Now Hiring!

NEW! The Washoe Tribe is hiring an Environmental Program Coordinator

More information here!


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Indigenous Environmental Network’s COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund

IEN has launched a COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund to quickly mobilize resources to our frontline communities and groups that have a demonstrated need experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Community-based Indigenous peoples and organizations from the U.S. and Canada are eligible to apply. Small grants up to $2,000 are being offered to assist with either of the following three situations:

  1. Purchase of essential provisions: food, water, medication, diapers, cleaning supplies, pet food, etc.
  2. Support with transportation for essential needs and provisions, such as medical appointments and clinic/hospital visits, medication, groceries etc. This includes deliveries, gas money, local transport and getting a ride from your relatives, so long as everyone is practicing precautionary measures to avoid transmission of the virus. In some situations, this can also support getting/leaving home from long distances to care for family members as long as all legal guidelines around travel restrictions are recognized and “Stay in Place” mandates, curfews, etc. are observed.
  3. Home business slowdowns in sales and other cash flow difficulties (maybe your supplier is shut down, or a big order for an event is canceled). For this support “home business” is referring to things like quilting, regalia making, bead and quillwork, moccasin making, basket making, pottery, silversmithing, etc.

In line with the Principles of Respect and the Consciousness of Caring for our Relatives, IEN invites those in need, to apply for support. This is the link to the Application Form.


DOI OSM Science and Technology Projects Related to Coal Mining and Reclamation – $1.5 million

Applications Due: May 25, 2020

Eligible Entities: tribal governments, state governments

The United States Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is requesting Applied Science proposals for projects that develop and demonstrate improved science and technologies related to the mining of coal and the reclamation of the land after mining. Funded projects will help address important OSMRE issues related to implementation of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). Applicants may request funding up to $200,000. The award will be by cooperative agreement (or as an Interagency Agreement if another Federal Agency is involved). Each cooperative agreement will be for a period of time consistent with the proposal but not to exceed two years from date of award. Each cooperative agreement grantee may apply for and be granted non-funded extensions of time only as necessary to complete the project. OSMRE will only grant extensions if the delays are beyond the control of the Principle Investigator (PI). Included in this document are instructions for preparing the proposal including a list of eligible issues and a description of the proposal review process. OSMRE will only accept proposals that address the specific list of eligible issues. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


EPA Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative – $315 thousand

Applications Due: June 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: state or state agencies, local governments, city or township governments, county governments, and federally recognized tribes

The purpose of the Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative is to provide capacity building to address children’s environmental health in school and childcare settings. The Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative provides funding directly to organizations to support school- and/or childcare center-based capacity building projects that help school communities understand and address local environmental and public health issues that affect children. EPA anticipates awarding two grants of approximately $145,000 each for up to a two-year funding period. Grant applications should reflect multi-media and holistic approaches for reducing environmental exposures in schools and childcare settings through capacity building, trainings, and technical assistance. Proposals should also demonstrate a broad reach and collaborative problem-solving with appropriate partners. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.

NEW webinar for this grant:

On May 14, 2020 from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm EDT, EPA is hosting an informational webinar to provide an overview of the FY 2020 Children’s Healthy Learning Environments grant initiative and the request for application (RFA) process. There will be time after the presentation for questions and answers.

To register for the webinar, please visit:

Following the webinar, the slides and a FAQ document will be posted at:

For more information on the webinar, please contact: Becky Cook-Shyovitz at


DOI BLM National Threatened and Endangered Species Funding Opportunity – $2 million

Application Due: June 01, 2020

Eligible Entities: City or township governments, State governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), special district governments, County governments

This funding opportunity is to work with partner organizations at a national level to assist with the conservation of various species, to include federally-listed, candidate and Bureau sensitive species across state boundaries. Conservation includes, but is not limited to, gaining knowledge about species and their habitats, providing for protection or management of species and their habitats, augmenting species, restoring, and enhancing rare species habitat. This program is in support of creating a conservation stewardship legacy second to only Teddy Roosevelt by providing an opportunity to strengthen state and local partnerships, implement priority species and habitat monitoring, support restoration activities that enhance habitat connectivity and resiliency, and enhances opportunities for volunteer service and youth engagement on public lands. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Native American Agricultural Fund (NAAF) Request for Applications Open

Today we announce our 2020 Request for Applications (RFA), the second application cycle to date. Since NAAF was launched in 2018, our Board of Trustees and staff have taken steps to craft a strategy that can begin to realize the promise we knew was possible when NAAF was created. Agriculture across Indian Country is as diverse as our Native nations and we hope the applications for funding will reflect that diversity. Native farmers and ranchers are key to the success of Native food systems and diversification of our agriculture economies. We look forward to the next step on this journey. Even in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, we know that it is important to keep moving forward and ensure that Native farmers, ranchers, fishers and food champions are provided support. Prospective applicants are encouraged to view the RFA at The request for applications opened on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Eligible applicants must submit a complete application no later than Monday, June 1, 2020 by 11:59 pm CT. NAAF will provide flexibility for applicants with hardships applying due to COVID-19. Please visit our website, email or call for further details.

Grants are available to eligible grant recipients in the mission areas of business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy services. We are also accepting applications across four special emphasis areas listed below:

–      Traditional Foods and Food Sovereignty

–      Advocacy

–      Agriculture Extension

–      Youth (available in a separate application process)

Prospective applicants may register for informational RFA webinars at Technical assistance relating to the application process is available by emailing or calling 479-445-6226.


Two New Funding Opportunities Available Through Engagement Opportunities in NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project for American Indian and Alaska Native STEM Engagement – NASA MAIANSE

This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Announcement (NRA), entitled Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) – 2020, solicits proposals for competitive funding opportunities in support of the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) administered by NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement. EONS 2020 is an omnibus announcement that includes a wide range of NASA science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Engagement opportunities for basic and applied science and technology research and education. Specific opportunities will be issued periodically throughout the year as Appendices to this solicitation with individual requirements and milestones. For more information regarding the following opportunities and scheduled information sessions, please visit the ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM (EONS-2020) page on the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) website and click on ‘List of Open Program Elements’.

First Funding Opportunity: APPENDIX I: MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

Proposals due: June 15, 2020

In support of NASA’s Artemis program, the MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) activity is established, to strengthen and develop the research capacity and infrastructure of U.S. Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in areas of strategic importance and value to NASA’s mission and national priorities. Overall, M-STAR awards act as planning grants with the goals of promoting literacy in STEM and enhancing the capability of institutions to participate in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) opportunities. Awards are up to $40k for a maximum duration of four months. For general inquiries, contact:

If you are interested please attend the pre-proposal webinar Wednesday April 22, 2020.

Pre-proposal Webinar for the EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM 2020 MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern Time

The MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant Pre-proposal webinar will give an in-depth overview of the opportunity. During the session, information regarding proposal preparation, guidelines and requirements will be provided. For complete information regarding this NASA opportunity, go to the M-STAR solicitation page in NSPIRES. You must be registered to participate in the webinar, and pre-registration is available now.

Second Funding Opportunity: APPENDIX J: NASA MUREP INCLUDES Planning Grant

Proposals due: June 15, 2020

In response to the Federal STEM Education Strategic Plan, MUREP is working with the NSF to expand the NSF INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discovers in Engineering and Science) National Network of partners. This NRA invites planning grant proposals to assist in the formulation and convening of MSI-led coalitions in support of broadening participation in engineering. This is a novel and strategic partnership initiative, enabling MSIs to assemble and lead coalitions comprised of multiple organizations, institutions and agencies. The planning grant enables applicants to prepare for response to a full solicitation, tentatively scheduled to be released in Fall 2020. Awards are up to $50k for a maximum duration of four months. For general inquiries, contact:


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

DOE GFO Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 Funding Program – $125.5 million

Applications Due: May 21, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

This funding opportunity is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). SETO supports solar energy research and development (R&D) in three technology areas—photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP), and systems integration—with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. This section describes the overall goals of the Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 (SETO 2020) funding program and the types of projects being solicited for funding support through this FOA.

