RESOURCES AND FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Week of September 13 – 17, 2021


Now Hiring!

NEW! The Santa Ana Pueblo’s Department of Natural Resources is hiring an Environmental Education Outreach Coordinator. The position will increase the understanding of the ecosystems on the Santa Ana Pueblo and environmental stewardship of the Pueblo’s lands by implementing all of the environmental education and outreach efforts for the Department of Natural Resources.

 You can apply here.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

 EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.


Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in August 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.


Indoor Air Quality

 Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

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2021-09-15T22:52:45+00:00September 15th, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

 Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

 EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.


Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in August 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.


Indoor Air Quality

 Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

You have received this email as a subscriber to the NTAA Weekly Update. To unsubscribe or modify your subscriptions, click the appropriate link below:

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2021-09-08T18:47:08+00:00September 8th, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|

RESOURCES AND FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Week of August 30 – September 3, 2021


Now Hiring!

NEW! Position Announcement – WGF Climate Change Outreach and Communication Fellow

Wisconsin’s Green Fire (WGF) is hiring a Climate Change Outreach and Communications Fellow (OCF) who will work with a team of partners and collaborators supporting Wisconsin communities in climate assessment and readiness planning. The position is open now and we are accepting applications through September 3rd. Link here for our full position description and application instructions.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.

To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!

Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!

To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.

Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in August 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.


Indoor Air Quality

Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!

The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.

Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

You have received this email as a subscriber to the NTAA Weekly Update. To unsubscribe or modify your subscriptions, click the appropriate link below:

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2021-09-01T18:09:13+00:00September 1st, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

NEW! Senior IT Leader and Information Management Official

To OAR Employees: OAR’s Office of Program Management and Operations has announced a vacancy for a GS-2210-15 IT Team Leader who will serve as Senior IT Leader and Information Management Official. The vacancy will close on August 30, 2021. The vacancy announcement may be viewed at this link.

US EPA Region 9 Superfund

There will be two upcoming opportunities to apply for multiple vacancies for Remedial Project Managers. The first opportunity, which is a recruitment effort for remedial project manager positions based out of EPA’s San Francisco office. The second opportunity that’s forthcoming will include an additional duty station on or near Navajo Nation.

See for full job description.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.

To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

On-Request Technical Assistance from DOE Office of Indian Energy

Applications Due: Not Applicable

Eligible Entities: tribal governments

The DOE Office of Indian Energy provides federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages, tribal energy resource development organizations, and other organized tribal groups and communities, with technical assistance to advance tribal energy projects at no cost. Technical experts from DOE and its national laboratories, along with other partnering organizations, provide support to assist Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages with energy planning, housing and building energy efficiency, project development, policy and regulation, resilience, and village power.

Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!

Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!

To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!

Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.

Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in August 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.


Indoor Air Quality

Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!

The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.

Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

You have received this email as a subscriber to the NTAA Weekly Update. To unsubscribe or modify your subscriptions, click the appropriate link below:

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2021-08-25T18:09:25+00:00August 25th, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

US EPA Region 9 Superfund

There will be two upcoming opportunities to apply for multiple vacancies for Remedial Project Managers. The first opportunity, which is a recruitment effort for remedial project manager positions based out of EPA’s San Francisco office. The second opportunity that’s forthcoming will include an additional duty station on or near Navajo Nation.

See for full job description.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes   

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.


EPA is now accepting applications for a total of $9 million in grants to fund about 24 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects to address stormwater runoff pollution from land into water bodies. EPA is also holding an applicant webinar.

  • August 20, 2021– Applications must be submitted via by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time / 10:59 p.m. Central Time. See Section IV of the grants announcements for further submission information.

EPA is requesting applications for projects in three categories; each one has a separate Funding Opportunity Number and will be posted separately on Applicants must apply for the specific funding opportunity they are interested in. Learn more about the three categories here.

State agencies, interstate agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations, local governments, institutions of higher learning and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for the GLRI grants in three categories. Individuals, foreign organizations and governments, nonprofit organizations exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that engage in lobbying, and “for-profit” organizations are not eligible to apply for funding under this request for application.

Click here for more information on how to apply. 

To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

 On-Request Technical Assistance from DOE Office of Indian Energy

Applications Due: Not Applicable

Eligible Entities: tribal governments

The DOE Office of Indian Energy provides federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages, tribal energy resource development organizations, and other organized tribal groups and communities, with technical assistance to advance tribal energy projects at no cost. Technical experts from DOE and its national laboratories, along with other partnering organizations, provide support to assist Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages with energy planning, housing and building energy efficiency, project development, policy and regulation, resilience, and village power.

Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!

Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!

To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.

Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in August 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.


Indoor Air Quality

Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!

The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.

Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here. You have received this email as a subscriber to the NTAA Weekly Update. To unsubscribe or modify your subscriptions, click the appropriate link below:

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2021-08-18T17:07:52+00:00August 18th, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

NEW! Santa Ana Pueblo Environmental Education Outreach Coordinator

Increases the understanding of the ecosystems on the Santa Ana Pueblo and environmental stewardship of the Pueblo’s lands by implementing all of the environmental education and outreach efforts for the Department of Natural Resources. Maintains confidentiality of all privileged information. **NOTE: job announcement will be initially opened to Pueblo members for a period of five (5) working days**

See the full job description

NEW! US EPA Region 9 Superfund

There will be two upcoming opportunities to apply for multiple vacancies for Remedial Project Managers. The first opportunity, which is a recruitment effort for remedial project manager positions based out of EPA’s San Francisco office. The second opportunity that’s forthcoming will include an additional duty station on or near Navajo Nation.

See for full job description.

Upper Sioux Environmental Specialist

Under direct supervision of the Environmental Director, the Environmental Specialist, will be responsible for carrying out the objectives of the Upper Sioux Community’s Office of the Environment. The Environmental Specialist will conduct environmental surveys and assessments, supervise field activities, monitor condition of Tribal natural resources, work closely with contractors and other governmental agencies to protect Tribal resources and aid other Tribal entities.

See the full job description


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.

Attention Region 9 Tribes! The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is accepting nominations from the public for the 2020-2021 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards by August 10, 2021. Since 2001, the has annually bestowed the distinguished Haagen-Smit Awards. The awards recognize extraordinary individuals who have made significant contributions toward improving air quality.

The selection criteria include: 1) Major accomplishments; 2) Contributions toward improving air quality and/or climate change, in terms of commitment, leadership, and innovation; 3) At least three letters of recommendation. Visit the CARB website to learn more about the awards program and past recipients. For more information please contact:

Assistant Secretary Sweeney Announces $3 Million Living Languages Grant Program Funding Opportunity

Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Tara Mac Lean Sweeney announced today that the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) is soliciting applications to the Living Languages Grant Program (LLGP). This $3 Million grant program will fund between 15 and 60 grants, ranging from $25,000-$200,000, to federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Native entities to document, preserve and revitalize Native languages and build active speaker capacity. IEED’s solicitation for LLGP funding and details on how to apply can be found in the Federal Register and at Grants.Gov.

EPA is now accepting applications for a total of $9 million in grants to fund about 24 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects to address stormwater runoff pollution from land into water bodies. EPA is also holding an applicant webinar.

  • August 20, 2021– Applications must be submitted via by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time / 10:59 p.m. Central Time. See Section IV of the grants announcements for further submission information.

EPA is requesting applications for projects in three categories; each one has a separate Funding Opportunity Number and will be posted separately on Applicants must apply for the specific funding opportunity they are interested in. Learn more about the three categories here.

State agencies, interstate agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations, local governments, institutions of higher learning and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for the GLRI grants in three categories. Individuals, foreign organizations and governments, nonprofit organizations exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that engage in lobbying, and “for-profit” organizations are not eligible to apply for funding under this request for application.

Click here for more information on how to apply.

To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy       

ClimateWorks Foundation Request for Proposals: Direct Air Capture and Environmental and Climate Justice

Proposals due: August 17, 2021

ClimateWorks is requesting proposals on topics with a joint focus on environmental and climate justice and Direct Air Capture (DAC) technologies in the United States. While not exhaustive, topics of interest include:

  • Community organizing, grassroots coalition building, and shifting power to historically underserved groups and individuals focused on climate and environmental justice.
  • Policy conceptualization, design and implementation related to issues including, but not limited to, mitigation deterrence, environmental or health impacts, benefit and risk sharing, job creation and workforce development, financing of projects, and community engagement and participation.
  • Research on issues related to the deployment of projects, or policy impacts and the implications with environmental and climate justice at the community level.

We welcome innovative proposals that have synergies with other climate strategies. Organizations led by Black and Indigenous people and other people of color, or youth, with annual budgets of less than $450,000 USD are strongly encouraged to apply.

