K. Court Blocks New Runway at Heathrow Airport


Reveal News – EPA scientists found a toxic chemical damages fetal hearts. The Trump White House rewrote their assessment.


Indoor Air Quality

Be sure to subscribe to EPA’s IAQ Bulletins

2020-03-04T15:23:42+00:00March 4th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

TOP STORIES/HEADLINES: Week of February 21-24, 2020



Don’t forget about today’s NTAA Informational Webinar at 4 pm ET to help you comment on the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register to update its regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

The White House claims these updates would modernize and clarify the regulations to facilitate more efficient, effective, and timely NEPA reviews by Federal agencies in connection with proposals for agency action and would also reduce paperwork and delays and promote better decisions in accordance with section 101 of NEPA.

Comments are due March 10, 2020. You can register for the webinar here. NTAA has a Policy Resource Kit you can use to comment that includes this NTAA Tribal Template Letter. For additional information, including information on upcoming public hearings in Denver, CO and Washington, DC, visit


Atlantic – Voters Really Care About Climate Change



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

AZ Central – ‘Everybody used coal’: After mine closures, Native families look for ways to stay warm


The Conversation – Air pollution kills thousands of Americans every year – here’s a low-cost strategy to reduce the toll


New York Post – North Dakota approves extension to controversial Dakota Access Pipeline


EPA – EPA Proposes Additional Amendments to the Regulations for Coal Combustion Residuals


EPA – EPA’s 2019 Power Plant Emissions Data Demonstrate Significant Progress


Colorlines – Sacred Indigenous Burial Sites Destroyed to Make Room for Border Wall


Native Sun News – Rollback of environmental law lambasted


Native Sun News – Oglala officials demand probe into $50K ‘propane donation’ from KXL


Cronkite News – Tribal officials press for more, and more predictable, federal funding


MSU Today – Neighborhood Air Pollution Linked to Adverse Health Effects among Elderly Asthma Patients


National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update


Climate Change/Energy

Inside Climate News – Solar Power Just Miles from the Arctic Circle? In Icy Nordic Climes, It’s become the Norm


CNN – Oil and gas production is contributing even more to global warming than was thought, study finds


Allegheny Front – Amid Climate Debate and Coal’s Decline, West Virginia considers a ‘Just Transition’


NPR – How Warming Winters Are Affecting Everything


NPR – ‘Antarctica Melts,’ NASA Says, Showing Effects of A Record Warm Spell


Ensia – Opinion: Climate Change is the New Disease of Despair. Psychologists Need to Step Up to Help.


E&E News – Northeast keeps largest coal plant online


Arizona Republic – Rising temperatures are taking a worsening toll on the Colorado River, study finds


Yes Magazine – What U.S. Farming Can Do to Stop Climate Change


Toxics/Mobile Sources


New York Times – One Side of a Nuclear Waste Fight: Trump. The Other: His Administration


KNAU – Navajo and Federal Officials Agree To Clean Up 24 Priority Abandoned Uranium Mines


Inside Climate News – Uber and Lyft Are Convenient, Competitive and Highly Carbon Intensive


Indoor Air Quality

Gizmodo – Airing out Your Home Doesn’t Reduce Indoor Air Pollution, Study Finds


Medical Xpress – Report highlights impact of poor indoor air quality on children’s health


Be sure to subscribe to EPA’s IAQ Bulletins

2020-02-26T16:24:58+00:00February 26th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

TOP STORIES/HEADLINES: Week of February 17-21, 2020


The National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTFAQ) has issued a Call for Proposals for Presentations, Workshops, and Sessions

The NTFAQ will be held May 27-29, 2020, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and will be hosted by the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Click HERE for details on the Call for Proposals; the deadline for proposals is Monday, March 2, 2020. We are also actively seeking Sponsors and Exhibitors for the event – show your support and engage with attendees! More information is available at


Have your voice heard and be sure to use NTAA’s Policy Resource Kits!

NTAA’s Policy Resource Kits are available for Tribes to use to submit comments on both EPA’s Cleaner Trucks Initiative by tomorrow, February 20th and for the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) that issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register to update its regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A letter for tribes to use will be available tomorrow and comments are due by March 10. NTAA will also be hosting an informational webinar on Wednesday, February 26 at 4 pm ET. You can register for the webinar here.