The SETO 2020 funding program seeks to advance R&D of solar technologies that reduce the cost of solar, increase the competitiveness of American manufacturing and businesses, and improve the reliability of the grid. These projects will advance R&D in PV, CSP, and energy management technologies, while also working to improve cyber security, expand solar to new applications like agricultural solar, integrate solar and storage, and utilize artificial intelligence to address research challenges. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE Announces Up To $15 Million for Tribes to Deploy Energy Technology

Deadline to Apply: July 1, 2020

DOE is soliciting applications to install energy technology on tribal lands. Specifically, the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is soliciting applications to:

  • Install energy generating systems and energy efficiency measures for tribal buildings;
  • Deploy community-scale energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands;
  • Install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single facility or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or
  • Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy systems to electrify tribal buildings.

Applications may also be submitted on behalf of an Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is included as part of the application. See the FOA for all eligibility requirements. Applications are due July 1, 2020.


DOE BIA Offshore Wind Energy Atmospheric Science and Project Development – $20 million

Applications Due: July 9, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

The Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) is within the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). EERE advances America’s leadership in science and technology through early-stage research and development in sustainable transportation, renewable power, and energy efficiency. This FOA has Two Topic Areas:

Topic Area 1: The overall goal of this Topic Area is to provide funding for a project that will improve wind resource modeling and predictions in offshore wind energy development areas. Using lessons-learned and information gained during the previous program work in complex-terrain wind resource modeling and prediction, this Topic Area will focus on improving wind resource model physics for foundational wind forecasts and other applications in offshore wind energy development areas.

Topic Area 2: The overall goal of this Topic Area is to provide funding for a project(s) that will enable demonstration of a novel technology and/or methodology that will advance the state-of-the-art of offshore wind energy in the United States. The proposed project must either implement an innovative technology at engineering/pilot or full-scale, and/or employ a novel methodology that has yet to be utilized commercially in the United States for offshore wind.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE BIA Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development: National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG) – $1.2 million

Applications Due: June 15, 2020

Eligible Entities: county governments, state governments, city or township governments, special district governments, Native American tribal governments (federally recognized and other than federally recognized)

The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED), Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs is soliciting proposals from Indian Tribes, as defined at 25 U.S.C. § 5304(e), for grant funding to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted, variously, through digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite and broadband over power lines (BPL).

TBG grants may be used to fund an assessment of the current broadband services, if any, that are available to an applicant’s community; an engineering assessment of new or expanded broadband services; an estimate of the cost of building or expanding a broadband network; a determination of the transmission medium(s) that will be employed; identification of potential funding and/or financing for the network; and consideration of financial and practical risks associated with developing a broadband network. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA OAR 2020 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Tribal Grants – $2 million

Applications Due: July 9, 2020

Eligible Entities: Tribal governments (or intertribal consortia) and Alaska Native Villages, which have jurisdiction over transportation or air quality.

EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality is soliciting applications nationwide for projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced by diesel engines and diesel emissions exposure, particularly from fleets located in areas designated as having poor air quality. DERA grants provide funding to eligible recipients so that they may implement programs which incentivize and accelerate the upgrading or retirement of the legacy diesel fleet. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description. Here are several helpful links as well:


NEW! EPA Announces Cooperative Agreement to Support the National Tribal Toxics Council (NTTC)

Applications due June 15, 2020

The EPA is seeking applications from federally-recognized tribes, Native American organizations, and non-government organizations to provide technical support for the National Tribal Toxics Council (NTTC). The NTTC works collaboratively with EPA to represent tribal interests in the development and implementation of chemical risk assessment, risk management, and pollution prevention programs.

EPA anticipates awarding one cooperative agreement for approximately $800,000 over a five-year period that will focus on the following activities:

  • Assist federally-recognized tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and intertribal organizations in selecting and maintaining a geographically diverse membership with a diversity of relevant and technical expertise in the NTTC;
  • Assist the NTTC in maintaining a viable charter that covers activities eligible for EPA funding and fulfilling the objectives of that charter; and
  • Provide professional and technical support to the NTTC to conduct its meetings and other activities.

Applications are due by June 15, 2020. Additional information is available on, under Funding Opportunity Announcement EPA-HQ-OPPT-2020-003.

Indoor Air Quality

NEW! Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.


2020-05-13T16:41:33+00:00May 13th, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

NEW! EPA is Hiring a Branch Chief of State and Local Energy and Environment Program

Closes May 12, 2020

Application and more information available on USAJOBS at at RTP-OAR-DE-2020-0027, and you can learn more about us on our webpage.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Indigenous Environmental Network’s COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund

IEN has launched a COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund to quickly mobilize resources to our frontline communities and groups that have a demonstrated need experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Community-based Indigenous peoples and organizations from the U.S. and Canada are eligible to apply. Small grants up to $2,000 are being offered to assist with either of the following three situations:

  1. Purchase of essential provisions: food, water, medication, diapers, cleaning supplies, pet food, etc.
  2. Support with transportation for essential needs and provisions, such as medical appointments and clinic/hospital visits, medication, groceries etc. This includes deliveries, gas money, local transport and getting a ride from your relatives, so long as everyone is practicing precautionary measures to avoid transmission of the virus. In some situations, this can also support getting/leaving home from long distances to care for family members as long as all legal guidelines around travel restrictions are recognized and “Stay in Place” mandates, curfews, etc. are observed.
  3. Home business slowdowns in sales and other cash flow difficulties (maybe your supplier is shut down, or a big order for an event is canceled). For this support “home business” is referring to things like quilting, regalia making, bead and quillwork, moccasin making, basket making, pottery, silversmithing, etc.

In line with the Principles of Respect and the Consciousness of Caring for our Relatives, IEN invites those in need, to apply for support. This is the link to the Application Form.


DOI OSM Science and Technology Projects Related to Coal Mining and Reclamation – $1.5 million

Applications Due: May 25, 2020

Eligible Entities: tribal governments, state governments

The United States Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is requesting Applied Science proposals for projects that develop and demonstrate improved science and technologies related to the mining of coal and the reclamation of the land after mining. Funded projects will help address important OSMRE issues related to implementation of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). Applicants may request funding up to $200,000. The award will be by cooperative agreement (or as an Interagency Agreement if another Federal Agency is involved). Each cooperative agreement will be for a period of time consistent with the proposal but not to exceed two years from date of award. Each cooperative agreement grantee may apply for and be granted non-funded extensions of time only as necessary to complete the project. OSMRE will only grant extensions if the delays are beyond the control of the Principle Investigator (PI). Included in this document are instructions for preparing the proposal including a list of eligible issues and a description of the proposal review process. OSMRE will only accept proposals that address the specific list of eligible issues. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


EPA Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative – $315 thousand

Applications Due: June 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: state or state agencies, local governments, city or township governments, county governments, and federally recognized tribes

The purpose of the Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative is to provide capacity building to address children’s environmental health in school and childcare settings. The Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative provides funding directly to organizations to support school- and/or childcare center-based capacity building projects that help school communities understand and address local environmental and public health issues that affect children. EPA anticipates awarding two grants of approximately $145,000 each for up to a two-year funding period. Grant applications should reflect multi-media and holistic approaches for reducing environmental exposures in schools and childcare settings through capacity building, trainings, and technical assistance. Proposals should also demonstrate a broad reach and collaborative problem-solving with appropriate partners. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BLM National Threatened and Endangered Species Funding Opportunity – $2 million

Application Due: June 01, 2020

Eligible Entities: City or township governments, State governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), special district governments, County governments

This funding opportunity is to work with partner organizations at a national level to assist with the conservation of various species, to include federally-listed, candidate and Bureau sensitive species across state boundaries. Conservation includes, but is not limited to, gaining knowledge about species and their habitats, providing for protection or management of species and their habitats, augmenting species, restoring, and enhancing rare species habitat. This program is in support of creating a conservation stewardship legacy second to only Teddy Roosevelt by providing an opportunity to strengthen state and local partnerships, implement priority species and habitat monitoring, support restoration activities that enhance habitat connectivity and resiliency, and enhances opportunities for volunteer service and youth engagement on public lands. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Native American Agricultural Fund (NAAF) Request for Applications Open

Today we announce our 2020 Request for Applications (RFA), the second application cycle to date. Since NAAF was launched in 2018, our Board of Trustees and staff have taken steps to craft a strategy that can begin to realize the promise we knew was possible when NAAF was created. Agriculture across Indian Country is as diverse as our Native nations and we hope the applications for funding will reflect that diversity. Native farmers and ranchers are key to the success of Native food systems and diversification of our agriculture economies. We look forward to the next step on this journey. Even in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, we know that it is important to keep moving forward and ensure that Native farmers, ranchers, fishers and food champions are provided support. Prospective applicants are encouraged to view the RFA at The request for applications opened on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Eligible applicants must submit a complete application no later than Monday, June 1, 2020 by 11:59 pm CT. NAAF will provide flexibility for applicants with hardships applying due to COVID-19. Please visit our website, email or call for further details.