On-Request Technical Assistance from DOE Office of Indian Energy

Applications Due: Not Applicable

Eligible Entities: tribal governments

The DOE Office of Indian Energy provides federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages, tribal energy resource development organizations, and other organized tribal groups and communities, with technical assistance to advance tribal energy projects at no cost. Technical experts from DOE and its national laboratories, along with other partnering organizations, provide support to assist Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages with energy planning, housing and building energy efficiency, project development, policy and regulation, resilience, and village power.

Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!

Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!

To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.

EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act’s Tribal Grants for FY21 Request for Applications are coming soon! More information can be found on this flyer and on this website. 

Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in March 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.


Indoor Air Quality

Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!

The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.

Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

You have received this email as a subscriber to the NTAA Weekly Update. To unsubscribe or modify your subscriptions, click the appropriate link below:

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2021-08-11T17:41:20+00:00August 11th, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

NEW! Santa Ana Pueblo Environmental Education Outreach Coordinator

Increases the understanding of the ecosystems on the Santa Ana Pueblo and environmental stewardship of the Pueblo’s lands by implementing all of the environmental education and outreach efforts for the Department of Natural Resources. Maintains confidentiality of all privileged information. **NOTE: job announcement will be initially opened to Pueblo members for a period of five (5) working days**

See the full job description

NEW! US EPA Region 9 Superfund

There will be two upcoming opportunities to apply for multiple vacancies for Remedial Project Managers. The first opportunity, which is a recruitment effort for remedial project manager positions based out of EPA’s San Francisco office. The second opportunity that’s forthcoming will include an additional duty station on or near Navajo Nation.

See for full job description.

Upper Sioux Environmental Specialist

Under direct supervision of the Environmental Director, the Environmental Specialist, will be responsible for carrying out the objectives of the Upper Sioux Community’s Office of the Environment. The Environmental Specialist will conduct environmental surveys and assessments, supervise field activities, monitor condition of Tribal natural resources, work closely with contractors and other governmental agencies to protect Tribal resources and aid other Tribal entities.

See the full job description

Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.

Attention Region 9 Tribes! The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is accepting nominations from the public for the 2020-2021 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards by August 10, 2021. Since 2001, the has annually bestowed the distinguished Haagen-Smit Awards. The awards recognize extraordinary individuals who have made significant contributions toward improving air quality.

The selection criteria include: 1) Major accomplishments; 2) Contributions toward improving air quality and/or climate change, in terms of commitment, leadership, and innovation; 3) At least three letters of recommendation. Visit the CARB website to learn more about the awards program and past recipients. For more information please contact:

Assistant Secretary Sweeney Announces $3 Million Living Languages Grant Program Funding Opportunity

Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Tara Mac Lean Sweeney announced today that the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) is soliciting applications to the Living Languages Grant Program (LLGP). This $3 Million grant program will fund between 15 and 60 grants, ranging from $25,000-$200,000, to federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Native entities to document, preserve and revitalize Native languages and build active speaker capacity. IEED’s solicitation for LLGP funding and details on how to apply can be found in the Federal Register and at Grants.Gov.

EPA is now accepting applications for a total of $9 million in grants to fund about 24 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects to address stormwater runoff pollution from land into water bodies. EPA is also holding an applicant webinar.

  • August 20, 2021– Applications must be submitted via by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time / 10:59 p.m. Central Time. See Section IV of the grants announcements for further submission information.

EPA is requesting applications for projects in three categories; each one has a separate Funding Opportunity Number and will be posted separately on Applicants must apply for the specific funding opportunity they are interested in. Learn more about the three categories here.

State agencies, interstate agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations, local governments, institutions of higher learning and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for the GLRI grants in three categories. Individuals, foreign organizations and governments, nonprofit organizations exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that engage in lobbying, and “for-profit” organizations are not eligible to apply for funding under this request for application.

Click here for more information on how to apply.

To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!

Climate Change/Energy

ClimateWorks Foundation Request for Proposals: Direct Air Capture and Environmental and Climate Justice

Proposals due: August 17, 2021

ClimateWorks is requesting proposals on topics with a joint focus on environmental and climate justice and Direct Air Capture (DAC) technologies in the United States. While not exhaustive, topics of interest include:

  • Community organizing, grassroots coalition building, and shifting power to historically underserved groups and individuals focused on climate and environmental justice.
  • Policy conceptualization, design and implementation related to issues including, but not limited to, mitigation deterrence, environmental or health impacts, benefit and risk sharing, job creation and workforce development, financing of projects, and community engagement and participation.
  • Research on issues related to the deployment of projects, or policy impacts and the implications with environmental and climate justice at the community level.