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Washington Post – The EPA is about to change a rule cutting mercury pollution. The industry doesn’t want it.


NPR – Canadian Pipeline Protest Forces Closure of Major Rail Link


KNAU – Trump Administration Proposes Eliminating Tribal Scholarships for Third Year in a Row


EPA – EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler Op-ed: One Trillion Trees Initiative will build on President Donald Trump’s commitment


E&E News – Trump adviser to return to EPA as chief of staff


Native Sun News – Oglala tribal staff caps water well with uranium in it


Cronkite News – Blasting for border wall is typical of feds’ neglect of tribes, leaders say


Science Magazine – Deadly air pollution is blowing into your state from a surprisingly large source


National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update


Climate Change/Energy

Native Sun News – Bringing jobs to Pine Ridge by way of solar energy


Yale Environment 360 – How Native Tribes Are Taking the Lead on Planning for Climate Change


KNAU – Navajo Nation Files to Intervene In Arizona Utility Rate Case


E&E News – ‘Breakthrough’ membrane turns CO2 into fuel


E&E News – Many Americans wary of climate-friendly diet – survey


Indian Country Today – Navajo-owned coal company wins liability waiver from Wyoming


Indian Country Today – Trump administration seeks $1.5 billion to revive uranium mining


NY Times – A Crisis Right Now: San Francisco and Manila Face Rising Seas


CarbonBrief – How close is the West Antarctic ice sheet to a ‘tipping point’?


E&E News – Work begins on key climate report under Trump


The Hill – With polar bear study open for comments, critics see effort to push drilling in ANWR


Toxics/Mobile Sources

The Atlantic – ‘We Knew They Had Cooked the Books’


NPR – Amid Climate and Housing Crises, Cities Struggle to Place Housing Near Transit


NY Times – Trump’s Path to Weaker Fuel Efficiency Rules May Lead to a Dead End


Indoor Air Quality

ENN – University of Notre Dame-Developed Home Lead Screening Kits Shown to Be Highly Accurate


Washington Post – What you need to know about air purifiers, including little evidence of health benefits


Be sure to subscribe to EPA’s IAQ Bulletins

2020-02-19T16:47:28+00:00February 19th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

TOP STORIES/HEADLINES: Week of February 10-14, 2020

The NTAA Executive Committee is Meeting This Week in Washington, D.C.

The NTAA EC is meeting this week with top EPA administration officials in Washington, D.C., to ensure the NTAA’s mission to advance air quality management policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests, and unique legal status of Indian Tribes, remains at the forefront of EPA’s practices.

The NTAA Executive Committee met with Miles Keogh and Karen Mongoven from the National Association of Clean Air Agencies during the first day of meetings in Washington, D.C. More meetings with EPA leadership are planned for today and the rest of the week.


NTAA has released a Policy Resource Kit to help Tribes respond to EPA’s Proposed Cleaner Trucks Initiative

EPA is developing a new rulemaking, the Cleaner Trucks Initiative (CTI), to address NOx emissions from new heavy-duty trucks and engines. On January 6, Administrator Wheeler signed an Advance Notice of Proposed Rule (ANPR). EPA is targeting a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in late spring 2020, followed by a Final Rulemaking approximately a year later. Comments are due on February 20, 2020, but NTAA has requested an extension of the comment period by an additional 60 days. More information can be found on EPA’s Cleaner Trucks Initiative web page here.



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes – Air pollution costs $2.9 trillion a year: NGO


EPA – 2019 Year in Review Highlighting EPA Accomplishments and Environmental Progress


Axios – Global CO2 emissions were flat in 2019


Los Angeles Times – Former PG&E lawyer named new regional EPA chief in California


The Hill – Trump budget slashes EPA funding, environmental programs


The Guardian – Big polluters again allowed to lift emissions without penalty


Time – ‘It’s Insidious’: How Juul Pitched E-Cigs to Native American Tribes


Native News Online – The Rise of E-Cigarettes: How the Vaping Epidemic Impacts Indigenous Health & Culture


The Hill – Report finds 10 oil refineries with benzene above EPA’s ‘action level’


Indian Country Today – Tribal leaders call Bears Ears opening an ‘unlawful action’


Ensia – Can We Protect Nature By Giving It Legal Rights?