Grants are available to eligible grant recipients in the mission areas of business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy services. We are also accepting applications across four special emphasis areas listed below:

–      Traditional Foods and Food Sovereignty

–      Advocacy

–      Agriculture Extension

–      Youth (available in a separate application process)

Prospective applicants may register for informational RFA webinars at Technical assistance relating to the application process is available by emailing or calling 479-445-6226.


Two New Funding Opportunities Available Through Engagement Opportunities in NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project for American Indian and Alaska Native STEM Engagement – NASA MAIANSE

This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Announcement (NRA), entitled Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) – 2020, solicits proposals for competitive funding opportunities in support of the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) administered by NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement. EONS 2020 is an omnibus announcement that includes a wide range of NASA science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Engagement opportunities for basic and applied science and technology research and education. Specific opportunities will be issued periodically throughout the year as Appendices to this solicitation with individual requirements and milestones. For more information regarding the following opportunities and scheduled information sessions, please visit the ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM (EONS-2020) page on the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) website and click on ‘List of Open Program Elements’.

First Funding Opportunity: APPENDIX I: MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

Proposals due: June 15, 2020

In support of NASA’s Artemis program, the MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) activity is established, to strengthen and develop the research capacity and infrastructure of U.S. Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in areas of strategic importance and value to NASA’s mission and national priorities. Overall, M-STAR awards act as planning grants with the goals of promoting literacy in STEM and enhancing the capability of institutions to participate in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) opportunities. Awards are up to $40k for a maximum duration of four months. For general inquiries, contact:

If you are interested please attend the pre-proposal webinar Wednesday April 22, 2020.

Pre-proposal Webinar for the EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM 2020 MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern Time

The MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant Pre-proposal webinar will give an in-depth overview of the opportunity. During the session, information regarding proposal preparation, guidelines and requirements will be provided. For complete information regarding this NASA opportunity, go to the M-STAR solicitation page in NSPIRES. You must be registered to participate in the webinar, and pre-registration is available now.

Second Funding Opportunity: APPENDIX J: NASA MUREP INCLUDES Planning Grant

Proposals due: June 15, 2020

In response to the Federal STEM Education Strategic Plan, MUREP is working with the NSF to expand the NSF INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discovers in Engineering and Science) National Network of partners. This NRA invites planning grant proposals to assist in the formulation and convening of MSI-led coalitions in support of broadening participation in engineering. This is a novel and strategic partnership initiative, enabling MSIs to assemble and lead coalitions comprised of multiple organizations, institutions and agencies. The planning grant enables applicants to prepare for response to a full solicitation, tentatively scheduled to be released in Fall 2020. Awards are up to $50k for a maximum duration of four months. For general inquiries, contact:


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Climate Leadership Program Applications are Open

Deadline to apply: May 8. Link to Application is launching a BIPOC Climate Leadership Program. The purpose of the program is to train BIPOC humans with an unapologetic climate justice and racial justice lens. Learn more about the program here. This is a free online + training program! Our main point of contact is out NY Organizer, Dominique Thomas:, Phone: 917-693-8246.


DOE GFO Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 Funding Program – $125.5 million

Applications Due: May 21, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

This funding opportunity is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). SETO supports solar energy research and development (R&D) in three technology areas—photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP), and systems integration—with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. This section describes the overall goals of the Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 (SETO 2020) funding program and the types of projects being solicited for funding support through this FOA.

The SETO 2020 funding program seeks to advance R&D of solar technologies that reduce the cost of solar, increase the competitiveness of American manufacturing and businesses, and improve the reliability of the grid. These projects will advance R&D in PV, CSP, and energy management technologies, while also working to improve cyber security, expand solar to new applications like agricultural solar, integrate solar and storage, and utilize artificial intelligence to address research challenges. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE Announces Up To $15 Million for Tribes to Deploy Energy Technology

Deadline to Apply: July 1, 2020

DOE is soliciting applications to install energy technology on tribal lands. Specifically, the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is soliciting applications to:

  • Install energy generating systems and energy efficiency measures for tribal buildings;
  • Deploy community-scale energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands;
  • Install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single facility or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or
  • Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy systems to electrify tribal buildings.

Applications may also be submitted on behalf of an Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is included as part of the application. See the FOA for all eligibility requirements. Applications are due July 1, 2020.


DOE BIA Offshore Wind Energy Atmospheric Science and Project Development – $20 million

Applications Due: July 9, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

The Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) is within the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). EERE advances America’s leadership in science and technology through early-stage research and development in sustainable transportation, renewable power, and energy efficiency. This FOA has Two Topic Areas:

Topic Area 1: The overall goal of this Topic Area is to provide funding for a project that will improve wind resource modeling and predictions in offshore wind energy development areas. Using lessons-learned and information gained during the previous program work in complex-terrain wind resource modeling and prediction, this Topic Area will focus on improving wind resource model physics for foundational wind forecasts and other applications in offshore wind energy development areas.

Topic Area 2: The overall goal of this Topic Area is to provide funding for a project(s) that will enable demonstration of a novel technology and/or methodology that will advance the state-of-the-art of offshore wind energy in the United States. The proposed project must either implement an innovative technology at engineering/pilot or full-scale, and/or employ a novel methodology that has yet to be utilized commercially in the United States for offshore wind.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE BIA Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development: National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG) – $1.2 million

Applications Due: June 15, 2020

Eligible Entities: county governments, state governments, city or township governments, special district governments, Native American tribal governments (federally recognized and other than federally recognized)

The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED), Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs is soliciting proposals from Indian Tribes, as defined at 25 U.S.C. § 5304(e), for grant funding to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted, variously, through digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite and broadband over power lines (BPL).

TBG grants may be used to fund an assessment of the current broadband services, if any, that are available to an applicant’s community; an engineering assessment of new or expanded broadband services; an estimate of the cost of building or expanding a broadband network; a determination of the transmission medium(s) that will be employed; identification of potential funding and/or financing for the network; and consideration of financial and practical risks associated with developing a broadband network. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA OAR 2020 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Tribal Grants – $2 million

Applications Due: July 9, 2020

Eligible Entities: Tribal governments (or intertribal consortia) and Alaska Native Villages, which have jurisdiction over transportation or air quality.

EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality is soliciting applications nationwide for projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced by diesel engines and diesel emissions exposure, particularly from fleets located in areas designated as having poor air quality. DERA grants provide funding to eligible recipients so that they may implement programs which incentivize and accelerate the upgrading or retirement of the legacy diesel fleet. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description. Here are several helpful links as well:

Indoor Air Quality


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

2020-05-06T15:57:52+00:00May 6th, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!


EPA is offering the following job opportunity within the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR), Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA), National Center for Radiation Field Operations (NCRFO).  To view the specifics of this announcement, please click the following link:

Title  Environmental Protection Specialist – Air

Series & Grades Announced     GS-0028; Grade 13

Full Performance Level   13

Location of Position       Las Vegas, NV

This job is open to:         The public: U.S. citizens, nationals or those who owe allegiance to the U.S.

Position Type       Full-Time, Permanent

Opening Date       Friday, April 17, 2020

Closing Date         Friday, May 1, 2020

Number of Vacancies:    One

To be considered for this position, applicants must apply on-line at the website by the closing date of the announcement and follow the vacancy announcement instructions for providing any applicable supplemental information.



Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Indigenous Environmental Network’s COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund

IEN has launched a COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund to quickly mobilize resources to our frontline communities and groups that have a demonstrated need experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Community-based Indigenous peoples and organizations from the U.S. and Canada are eligible to apply. Small grants up to $2,000 are being offered to assist with either of the following three situations:

  1. Purchase of essential provisions: food, water, medication, diapers, cleaning supplies, pet food, etc.
  2. Support with transportation for essential needs and provisions, such as medical appointments and clinic/hospital visits, medication, groceries etc. This includes deliveries, gas money, local transport and getting a ride from your relatives, so long as everyone is practicing precautionary measures to avoid transmission of the virus. In some situations, this can also support getting/leaving home from long distances to care for family members as long as all legal guidelines around travel restrictions are recognized and “Stay in Place” mandates, curfews, etc. are observed.
  3. Home business slowdowns in sales and other cash flow difficulties (maybe your supplier is shut down, or a big order for an event is canceled). For this support “home business” is referring to things like quilting, regalia making, bead and quillwork, moccasin making, basket making, pottery, silversmithing, etc.

In line with the Principles of Respect and the Consciousness of Caring for our Relatives, IEN invites those in need, to apply for support. This is the link to the Application Form.


DOI BLM Alaska Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program Activities – $200 thousand

Applications Due: April 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: special district governments, city or township governments, state governments, county governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has an opportunity to work with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities through coordination, reducing the amount of hazardous fuels, and furthering the education of landowners about wildfire prevention and mitigation. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


EPA OAR Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring – $5 million

Applications Due: May 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: A state, interstate, local, or tribal air pollution control agency

EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) is soliciting applications from eligible entities for projects designed to assist state, local, and tribal air agencies in identifying and characterizing air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), through work that falls into one of four categories. Those categories are:

  1. characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  2. assessing impacts of toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  3. evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and,
  4. analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxins of particular interest to EPA in this solicitation include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel, and arsenic. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI OSM Science and Technology Projects Related to Coal Mining and Reclamation – $1.5 million

Applications Due: May 25, 2020

Eligible Entities: tribal governments, state governments

The United States Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is requesting Applied Science proposals for projects that develop and demonstrate improved science and technologies related to the mining of coal and the reclamation of the land after mining. Funded projects will help address important OSMRE issues related to implementation of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). Applicants may request funding up to $200,000. The award will be by cooperative agreement (or as an Interagency Agreement if another Federal Agency is involved). Each cooperative agreement will be for a period of time consistent with the proposal but not to exceed two years from date of award. Each cooperative agreement grantee may apply for and be granted non-funded extensions of time only as necessary to complete the project. OSMRE will only grant extensions if the delays are beyond the control of the Principle Investigator (PI). Included in this document are instructions for preparing the proposal including a list of eligible issues and a description of the proposal review process. OSMRE will only accept proposals that address the specific list of eligible issues. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


EPA Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative – $315 thousand

Applications Due: June 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: state or state agencies, local governments, city or township governments, county governments, and federally recognized tribes

The purpose of the Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative is to provide capacity building to address children’s environmental health in school and childcare settings. The Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative provides funding directly to organizations to support school- and/or childcare center-based capacity building projects that help school communities understand and address local environmental and public health issues that affect children. EPA anticipates awarding two grants of approximately $145,000 each for up to a two-year funding period. Grant applications should reflect multi-media and holistic approaches for reducing environmental exposures in schools and childcare settings through capacity building, trainings, and technical assistance. Proposals should also demonstrate a broad reach and collaborative problem-solving with appropriate partners. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BLM National Threatened and Endangered Species Funding Opportunity – $2 million

Application Due: June 01, 2020

Eligible Entities: City or township governments, State governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), special district governments, County governments

This funding opportunity is to work with partner organizations at a national level to assist with the conservation of various species, to include federally-listed, candidate and Bureau sensitive species across state boundaries. Conservation includes, but is not limited to, gaining knowledge about species and their habitats, providing for protection or management of species and their habitats, augmenting species, restoring, and enhancing rare species habitat. This program is in support of creating a conservation stewardship legacy second to only Teddy Roosevelt by providing an opportunity to strengthen state and local partnerships, implement priority species and habitat monitoring, support restoration activities that enhance habitat connectivity and resiliency, and enhances opportunities for volunteer service and youth engagement on public lands. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Native American Agricultural Fund (NAAF) Request for Applications Open

Today we announce our 2020 Request for Applications (RFA), the second application cycle to date. Since NAAF was launched in 2018, our Board of Trustees and staff have taken steps to craft a strategy that can begin to realize the promise we knew was possible when NAAF was created. Agriculture across Indian Country is as diverse as our Native nations and we hope the applications for funding will reflect that diversity. Native farmers and ranchers are key to the success of Native food systems and diversification of our agriculture economies. We look forward to the next step on this journey. Even in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, we know that it is important to keep moving forward and ensure that Native farmers, ranchers, fishers and food champions are provided support. Prospective applicants are encouraged to view the RFA at The request for applications opened on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Eligible applicants must submit a complete application no later than Monday, June 1, 2020 by 11:59 pm CT. NAAF will provide flexibility for applicants with hardships applying due to COVID-19. Please visit our website, email or call for further details.

Grants are available to eligible grant recipients in the mission areas of business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy services. We are also accepting applications across four special emphasis areas listed below:

–      Traditional Foods and Food Sovereignty

–      Advocacy

–      Agriculture Extension

–      Youth (available in a separate application process)

Prospective applicants may register for informational RFA webinars at Technical assistance relating to the application process is available by emailing or calling 479-445-6226.


Two New Funding Opportunities Available Through Engagement Opportunities in NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project for American Indian and Alaska Native STEM Engagement – NASA MAIANSE

This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Announcement (NRA), entitled Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) – 2020, solicits proposals for competitive funding opportunities in support of the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) administered by NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement. EONS 2020 is an omnibus announcement that includes a wide range of NASA science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Engagement opportunities for basic and applied science and technology research and education. Specific opportunities will be issued periodically throughout the year as Appendices to this solicitation with individual requirements and milestones. For more information regarding the following opportunities and scheduled information sessions, please visit the ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM (EONS-2020) page on the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) website and click on ‘List of Open Program Elements’.

First Funding Opportunity: APPENDIX I: MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

Proposals due: June 15, 2020

In support of NASA’s Artemis program, the MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) activity is established, to strengthen and develop the research capacity and infrastructure of U.S. Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in areas of strategic importance and value to NASA’s mission and national priorities. Overall, M-STAR awards act as planning grants with the goals of promoting literacy in STEM and enhancing the capability of institutions to participate in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) opportunities. Awards are up to $40k for a maximum duration of four months. For general inquiries, contact:

If you are interested please attend the pre-proposal webinar Wednesday April 22, 2020.

Pre-proposal Webinar for the EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM 2020 MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern Time

The MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant Pre-proposal webinar will give an in-depth overview of the opportunity. During the session, information regarding proposal preparation, guidelines and requirements will be provided. For complete information regarding this NASA opportunity, go to the M-STAR solicitation page in NSPIRES. You must be registered to participate in the webinar, and pre-registration is available now.

Second Funding Opportunity: APPENDIX J: NASA MUREP INCLUDES Planning Grant

Proposals due: June 15, 2020

In response to the Federal STEM Education Strategic Plan, MUREP is working with the NSF to expand the NSF INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discovers in Engineering and Science) National Network of partners. This NRA invites planning grant proposals to assist in the formulation and convening of MSI-led coalitions in support of broadening participation in engineering. This is a novel and strategic partnership initiative, enabling MSIs to assemble and lead coalitions comprised of multiple organizations, institutions and agencies. The planning grant enables applicants to prepare for response to a full solicitation, tentatively scheduled to be released in Fall 2020. Awards are up to $50k for a maximum duration of four months. For general inquiries, contact:


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

NEW! Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Climate Leadership Program Applications are Open

Deadline to apply: May 8. Link to Application is launching a BIPOC Climate Leadership Program. The purpose of the program is to train BIPOC humans with an unapologetic climate justice and racial justice lens. Learn more about the program here. This is a free online + training program! Our main point of contact is out NY Organizer, Dominique Thomas:, Phone: 917-693-8246.