We welcome innovative proposals that have synergies with other climate strategies. Organizations led by Black and Indigenous people and other people of color, or youth, with annual budgets of less than $450,000 USD are strongly encouraged to apply.

On-Request Technical Assistance from DOE Office of Indian Energy

Applications Due: Not Applicable

Eligible Entities: tribal governments

The DOE Office of Indian Energy provides federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages, tribal energy resource development organizations, and other organized tribal groups and communities, with technical assistance to advance tribal energy projects at no cost. Technical experts from DOE and its national laboratories, along with other partnering organizations, provide support to assist Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages with energy planning, housing and building energy efficiency, project development, policy and regulation, resilience, and village power.

Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!

Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!

To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!

Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.

EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act’s Tribal Grants for FY21 Request for Applications are coming soon! More information can be found on this flyer and on this website.

Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in March 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.

Indoor Air Quality

Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!

The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.

Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here. You have received this email as a subscriber to the NTAA Weekly Update. To unsubscribe or modify your subscriptions, click the appropriate link below:

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2021-08-04T18:28:47+00:00August 4th, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!


Upper Sioux Environmental Specialist

Under direct supervision of the Environmental Director, the Environmental Specialist, will be responsible for carrying out the objectives of the Upper Sioux Community’s Office of the Environment. The Environmental Specialist will conduct environmental surveys and assessments, supervise field activities, monitor condition of Tribal natural resources, work closely with contractors and other governmental agencies to protect Tribal resources and aid other Tribal entities.

See the full job description


Tribal Program Manager, Energy

The goal of the EDF Energy Program is to bend the curve on greenhouse gas emissions from oil and gas production and use by 2030, while meeting the world’s energy needs cleanly and equitably. EDF seeks a talented and self-motivated Tribal Program Manager to play a critical role in the development and execution of EDF’s Navajo and Federal methane regulatory campaigns. The Manager will be an on-the-ground player in support of program initiatives and will develop and implement an outreach strategy with the Navajo Nation and tribes impacted by oil and gas pollution across the U.S. with the objective of raising awareness around the environmental and health hazards associated with oil and gas development and providing avenues and tools for engaging tribal communities in political and policy processes to reduce methane waste, air and climate pollution. More info here!


Events Coordinator, Senior

Northern Arizona University, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

We would like to invite you to visit our careers site to complete your application.


  1. Select the link to access our careers site.
  2. Sign In to access your account or if you are not an existing user select the New User link to create one.
  3. Review the job description and select the Apply button to begin your application.


National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA) Indigenous Fellow

This position is a 2-year fellowship opportunity for an emerging leader to:

  • Work on existing and/or develop new campaigns at NPCA that hold a personal and/or cultural significance to them and support NPCA’s mission.
  • Support NPCA’s growth and organizational development as a stronger ally with functional understanding of law and sovereignty, cultural sensitivity, and a basic knowledge of Indigenous history and experience.
  • Deepen NPCA’s capacity and awareness to understand and, if appropriate, to engage on intersectional Native American policy issues as it relates to NPS and public lands.

This is a budgeted position. NPCA is committed to diversity among its employees and hiring practices.  All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply by submitting your resume and cover letter directly online to


Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Position for the Navigating the New Arctic Community Office

Full Job Posting

This position will focus on supporting Arctic communities by facilitating local/regional NNA research partnerships and interfacing NNA research with Indigenous cultures, knowledge systems, and research needs. This position will work closely with the Office of Research and Community Engagement (ORCE) Director at APU and the NNA-CO team to advance the office’s support of use-inspired convergence research in the Arctic—collaborative research that deeply draws on information and expertise from across disciplines and knowledge systems to solve complex challenges. This position will uphold the Office’s vision and commitment to support the NNA community (researchers, Arctic community partners, Indigenous knowledge holders, decision-makers, etc.) through coordination, enhanced communication, and interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and institutional learning.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes


NEW! Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program).

Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.


Attention Region 9 Tribes! The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is accepting nominations from the public for the 2020-2021 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards by August 10, 2021. Since 2001, the has annually bestowed the distinguished Haagen-Smit Awards. The awards recognize extraordinary individuals who have made significant contributions toward improving air quality.