Native Sun News – Native lawmakers weigh pipeline shield bills


National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update


Climate Change/Energy

Native Sun News – South Dakota PUC issues first permit for construction of a large-scale solar facility in Oglala Lakota County


NAU – Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals earns $3.2M grant to help tribes prepare for changing climate


Science Friday – How Native American Communities Are Addressing Climate Change


NY Times – Climate FWD: One thing that’s getting done: Solar power for Navajo homes


NPR – Canadian Court Clears the Way for Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion


NPR – Bumblebees Are Disappearing Because Of Extreme Heat


NPR – It Was 65 Degrees in Antarctica This Week


Ensia – Mexico City Is Proposing To Build One Of The World’s Largest Urban Parks. Will It Serve As A Climate Adaptation Example For Other Cities?


E&E News – Report: Onshore wind faces slowdown without a ‘game changer’


E&E News – NWS expects major flooding this spring for U.S. heartland


E&E News – Trump to propose deep cuts to energy, environment programs


CarbonBrief – Explainer: Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change


Cronkite News – Four Corners drought in 2018 was worsened by human-caused climate change, researchers say


Toxics/Mobile Sources

NPR – Pesticide Police, Overwhelmed By Dicamba Complaints, Ask EPA for Help


NPR – From Delivery Trucks to Scooter-Moving Vans, Fleets Are Going Electric


NY Times – ‘All Electric’ Movement Picks Up Speed, Catching Some off Guard


NY Times – Justice Department Drops Antitrust Probe against Automakers That Sided With California on Emissions


Juneau Empire – EPA: Alaska led nation in toxic chemical release


Indoor Air Quality

Top Wire News – How to reduce VOCs and increase indoor air quality


Salt Lake Tribune – Camryn Ernst: What about our indoor air quality?


Be sure to subscribe to EPA’s IAQ Bulletins

2020-02-12T16:30:04+00:00February 12th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

TOP STORIES/HEADLINES: Week of February 3-7,2020


The National Tribal Air Association is hiring a Program Coordinator!

NTAA is seeking a Program Coordinator to help NTAA’s Staff and Executive Committee achieve NTAA’s mission. NTAA was founded in 2002 with a mission to advance air quality management policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests, and unique legal status of American Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives. NTAA is administered by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) at Northern Arizona University and is the recipient of a three-year cooperative agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agreement.

Click here to visit NAU’s careers website to complete your application. The job is posted until 11:59 pm on February 13, 2020, so be sure to get your application in by then! Contact Andy Bessler at with any questions


  1. Select the link to access our careers site.
  2. Sign In to access your account or if you are not an existing user select the New User link to create one.
  3. Review the job description and select the Apply button to begin your application.


NTAA Publishes a Fact Sheet on the Cleaner Trucks Initiative

The EPA’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking titled “Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine Standards” (also known as the Cleaner Trucks Initiative, or CTI) was published in the Federal Register with a comment deadline of February 20, 2020. The NTAA has published a Fact Sheet to help Tribes understand this issue and develop comments. The NTAA will also publish a Tribal template letter prior to the comment deadline.



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

CNN – Even short-term exposure to low levels of air pollution can increase risk of cardiac arrest


Ensia – As Tensions Rise along the U.S.-Mexico Border, Cross-Border Ecosystems Suffer


Indian Country Today – Trump pushes for uranium production near Grand Canyon


Indianz – The Revelator: Residents of small town derail fracking operation


High Country News – The Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians celebrates federal recognition


ENN – Bats Inspire Detectors to Help Prevent Oil and Gas Pipe Leaks


National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update


Climate Change/Energy

Vox – Tree planting is Trump’s politically safe new climate plan


Ensia – Opinion: Two Decades Ago Climate Communication Missed a Huge Opportunity. We Can’t Afford to Let That Happen Again.