DOE GFO Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 Funding Program – $125.5 million

Applications Due: May 21, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

This funding opportunity is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). SETO supports solar energy research and development (R&D) in three technology areas—photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP), and systems integration—with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. This section describes the overall goals of the Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 (SETO 2020) funding program and the types of projects being solicited for funding support through this FOA.

The SETO 2020 funding program seeks to advance R&D of solar technologies that reduce the cost of solar, increase the competitiveness of American manufacturing and businesses, and improve the reliability of the grid. These projects will advance R&D in PV, CSP, and energy management technologies, while also working to improve cyber security, expand solar to new applications like agricultural solar, integrate solar and storage, and utilize artificial intelligence to address research challenges. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE Announces Up To $15 Million for Tribes to Deploy Energy Technology

Deadline to Apply: July 1, 2020

DOE is soliciting applications to install energy technology on tribal lands. Specifically, the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is soliciting applications to:

  • Install energy generating systems and energy efficiency measures for tribal buildings;
  • Deploy community-scale energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands;
  • Install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single facility or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or
  • Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy systems to electrify tribal buildings.

Applications may also be submitted on behalf of an Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is included as part of the application. See the FOA for all eligibility requirements. Applications are due July 1, 2020.


DOE BIA Offshore Wind Energy Atmospheric Science and Project Development – $20 million

Applications Due: July 9, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

The Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) is within the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). EERE advances America’s leadership in science and technology through early-stage research and development in sustainable transportation, renewable power, and energy efficiency. This FOA has Two Topic Areas:

Topic Area 1: The overall goal of this Topic Area is to provide funding for a project that will improve wind resource modeling and predictions in offshore wind energy development areas. Using lessons-learned and information gained during the previous program work in complex-terrain wind resource modeling and prediction, this Topic Area will focus on improving wind resource model physics for foundational wind forecasts and other applications in offshore wind energy development areas.

Topic Area 2: The overall goal of this Topic Area is to provide funding for a project(s) that will enable demonstration of a novel technology and/or methodology that will advance the state-of-the-art of offshore wind energy in the United States. The proposed project must either implement an innovative technology at engineering/pilot or full-scale, and/or employ a novel methodology that has yet to be utilized commercially in the United States for offshore wind.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE BIA Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development: National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG) – $1.2 million

Applications Due: June 15, 2020

Eligible Entities: county governments, state governments, city or township governments, special district governments, Native American tribal governments (federally recognized and other than federally recognized)

The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED), Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs is soliciting proposals from Indian Tribes, as defined at 25 U.S.C. § 5304(e), for grant funding to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted, variously, through digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite and broadband over power lines (BPL).

TBG grants may be used to fund an assessment of the current broadband services, if any, that are available to an applicant’s community; an engineering assessment of new or expanded broadband services; an estimate of the cost of building or expanding a broadband network; a determination of the transmission medium(s) that will be employed; identification of potential funding and/or financing for the network; and consideration of financial and practical risks associated with developing a broadband network. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant Competition

Deadline Extended to: May 1, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting applications for funding for air toxics monitoring projects under the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring grants competition. As part of the Agency’s mission to protect human and environmental health, EPA periodically awards these grants to help state, local and tribal air agencies conduct air quality monitoring projects to address localized air toxics issues. EPA anticipates awarding up to $5 million from this competition to fund projects that fall into four categories:

  • Characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  • Assessing the impacts of air toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  • Evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and
  • Analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are linked to cancer or other serious health effects. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA regulates 187 listed air toxic pollutants. While grant applications may address any air toxic pollutant, air toxics of particular interest to EPA in this competition include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1.3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel and arsenic.

To receive the grants, applicants must be air pollution control agencies as defined by Section 302(b) of the Clean Air Act that also are eligible to receive grants under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act. Funding for the grants comes from State and Tribal Assistance (STAG) funding. Congress appropriates STAG funds for state, local and tribal air agencies to use in implementing and maintaining environmental programs.

Agencies applying for the air toxics monitoring grants may partner with or provide “subgrants” to other organizations for their monitoring projects. The Agency expects to award grants for 10 to 20 projects, depending on funding availability and the quality of applications received. The amount for each grant may vary; however, no grant may be for more than $750,000. Click here for additional information, and to download the Request for Application.  


EPA OAR 2020 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Tribal Grants – $2 million

Applications Due: July 9, 2020

Eligible Entities: Tribal governments (or intertribal consortia) and Alaska Native Villages, which have jurisdiction over transportation or air quality.

EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality is soliciting applications nationwide for projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced by diesel engines and diesel emissions exposure, particularly from fleets located in areas designated as having poor air quality. DERA grants provide funding to eligible recipients so that they may implement programs which incentivize and accelerate the upgrading or retirement of the legacy diesel fleet. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description. Here are several helpful links as well:

Indoor Air Quality

THHN Webinar: Safe Cleaning – Follow-up Information

The PowerPoints from the webinar have been slow getting posted on the website, meanwhile you can download the webinar PowerPoints from this temporary location. A recording of the webinar is available here. The PowerPoints and other resources will be located on the Tribal Healthy Homes Network website in the near future. If you would like to make sure you get future announcements about Indoor Air Quality webinars, training, and information, join the IAQ listserv. You can also access ITEP’s newsletters and other list serves you may find useful. Questions, contact


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

2020-04-29T15:32:58+00:00April 29th, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

GS-12 and GS-13 Tribal Coordinator Positions in Region 10

Region 10 is announcing open positions in the Tribal Trust and Assistance Branch to serve as a Tribal Coordinator (Seattle, WA and Boise, ID). Both postings can be found on USAJOBS. The closing date for both is April 24, 2020.


EPA is offering the following job opportunity within the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR), Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA), National Center for Radiation Field Operations (NCRFO).  To view the specifics of this announcement, please click the following link:




Title Environmental Protection Specialist – Air
Series & Grades Announced GS-0028; Grade 13
Full Performance Level 13
Location of Position Las Vegas, NV
This job is open to: The public: U.S. citizens, nationals or those who owe allegiance to the U.S.
Position Type Full-Time, Permanent
Opening Date Friday, April 17, 2020
Closing Date Thursday, April 24, 2020
Number of Vacancies: One

To be considered for this position, applicants must apply on-line at the website by the closing date of the announcement and follow the vacancy announcement instructions for providing any applicable supplemental information.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Indigenous Environmental Network’s COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund

IEN has launched a COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund to quickly mobilize resources to our frontline communities and groups that have a demonstrated need experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Community-based Indigenous peoples and organizations from the U.S. and Canada are eligible to apply. Small grants up to $2,000 are being offered to assist with either of the following three situations:

  1. Purchase of essential provisions: food, water, medication, diapers, cleaning supplies, pet food, etc.
  2. Support with transportation for essential needs and provisions, such as medical appointments and clinic/hospital visits, medication, groceries etc. This includes deliveries, gas money, local transport and getting a ride from your relatives, so long as everyone is practicing precautionary measures to avoid transmission of the virus. In some situations, this can also support getting/leaving home from long distances to care for family members as long as all legal guidelines around travel restrictions are recognized and “Stay in Place” mandates, curfews, etc. are observed.
  3. Home business slowdowns in sales and other cash flow difficulties (maybe your supplier is shut down, or a big order for an event is canceled). For this support “home business” is referring to things like quilting, regalia making, bead and quillwork, moccasin making, basket making, pottery, silversmithing, etc.

In line with the Principles of Respect and the Consciousness of Caring for our Relatives, IEN invites those in need, to apply for support. This is the link to the Application Form.


NEW! DOI BLM Alaska Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program Activities – $200 thousand

Applications Due: April 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: special district governments, city or township governments, state governments, county governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has an opportunity to work with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities through coordination, reducing the amount of hazardous fuels, and furthering the education of landowners about wildfire prevention and mitigation. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


USDA Forest Service’s Wildfire Risk to Communities

Wildfire Risk to Communities is a website with interactive maps, charts, and resources to help communities understand, explore, and reduce wildfire risk. A project of the USDA Forest Service, this is the first time wildfire risk to communities has been mapped nationwide. Learn more here!