The selection criteria include: 1) Major accomplishments; 2) Contributions toward improving air quality and/or climate change, in terms of commitment, leadership, and innovation; 3) At least three letters of recommendation. Visit the CARB website to learn more about the awards program and past recipients. For more information please contact:


Assistant Secretary Sweeney Announces $3 Million Living Languages Grant Program Funding Opportunity

Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Tara Mac Lean Sweeney announced today that the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) is soliciting applications to the Living Languages Grant Program (LLGP). This $3 Million grant program will fund between 15 and 60 grants, ranging from $25,000-$200,000, to federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Native entities to document, preserve and revitalize Native languages and build active speaker capacity. IEED’s solicitation for LLGP funding and details on how to apply can be found in the Federal Register and at Grants.Gov.


EPA is now accepting applications for a total of $9 million in grants to fund about 24 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects to address stormwater runoff pollution from land into water bodies. EPA is also holding an applicant webinar.

  • August 20, 2021– Applications must be submitted via by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time / 10:59 p.m. Central Time. See Section IV of the grants announcements for further submission information.

EPA is requesting applications for projects in three categories; each one has a separate Funding Opportunity Number and will be posted separately on Applicants must apply for the specific funding opportunity they are interested in. Learn more about the three categories here.

State agencies, interstate agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations, local governments, institutions of higher learning and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for the GLRI grants in three categories. Individuals, foreign organizations and governments, nonprofit organizations exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that engage in lobbying, and “for-profit” organizations are not eligible to apply for funding under this request for application.

Click here for more information on how to apply.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy


ClimateWorks Foundation Request for Proposals: Direct Air Capture and Environmental and Climate Justice

Proposals due: August 17, 2021

ClimateWorks is requesting proposals on topics with a joint focus on environmental and climate justice and Direct Air Capture (DAC) technologies in the United States. While not exhaustive, topics of interest include:

  • Community organizing, grassroots coalition building, and shifting power to historically underserved groups and individuals focused on climate and environmental justice.
  • Policy conceptualization, design and implementation related to issues including, but not limited to, mitigation deterrence, environmental or health impacts, benefit and risk sharing, job creation and workforce development, financing of projects, and community engagement and participation.
  • Research on issues related to the deployment of projects, or policy impacts and the implications with environmental and climate justice at the community level.

We welcome innovative proposals that have synergies with other climate strategies. Organizations led by Black and Indigenous people and other people of color, or youth, with annual budgets of less than $450,000 USD are strongly encouraged to apply.


On-Request Technical Assistance from DOE Office of Indian Energy

Applications Due: Not Applicable

Eligible Entities: tribal governments

The DOE Office of Indian Energy provides federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages, tribal energy resource development organizations, and other organized tribal groups and communities, with technical assistance to advance tribal energy projects at no cost. Technical experts from DOE and its national laboratories, along with other partnering organizations, provide support to assist Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages with energy planning, housing and building energy efficiency, project development, policy and regulation, resilience, and village power.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources


EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.


Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in March 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.


Indoor Air Quality


Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.



Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.


2021-07-28T19:34:41+00:00July 28th, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

Upper Sioux Environmental Specialist

Under direct supervision of the Environmental Director, the Environmental Specialist, will be responsible for carrying out the objectives of the Upper Sioux Community’s Office of the Environment. The Environmental Specialist will conduct environmental surveys and assessments, supervise field activities, monitor condition of Tribal natural resources, work closely with contractors and other governmental agencies to protect Tribal resources and aid other Tribal entities.

See the full job description 

Tribal Program Manager, Energy

The goal of the EDF Energy Program is to bend the curve on greenhouse gas emissions from oil and gas production and use by 2030, while meeting the world’s energy needs cleanly and equitably. EDF seeks a talented and self-motivated Tribal Program Manager to play a critical role in the development and execution of EDF’s Navajo and Federal methane regulatory campaigns. The Manager will be an on-the-ground player in support of program initiatives and will develop and implement an outreach strategy with the Navajo Nation and tribes impacted by oil and gas pollution across the U.S. with the objective of raising awareness around the environmental and health hazards associated with oil and gas development and providing avenues and tools for engaging tribal communities in political and policy processes to reduce methane waste, air and climate pollution. More info here!

Events Coordinator, Senior

Northern Arizona University, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

We would like to invite you to visit our careers site to complete your application.