High Country News – Tom Udall: It’s past time we confront the climate and nature crises


NY Times – Temperatures at a Florida-Size Glacier in Antarctica Alarm Scientists


NY Times – 3 Easy Ways to Save Energy without Extra Effort


CarbonBrief – Tropical forests losing ability to absorb CO2, study says


ENN – Immune Systems Not Prepared for Climate Change


Quartz – Get ready for a year of climate emergency declarations


Arizona Daily Sun – Petition pushes Flagstaff City Council to pass climate emergency resolution


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA – EPA Advances New Initiative to Reduce Polluting Emissions from Trucks in Arizona


Utility Dive – At a crossroads: The connected future of EVs, solar, energy storage and software


Indoor Air Quality

The Guardian – Give council’s powers to tackle indoor air pollution, experts urge


Be sure to subscribe to EPA’s IAQ Bulletins

2020-02-05T16:26:33+00:00February 5th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

TOP STORIES/HEADLINES: Week of January 27-31,2020


Seeking nominations for Alaska’s Alternate Representative on the National Tribal Air Association Executive Committee!

The nomination deadline has been extended to February 14, 2020

For more information on this opportunity, please contact Kayla Krauss at, Ann Wyatt (NTAA’s current Alaska representative) at 907-755-2265 or, or Andy Bessler at 928-523-0526 or


NTAA is producing two new Policy Resource Kits for Tribes to use to respond to important policy proposals.

Public comment periods are open for EPA’s proposed Cleaner Trucks Initiative until February 20, 2020 and for the White House Council on Environmental Quality’s Proposal to update its NEPA Implementing Regulations, comments are due by March 10, 2020. Please visit NTAA’s Policy Resource Kit page for more information.



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

The Hill – More than 320 groups seek more time to comment on Trump environmental law changes

EPA – EPA proposes to approve Utah’s regional haze plan

The Hill – One-third of Americans experienced poor air quality due to pollution in 2018: study

NPR – Trump Administration Cuts Back Federal Protections for Streams and Wetlands

EPA – EPA and Army Deliver on President Trump’s Promise to Issue the Navigable Waters Protection Rule – a New Definition of WOTUS

Science Daily – Air pollution in New York City linked to wildfires hundreds of miles away

Science Daily – High air pollution exposure in 1-year-olds linked to structural brain changes at age 12

City Metric – Here’s why air pollution affects mental health

AP News – Navajo lawmakers opt for smaller buffer around national park

National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update


Climate Change/Energy

AZ Central – Navajo look to Arizona utilities to make up for coal losses

E&E News – Grid congestion costs billions, stymies renewables

Indian Country Today – Navajo coal plant is the next to close; the end of an industry

Forbes – The Pacific Ocean Is So Acidic That It’s Dissolving Dungeness Crabs

Yes Magazine – The Time for Postponing Climate Action Is Over

Yes Magazine – Strength from Grief: How Aboriginal People Experience the Bushfire Crisis

Utility Dive – NYC’s roofs are getting a sustainable makeover, but is green or solar better?

Folio – Four ways climate change is affecting our health – and what we can do about it

The Hill – EPA fails to provide scientific evidence backing claim climate change damage was ’50 to 75 years out’


Toxics/Mobile Sources

AP – Trump ups mileage proposal, but it’s well below Obama plan

Cheddar – Steer Car Subscription Service Trying to Reduce Barriers to Electric Vehicles, Says CEO

E&E News – World’s largest renewable developer bets on EVs

Utility Dive – Automakers: New tech, battery advances will curb EV range anxiety

Air Quality News – Electrification of waste collection vehicles could improve localized air pollution


Indoor Air Quality

Lexology – Air Quality: Government urged to bring in radical indoor air quality legislation

Be sure to subscribe to EPA’s IAQ Bulletins

2020-01-29T16:46:41+00:00January 29th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

TOP STORIES/HEADLINES: Week of January 20-24,2020



Save the Date for the 2020 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTFAQ)!

          This year’s annual conference will be held on May 27-29, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the River Spirit Hotel and Casino. The 2020 NTFAQ host Tribe is the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. The NTFAQ provides environmental professionals from tribes, EPA, and other organizations an opportunity to meet and discuss current policies, regulatory initiatives, and technical topics in air quality. The NTFAQ is a cooperative endeavor co-sponsored by The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the National Tribal Air Association (NTAA), made possible by funding from US EPA and our generous sponsors. Online registration will start in February so check back on ITEP’s website!



NTAA Chairman Discusses Indoor Air Quality on Native America Calling

In case you missed Tuesday’s broadcast of the radio show, Native America Calling, NTAA Chairman Wilfred J. Nabahe was joined by EPA’s Dave Rowson and former EPA staff and IAQ expert Priyanka Pathak were all on the hour-long show to speak about IAQ in Indian Country. You can listen to the broadcast on the Native America Calling home page.