EPA OAR Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring – $5 million

Applications Due: May 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: A state, interstate, local, or tribal air pollution control agency

EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) is soliciting applications from eligible entities for projects designed to assist state, local, and tribal air agencies in identifying and characterizing air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), through work that falls into one of four categories. Those categories are:

  1. characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  2. assessing impacts of toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  3. evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and,
  4. analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxins of particular interest to EPA in this solicitation include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel, and arsenic. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! DOI OSM Science and Technology Projects Related to Coal Mining and Reclamation – $1.5 million

Applications Due: May 25, 2020

Eligible Entities: tribal governments, state governments

The United States Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is requesting Applied Science proposals for projects that develop and demonstrate improved science and technologies related to the mining of coal and the reclamation of the land after mining. Funded projects will help address important OSMRE issues related to implementation of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). Applicants may request funding up to $200,000. The award will be by cooperative agreement (or as an Interagency Agreement if another Federal Agency is involved). Each cooperative agreement will be for a period of time consistent with the proposal but not to exceed two years from date of award. Each cooperative agreement grantee may apply for and be granted non-funded extensions of time only as necessary to complete the project. OSMRE will only grant extensions if the delays are beyond the control of the Principle Investigator (PI). Included in this document are instructions for preparing the proposal including a list of eligible issues and a description of the proposal review process. OSMRE will only accept proposals that address the specific list of eligible issues. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! EPA Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative – $315 thousand

Applications Due: June 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: state or state agencies, local governments, city or township governments, county governments, and federally recognized tribes

The purpose of the Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative is to provide capacity building to address children’s environmental health in school and childcare settings. The Children’s Healthy Learning Environments Grant Initiative provides funding directly to organizations to support school- and/or childcare center-based capacity building projects that help school communities understand and address local environmental and public health issues that affect children. EPA anticipates awarding two grants of approximately $145,000 each for up to a two-year funding period. Grant applications should reflect multi-media and holistic approaches for reducing environmental exposures in schools and childcare settings through capacity building, trainings, and technical assistance. Proposals should also demonstrate a broad reach and collaborative problem-solving with appropriate partners. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! DOI BLM National Threatened and Endangered Species Funding Opportunity – $2 million

Application Due: June 01, 2020

Eligible Entities: City or township governments, State governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), special district governments, County governments

This funding opportunity is to work with partner organizations at a national level to assist with the conservation of various species, to include federally-listed, candidate and Bureau sensitive species across state boundaries. Conservation includes, but is not limited to, gaining knowledge about species and their habitats, providing for protection or management of species and their habitats, augmenting species, restoring, and enhancing rare species habitat. This program is in support of creating a conservation stewardship legacy second to only Teddy Roosevelt by providing an opportunity to strengthen state and local partnerships, implement priority species and habitat monitoring, support restoration activities that enhance habitat connectivity and resiliency, and enhances opportunities for volunteer service and youth engagement on public lands. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Native American Agricultural Fund (NAAF) Request for Applications Open

Today we announce our 2020 Request for Applications (RFA), the second application cycle to date. Since NAAF was launched in 2018, our Board of Trustees and staff have taken steps to craft a strategy that can begin to realize the promise we knew was possible when NAAF was created. Agriculture across Indian Country is as diverse as our Native nations and we hope the applications for funding will reflect that diversity. Native farmers and ranchers are key to the success of Native food systems and diversification of our agriculture economies. We look forward to the next step on this journey. Even in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, we know that it is important to keep moving forward and ensure that Native farmers, ranchers, fishers and food champions are provided support. Prospective applicants are encouraged to view the RFA at The request for applications opened on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Eligible applicants must submit a complete application no later than Monday, June 1, 2020 by 11:59 pm CT. NAAF will provide flexibility for applicants with hardships applying due to COVID-19. Please visit our website, email or call for further details.

Grants are available to eligible grant recipients in the mission areas of business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy services. We are also accepting applications across four special emphasis areas listed below:

–      Traditional Foods and Food Sovereignty

–      Advocacy

–      Agriculture Extension

–      Youth (available in a separate application process)

Prospective applicants may register for informational RFA webinars at Technical assistance relating to the application process is available by emailing or calling 479-445-6226.


NEW! Two New Funding Opportunities Available Through Engagement Opportunities in NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project for American Indian and Alaska Native STEM Engagement – NASA MAIANSE

This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Announcement (NRA), entitled Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) – 2020, solicits proposals for competitive funding opportunities in support of the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) administered by NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement. EONS 2020 is an omnibus announcement that includes a wide range of NASA science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Engagement opportunities for basic and applied science and technology research and education. Specific opportunities will be issued periodically throughout the year as Appendices to this solicitation with individual requirements and milestones. For more information regarding the following opportunities and scheduled information sessions, please visit the ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM (EONS-2020) page on the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) website and click on ‘List of Open Program Elements’.

First Funding Opportunity: APPENDIX I: MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

Proposals due: June 15, 2020

In support of NASA’s Artemis program, the MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) activity is established, to strengthen and develop the research capacity and infrastructure of U.S. Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in areas of strategic importance and value to NASA’s mission and national priorities. Overall, M-STAR awards act as planning grants with the goals of promoting literacy in STEM and enhancing the capability of institutions to participate in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) opportunities. Awards are up to $40k for a maximum duration of four months. For general inquiries, contact:

If you are interested please attend the pre-proposal webinar Wednesday April 22, 2020.

Pre-proposal Webinar for the EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM 2020 MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant

Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 4:00 – 5:00 pm Eastern Time

The MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Planning Grant Pre-proposal webinar will give an in-depth overview of the opportunity. During the session, information regarding proposal preparation, guidelines and requirements will be provided. For complete information regarding this NASA opportunity, go to the M-STAR solicitation page in NSPIRES. You must be registered to participate in the webinar, and pre-registration is available now.

Second Funding Opportunity: APPENDIX J: NASA MUREP INCLUDES Planning Grant

Proposals due: June 15, 2020

In response to the Federal STEM Education Strategic Plan, MUREP is working with the NSF to expand the NSF INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discovers in Engineering and Science) National Network of partners. This NRA invites planning grant proposals to assist in the formulation and convening of MSI-led coalitions in support of broadening participation in engineering. This is a novel and strategic partnership initiative, enabling MSIs to assemble and lead coalitions comprised of multiple organizations, institutions and agencies. The planning grant enables applicants to prepare for response to a full solicitation, tentatively scheduled to be released in Fall 2020. Awards are up to $50k for a maximum duration of four months. For general inquiries, contact:


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Explore the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s newly designed and updated online Air Sensor Toolbox. The toolbox offers easier navigation and more information on what EPA is doing to advance and support the development of air sensors for measuring local air quality.

  • Learn about air sensor performance, evaluation and use
  • Understand your air sensor readings
  • Explore EPA’s air sensor research projects and activities
  • Find resources for your air sensor project

Sign up for alerts about newly released publications, events and other air sensor announcements.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

USDA RUS Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities – $10 million

Applications Due: April 27, 2020

Eligible Entities: Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), City or township governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Special district governments, County governments, State governments 

The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the availability of up to $10 million in competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. The grant funds may be used to acquire, construct, or improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities serving communities where the average annual residential expenditure for home energy exceeds 275% of the national average. Eligible projects also include on-grid and off-grid renewable energy projects and the implementation of energy efficiency and energy conservation projects for eligible communities. Projects cannot be for the primary benefit of a single household or business. Grant funds may not be used for the preparation of the grant application, operating costs, or for the purchase of any equipment, structures, or real estate not directly associated with the provision of community energy services. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! DOE GFO Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 Funding Program – $125.5 million

Applications Due: May 21, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

This funding opportunity is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). SETO supports solar energy research and development (R&D) in three technology areas—photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP), and systems integration—with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. This section describes the overall goals of the Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 (SETO 2020) funding program and the types of projects being solicited for funding support through this FOA.