  1. Select the link to access our careers site.
  2. Sign In to access your account or if you are not an existing user select the New User link to create one.
  3. Review the job description and select the Apply button to begin your application.

National Parks and Conservation Association (NPCA) Indigenous Fellow

This position is a 2-year fellowship opportunity for an emerging leader to:

  • Work on existing and/or develop new campaigns at NPCA that hold a personal and/or cultural significance to them and support NPCA’s mission.
  • Support NPCA’s growth and organizational development as a stronger ally with functional understanding of law and sovereignty, cultural sensitivity, and a basic knowledge of Indigenous history and experience.
  • Deepen NPCA’s capacity and awareness to understand and, if appropriate, to engage on intersectional Native American policy issues as it relates to NPS and public lands.

This is a budgeted position. NPCA is committed to diversity among its employees and hiring practices.  All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply by submitting your resume and cover letter directly online to

Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Position for the Navigating the New Arctic Community Office

Full Job Posting

This position will focus on supporting Arctic communities by facilitating local/regional NNA research partnerships and interfacing NNA research with Indigenous cultures, knowledge systems, and research needs. This position will work closely with the Office of Research and Community Engagement (ORCE) Director at APU and the NNA-CO team to advance the office’s support of use-inspired convergence research in the Arctic—collaborative research that deeply draws on information and expertise from across disciplines and knowledge systems to solve complex challenges. This position will uphold the Office’s vision and commitment to support the NNA community (researchers, Arctic community partners, Indigenous knowledge holders, decision-makers, etc.) through coordination, enhanced communication, and interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and institutional learning.

Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Attention Region 9 Tribes! The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is accepting nominations from the public for the 2020-2021 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards by August 10, 2021. Since 2001, the has annually bestowed the distinguished Haagen-Smit Awards. The awards recognize extraordinary individuals who have made significant contributions toward improving air quality.

The selection criteria include: 1) Major accomplishments; 2) Contributions toward improving air quality and/or climate change, in terms of commitment, leadership, and innovation; 3) At least three letters of recommendation. Visit the CARB website to learn more about the awards program and past recipients. For more information please contact:

Assistant Secretary Sweeney Announces $3 Million Living Languages Grant Program Funding Opportunity

Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Tara Mac Lean Sweeney announced today that the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) is soliciting applications to the Living Languages Grant Program (LLGP). This $3 Million grant program will fund between 15 and 60 grants, ranging from $25,000-$200,000, to federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Native entities to document, preserve and revitalize Native languages and build active speaker capacity. IEED’s solicitation for LLGP funding and details on how to apply can be found in the Federal Register and at Grants.Gov.

EPA is now accepting applications for a total of $9 million in grants to fund about 24 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects to address stormwater runoff pollution from land into water bodies. EPA is also holding an applicant webinar.

  • August 20, 2021– Applications must be submitted via by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time / 10:59 p.m. Central Time. See Section IV of the grants announcements for further submission information.

EPA is requesting applications for projects in three categories; each one has a separate Funding Opportunity Number and will be posted separately on Applicants must apply for the specific funding opportunity they are interested in. Learn more about the three categories here.

State agencies, interstate agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations, local governments, institutions of higher learning and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for the GLRI grants in three categories. Individuals, foreign organizations and governments, nonprofit organizations exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that engage in lobbying, and “for-profit” organizations are not eligible to apply for funding under this request for application.

Click here for more information on how to apply.

To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!

Climate Change/Energy

On-Request Technical Assistance from DOE Office of Indian Energy

Applications Due: Not Applicable

Eligible Entities: tribal governments

The DOE Office of Indian Energy provides federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages, tribal energy resource development organizations, and other organized tribal groups and communities, with technical assistance to advance tribal energy projects at no cost. Technical experts from DOE and its national laboratories, along with other partnering organizations, provide support to assist Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages with energy planning, housing and building energy efficiency, project development, policy and regulation, resilience, and village power.

Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here! 

Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!

To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!

Toxics/Mobile Sources

 EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance. 

EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act’s Tribal Grants for FY21 Request for Applications are coming soon! More information can be found on this flyer and on this website.

Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in March 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.

Indoor Air Quality

Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!

The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.

Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

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2021-07-21T17:33:59+00:00July 21st, 2021|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|


Our mission is to advance air quality management policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests, and unique legal status of American Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives.

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