Federal Register Publication Notice: EPA’s Cleaner Trucks Initiative — Advance Notice of Proposed Rule

The EPA’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rule (ANPR) titled “Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine Standardshas been published in the Federal Register. Please note that the 30-day comment period for this ANPR began Monday, January 21, 2020, and all comments must be submitted on or before February 20, 2020. The EPA websites, ANPR: Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine Standards

and Cleaner Trucks Initiative will be updated, replacing the earlier “pre-publication” version of the ANPR with the official version in the link above. The NTAA will be submitting a request for comment extension as well as developing a Policy Resource Kit.



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NPR – Elk Raise Tensions Between Tribes And Farmers In Washington’s Skagit Valley


EPA – EPA Grant Will Support Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma’s Environmental Programs


Native Sun News – Town okays water for KXL: tribes hold out – Chemists find fungal shrapnel in the air


Illinois News Bureau – New study examines mortality costs of air pollution in US


National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update


Climate Change/Energy

AZ Central – APS will eliminate carbon emissions by 2050 and close coal plant ahead of schedule, CEO says


Utility Dive – Proposed 2.2 GW storage project plans to use Navajo coal station power-lines


Indian Country Today – Beyond coal: Building out solar


Native News Online – Navajo Nation Announces Solar Partnership With Salt River Project


Rolling Stone – America’s Radioactive Secret


E&E News – Regulator nixes NEPA reviews for plutonium production


NPR – Microsoft Pledges to Remove From the Atmosphere All the Carbon It Has Ever Emitted


NPR – Kids’ Climate Case ‘Reluctantly’ Dismissed By Appeals Court


E&E News – Closing the ozone hole helped slow polar warming


E&E News – Land battles threaten wind, solar build-out – report


E&E News – LNG plant explosion raises concerns about federal oversight


Indian Country Today – ‘Climate change is happening now, and we are seeing the effects of it’


NY Times – Climate Change Takes Center Stage in Davos


Utility Dive – 2020 Outlook: Renewables, resilience and reliability needs will drive storage


The Guardian – Study finds shock rise in levels of potent greenhouse gas


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA – EPA visit to Navajo Shippers highlights Cleaner Trucks Initiative and Colorado trucking community’s leadership on clean air


NY Times – China Says It Will Ban Plastics That Pollute Its Land and Water


NY Times – I Quit Cars


AZ Daily Sun – Why cutting car and truck emissions is so hard


Ogden Standard Examiner – Utah doctors’ group sues another vehicle business over air pollution


Indoor Air Quality

Science Daily – School indoor air quality cannot be reliably assessed based on pupils’ symptoms


Fatherly – The Air in Your Home Is Making Your Family Sick. Here’s what to do about it.


KVOE – Attorney General wants to add vaping provisions to Clean Indoor Air Act


Be sure to subscribe to EPA’s IAQ Bulletins

2020-01-22T16:40:41+00:00January 22nd, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

TOP STORIES: Week of January 13-17, 2020


Native News OnlineTribal Leaders Hope Large South Dakota Solar Project Becomes Model for Others


Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the West Coast Collaborative Partners Meeting April 13-15, 2020

The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the Green Transportation Summit & Expo (GTSE) have partnered to provide 25 complimentary full-conference passes to the Green Transportation Summit & Expo in Tacoma this April 13-15. The GTSE is the Pacific Northwest’s premier clean fleet and transportation event, focusing on fleets, fuels, technologies, policy & practice, with a regional focus and a national scope. We will provide you the opportunity to see, touch, drive, and learn about new transportation technologies firsthand, such as electric, hydrogen, natural gas and propane-powered heavy-duty vehicles, off-road utility vehicles, generators, and others. Workshops on DERA, VW funding, other federal funding opportunities, and alternative fuels will be presented. Please join us at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center for the 10th annual GTSE to learn about clean transportation, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollutants, and costs in your fleet operations. To learn more about the conference, check out our website. To receive the code for the complimentary passes, please contact ITEP’s Dara Marks Marino at

2020-01-16T23:03:35+00:00January 15th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

HEADLINES: Week of January 13-17,2020


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Gizmodo – UN Tells Canada to Stop Building the Trans Mountain Pipeline