The SETO 2020 funding program seeks to advance R&D of solar technologies that reduce the cost of solar, increase the competitiveness of American manufacturing and businesses, and improve the reliability of the grid. These projects will advance R&D in PV, CSP, and energy management technologies, while also working to improve cyber security, expand solar to new applications like agricultural solar, integrate solar and storage, and utilize artificial intelligence to address research challenges. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE Announces Up To $15 Million for Tribes to Deploy Energy Technology

Deadline to Apply: July 1, 2020

DOE is soliciting applications to install energy technology on tribal lands. Specifically, the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is soliciting applications to:

  • Install energy generating systems and energy efficiency measures for tribal buildings;
  • Deploy community-scale energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands;
  • Install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single facility or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or
  • Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy systems to electrify tribal buildings.

Applications may also be submitted on behalf of an Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is included as part of the application. See the FOA for all eligibility requirements. Applications are due July 1, 2020.


NEW! DOE BIA Offshore Wind Energy Atmospheric Science and Project Development – $20 million

Applications Due: July 9, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

The Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) is within the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). EERE advances America’s leadership in science and technology through early-stage research and development in sustainable transportation, renewable power, and energy efficiency. This FOA has Two Topic Areas:

Topic Area 1: The overall goal of this Topic Area is to provide funding for a project that will improve wind resource modeling and predictions in offshore wind energy development areas. Using lessons-learned and information gained during the previous program work in complex-terrain wind resource modeling and prediction, this Topic Area will focus on improving wind resource model physics for foundational wind forecasts and other applications in offshore wind energy development areas.

Topic Area 2: The overall goal of this Topic Area is to provide funding for a project(s) that will enable demonstration of a novel technology and/or methodology that will advance the state-of-the-art of offshore wind energy in the United States. The proposed project must either implement an innovative technology at engineering/pilot or full-scale, and/or employ a novel methodology that has yet to be utilized commercially in the United States for offshore wind.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! DOE BIA Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development: National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG) – $1.2 million

Applications Due: June 15, 2020

Eligible Entities: county governments, state governments, city or township governments, special district governments, Native American tribal governments (federally recognized and other than federally recognized)

The Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED), Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs is soliciting proposals from Indian Tribes, as defined at 25 U.S.C. § 5304(e), for grant funding to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted, variously, through digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite and broadband over power lines (BPL).

TBG grants may be used to fund an assessment of the current broadband services, if any, that are available to an applicant’s community; an engineering assessment of new or expanded broadband services; an estimate of the cost of building or expanding a broadband network; a determination of the transmission medium(s) that will be employed; identification of potential funding and/or financing for the network; and consideration of financial and practical risks associated with developing a broadband network. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant Competition

Deadline Extended to: May 1, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting applications for funding for air toxics monitoring projects under the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring grants competition. As part of the Agency’s mission to protect human and environmental health, EPA periodically awards these grants to help state, local and tribal air agencies conduct air quality monitoring projects to address localized air toxics issues. EPA anticipates awarding up to $5 million from this competition to fund projects that fall into four categories:

  • Characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  • Assessing the impacts of air toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  • Evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and
  • Analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are linked to cancer or other serious health effects. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA regulates 187 listed air toxic pollutants. While grant applications may address any air toxic pollutant, air toxics of particular interest to EPA in this competition include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1.3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel and arsenic.

To receive the grants, applicants must be air pollution control agencies as defined by Section 302(b) of the Clean Air Act that also are eligible to receive grants under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act. Funding for the grants comes from State and Tribal Assistance (STAG) funding. Congress appropriates STAG funds for state, local and tribal air agencies to use in implementing and maintaining environmental programs.

Agencies applying for the air toxics monitoring grants may partner with or provide “subgrants” to other organizations for their monitoring projects. The Agency expects to award grants for 10 to 20 projects, depending on funding availability and the quality of applications received. The amount for each grant may vary; however, no grant may be for more than $750,000. Click here for additional information, and to download the Request for Application.  


EPA OAR 2020 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Tribal Grants – $2 million

Applications Due: July 9, 2020

Eligible Entities: Tribal governments (or intertribal consortia) and Alaska Native Villages, which have jurisdiction over transportation or air quality.

EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality is soliciting applications nationwide for projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced by diesel engines and diesel emissions exposure, particularly from fleets located in areas designated as having poor air quality. DERA grants provide funding to eligible recipients so that they may implement programs which incentivize and accelerate the upgrading or retirement of the legacy diesel fleet. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description. Here are several helpful links as well:

Indoor Air Quality

THHN Webinar: Safe Cleaning – Follow-up Information

The PowerPoints from the webinar have been slow getting posted on the website, meanwhile you can download the webinar PowerPoints from this temporary location. A recording of the webinar is available here. The PowerPoints and other resources will be located on the Tribal Healthy Homes Network website in the near future. If you would like to make sure you get future announcements about Indoor Air Quality webinars, training, and information, join the IAQ listserv. You can also access ITEP’s newsletters and other list serves you may find useful. Questions, contact


Be sure to sign up for EPA’s Healthy Indoor Air newsletter.


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

2020-04-22T16:19:34+00:00April 22nd, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

Arizona Conservation Corps is hiring one USFWS Biological Science Crew Leader and seven Biological Science Interns

Every summer, the Arizona Conservation Corps’ internship program in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office in Whiteriver, offers paid internships with the Apache Trout Recovery Program, where interns take part in recovery actions for the threatened Apache Trout. The interns are a part of a seasonal field crew conducting backpack electro-fishing surveys of local streams for the purpose of monitoring the status of Apache Trout populations. This year, there are 7 internship spots open, and each comes with an AmeriCorps Education Award (with successful completion of the internship). We are also running a Crew Leader position that will serve as the leader of the Apache Trout intern crew. The Crew Leader position is also paid and comes with health insurance, but does not include an Education Award. Preference in hiring will be given to qualified Native American applicants, and these positions are specifically geared toward White Mountain Apache adults who are seeking experience or an eventual career in natural resources, or just those who may be looking for a fun summer internship. I have attached position descriptions for these internships. For those looking to apply, the application portal is at: Please feel free to contact Preston Sands if you have any questions, or if you would like to discuss the internship opportunities in more detail.


GS-12 and GS-13 Tribal Coordinator Positions in Region 10

Region 10 is announcing open positions in the Tribal Trust and Assistance Branch to serve as a Tribal Coordinator (Seattle, WA and Boise, ID). Both postings can be found on USAJOBS. The closing date for both is April 24, 2020.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! Indigenous Environmental Network’s COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund

IEN has launched a COVID-19 Emergency Mutual Aid Fund to quickly mobilize resources to our frontline communities and groups that have a demonstrated need experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Community-based Indigenous peoples and organizations from the U.S. and Canada are eligible to apply. Small grants up to $2,000 are being offered to assist with either of the following three situations:

  1. Purchase of essential provisions: food, water, medication, diapers, cleaning supplies, pet food, etc.
  2. Support with transportation for essential needs and provisions, such as medical appointments and clinic/hospital visits, medication, groceries etc. This includes deliveries, gas money, local transport and getting a ride from your relatives, so long as everyone is practicing precautionary measures to avoid transmission of the virus. In some situations, this can also support getting/leaving home from long distances to care for family members as long as all legal guidelines around travel restrictions are recognized and “Stay in Place” mandates, curfews, etc. are observed.
  3. Home business slowdowns in sales and other cash flow difficulties (maybe your supplier is shut down, or a big order for an event is canceled). For this support “home business” is referring to things like quilting, regalia making, bead and quillwork, moccasin making, basket making, pottery, silversmithing, etc.

In line with the Principles of Respect and the Consciousness of Caring for our Relatives, IEN invites those in need, to apply for support. This is the link to the Application Form.


NEW! USDA Forest Service’s Wildfire Risk to Communities

Wildfire Risk to Communities is a website with interactive maps, charts, and resources to help communities understand, explore, and reduce wildfire risk. A project of the USDA Forest Service, this is the first time wildfire risk to communities has been mapped nationwide. Learn more here!