NPR – California Reservation’s Solar Microgrid Provides Power during Utility Shutoffs


CNN – Australia’s indigenous people have a solution for the country’s bushfires. And it has been around for 50,000 years


NPR – With Their Land in Flames, Aboriginals Warn Fires Show Deep Problems in Australia


Lewiston Sun Journal – Sweeping recommendations would overhaul Maine’s Indian land claims act


Indianz – Damming Little Colorado River for power projects is opposed by tribes, environmentalists


The Intercept – The War on the War on Cancer


New York Times – Why Is Air Pollution So Harmful? DNA May Hold the Answer


National Association of Clean Air Agencies – Washington Update


NEPA Changes

The Hill – Critics warn Trump’s latest environmental rollback could hit minorities, poor hardest


NPR – Trump Administration Proposes Major Changes to Bedrock Environmental Law


NY Times – Trump’s Move against Landmark Environmental Law Caps a Relentless Agenda


Utility Dive – Trump infrastructure proposal impacts ‘virtually every’ federal decision on environment: DOI Secretary


Climate Change/Energy

NPR – Hopi Look to Tourism, Ranching For Income after Coal Power Plant Closure


Reuters – BlackRock vows tougher stance on climate after activist heat


Ensia – How Can We Adapt to Climate Change? This Online Hub Has Answers


Ensia – More and More Homeowners Are Renovating Existing Homes to Make Them “Net Zero” Energy Consumers. Here’s How.


E&E News – Scientists see promise in new solar panel material


Utility Dive – Tri-State to shut New Mexico, Colorado coal plants by 2030, but move may not satisfy unhappy members


PR Newswire – Deloitte-Ballard Joint White Paper Assesses Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Solutions for Transportation


E&E News – Kan. should ease costs of aging coal plants – study


E&E News – DOE publishes first new efficiency standards since 2017


E&E News – Warming cost the U.S. an extra $24B – research


Reuters – U.S. coal-fired power plants closing fast despite Trump’s pledge of support for industry


Indianz – Trump administration’s push for U.S. uranium production opposed near Grand Canyon


NY Times – 2019 Was Second Hottest Year on Record


Utility Dive – DOE unveils plan to make US global storage leader by 2030, reduce foreign dependence


Utility Dive – Renewable advocates highlight ‘most effective’ path to net-zero emissions as House releases clean energy proposal


ENN – Pathways to a Low-Carbon Future


Toxics/Mobile Sources

Reuters – Trump administration moves closer to rolling back U.S. vehicle fuel economy increases


EPA – EPA Jumpstarts Cleaner Trucks Initiative


Reuters – Trump administration moves closer to rolling back U.S. vehicle fuel economy increases


Jalopnik – One of Climate Change’s Biggest Contributors Is in Your Car, But its Not Coming From the Tailpipe


EPA – Punch It Performance and Tuning Agrees to Stop Selling Illegal Devices That Defeat Emissions Control Systems of Vehicles in the Wake of Clean Air Act Enforcement Action


Indian Country Today – Drive. Ride. Rethink.


Yes Magazine – What We Could Do With a $5 Carbon Charge on Your Flight


Indoor Air Quality

Vox – Installing air filters in classrooms has surprisingly large educational benefits


EPA – Prevent Lung Cancer: Test Your Home for Radon


Be sure to subscribe to EPA’s IAQ Bulletins

2020-01-16T23:03:28+00:00January 15th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|

TOP STORIES: Week of January 6-10, 2020

Virgil Masayesva Excellence Award and TAMS Steering Committee

The TAMS Center is announcing a call for nominations for the Virgil Masayesva Tribal Air Programs Excellence Award and three (3) positions on the TAMS Steering Committee.  Further information and the nomination forms are online and can be accessed at Virgil Masayesva Excellence Award Nomination Form and TAMS Steering Committee Nomination Form. The deadline to submit the nominations is February 28, 2020. We sincerely appreciate your time to consider submitting a nomination. For further information, please contact either Farshid Farsi, TAMS-EPA Codirector ( or 702-784-8263), or Christopher Lee, TAMS-ITEP Codirector (

2020-01-16T23:02:57+00:00January 8th, 2020|TOP STORIES & HEADLINES|


Our mission is to advance air quality management policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests, and unique legal status of American Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives.

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