EPA OAR Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring – $5 million

Applications Due: May 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: A state, interstate, local, or tribal air pollution control agency

EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) is soliciting applications from eligible entities for projects designed to assist state, local, and tribal air agencies in identifying and characterizing air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), through work that falls into one of four categories. Those categories are:

  1. characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  2. assessing impacts of toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  3. evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and,
  4. analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxins of particular interest to EPA in this solicitation include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel, and arsenic. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Native American Agricultural Fund (NAAF) Request for Applications Open

Today we announce our 2020 Request for Applications (RFA), the second application cycle to date. Since NAAF was launched in 2018, our Board of Trustees and staff have taken steps to craft a strategy that can begin to realize the promise we knew was possible when NAAF was created. Agriculture across Indian Country is as diverse as our Native nations and we hope the applications for funding will reflect that diversity. Native farmers and ranchers are key to the success of Native food systems and diversification of our agriculture economies. We look forward to the next step on this journey. Even in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, we know that it is important to keep moving forward and ensure that Native farmers, ranchers, fishers and food champions are provided support. Prospective applicants are encouraged to view the RFA at The request for applications opened on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Eligible applicants must submit a complete application no later than Monday, June 1, 2020 by 11:59 pm CT. NAAF will provide flexibility for applicants with hardships applying due to COVID-19. Please visit our website, email or call for further details.

Grants are available to eligible grant recipients in the mission areas of business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy services. We are also accepting applications across four special emphasis areas listed below:

–      Traditional Foods and Food Sovereignty

–      Advocacy

–      Agriculture Extension

–      Youth (available in a separate application process)

Prospective applicants may register for informational RFA webinars at Technical assistance relating to the application process is available by emailing or calling 479-445-6226.


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Explore the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s newly designed and updated online Air Sensor Toolbox. The toolbox offers easier navigation and more information on what EPA is doing to advance and support the development of air sensors for measuring local air quality.

  • Learn about air sensor performance, evaluation and use
  • Understand your air sensor readings
  • Explore EPA’s air sensor research projects and activities
  • Find resources for your air sensor project

Sign up for alerts about newly released publications, events and other air sensor announcements.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

USDA RUS Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities – $10 million

Applications Due: April 27, 2020

Eligible Entities: Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), City or township governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Special district governments, County governments, State governments 

The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the availability of up to $10 million in competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. The grant funds may be used to acquire, construct, or improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities serving communities where the average annual residential expenditure for home energy exceeds 275% of the national average. Eligible projects also include on-grid and off-grid renewable energy projects and the implementation of energy efficiency and energy conservation projects for eligible communities. Projects cannot be for the primary benefit of a single household or business. Grant funds may not be used for the preparation of the grant application, operating costs, or for the purchase of any equipment, structures, or real estate not directly associated with the provision of community energy services. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE Announces Up To $15 Million for Tribes to Deploy Energy Technology

Deadline to Apply: July 1, 2020

DOE is soliciting applications to install energy technology on tribal lands. Specifically, the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is soliciting applications to:

  • Install energy generating systems and energy efficiency measures for tribal buildings;
  • Deploy community-scale energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands;
  • Install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single facility or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or
  • Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy systems to electrify tribal buildings.

Applications may also be submitted on behalf of an Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is included as part of the application. See the FOA for all eligibility requirements. Applications are due July 1, 2020.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Seeks Nominations for Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals

EPA is announcing its request for nominations of candidates for the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC). Nominations are due no later than April 20, 2020. Any interested person or organization may nominate qualified persons to be considered for appointment to the SACC. Individuals also may self-nominate. Further details of information to be included in a nomination are provided in the March 20, 2020, Federal Register Notice in docket EPA-HQ-OPPT-2020-0135. The preferred method for submitting nominations is via email to Steven Knott, the SACC’s Designated Federal Officer ( For more information on the TSCA SACC, visit this site.


EPA Announces Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant Competition

Deadline Extended to: May 1, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting applications for funding for air toxics monitoring projects under the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring grants competition. As part of the Agency’s mission to protect human and environmental health, EPA periodically awards these grants to help state, local and tribal air agencies conduct air quality monitoring projects to address localized air toxics issues. EPA anticipates awarding up to $5 million from this competition to fund projects that fall into four categories:

  • Characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  • Assessing the impacts of air toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  • Evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and
  • Analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are linked to cancer or other serious health effects. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA regulates 187 listed air toxic pollutants. While grant applications may address any air toxic pollutant, air toxics of particular interest to EPA in this competition include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1.3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel and arsenic.

To receive the grants, applicants must be air pollution control agencies as defined by Section 302(b) of the Clean Air Act that also are eligible to receive grants under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act. Funding for the grants comes from State and Tribal Assistance (STAG) funding. Congress appropriates STAG funds for state, local and tribal air agencies to use in implementing and maintaining environmental programs.

Agencies applying for the air toxics monitoring grants may partner with or provide “subgrants” to other organizations for their monitoring projects. The Agency expects to award grants for 10 to 20 projects, depending on funding availability and the quality of applications received. The amount for each grant may vary; however, no grant may be for more than $750,000. Click here for additional information, and to download the Request for Application.  


NEW! 2020 Tribal DERA RFA is open!

EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality solicited applications nationwide for DERA Tribal projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions and diesel emissions exposure, particularly from fleets located in areas designated as having poor air quality. EPA anticipates $2 million will be awarded to eligible Tribal applicants for two to eight grants. The deadline for submission of applications is Thursday, July 9, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. (ET).

Indoor Air Quality

NEW! THHN Webinar: Safe Cleaning – Follow-up Information

The PowerPoints from the webinar have been slow getting posted on the website, meanwhile you can download the webinar PowerPoints from this temporary location. A recording of the webinar is available here. The PowerPoints and other resources will be located on the Tribal Healthy Homes Network website in the near future. If you would like to make sure you get future announcements about Indoor Air Quality webinars, training, and information, join the IAQ listserv. You can also access ITEP’s newsletters and other list serves you may find useful. Questions, contact


Be sure to sign up for EPA’s Healthy Indoor Air newsletter.


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

2020-04-15T15:58:35+00:00April 15th, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

NEW! Arizona Conservation Corps is hiring one USFWS Biological Science Crew Leader and seven Biological Science Interns

Every summer, the Arizona Conservation Corps’ internship program in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office in Whiteriver, offers paid internships with the Apache Trout Recovery Program, where interns take part in recovery actions for the threatened Apache Trout. The interns are a part of a seasonal field crew conducting backpack electro-fishing surveys of local streams for the purpose of monitoring the status of Apache Trout populations. This year, there are 7 internship spots open, and each comes with an AmeriCorps Education Award (with successful completion of the internship). We are also running a Crew Leader position that will serve as the leader of the Apache Trout intern crew. The Crew Leader position is also paid and comes with health insurance, but does not include an Education Award. Preference in hiring will be given to qualified Native American applicants, and these positions are specifically geared toward White Mountain Apache adults who are seeking experience or an eventual career in natural resources, or just those who may be looking for a fun summer internship. I have attached position descriptions for these internships. For those looking to apply, the application portal is at: .  Please feel free to contact Preston Sands if you have any questions, or if you would like to discuss the internship opportunities in more detail.


NEW! GS-12 and GS-13 Tribal Coordinator Positions in Region 10

Region 10 is announcing open positions in the Tribal Trust and Assistance Branch to serve as a Tribal Coordinator (Seattle, WA and Boise, ID). Both postings can be found on USAJOBS. The closing date for both is April 24, 2020.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

EPA OMS National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program – $8 million 

Application extended to: April 10, 2020

An amended version of the FY2020 Exchange Network Solicitation Notice is available on our website.

Eligible Entities: territories, tribes, and inter-tribal consortia, states, U.S. territories, federally recognized tribes

The EPA Exchange Network Grant Program is soliciting project applications using the Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) to:

  • Facilitate sharing of environmental data, especially through shared and reusable services.
  • Streamline data collection and exchanges to improve its timeliness for decision making.
  • Increase the quality and access to environmental data through discovery, publishing, outbound and analytical services so it is more useful to environmental managers.
  • Develop foundational EN shared services to reduce burden and avoid costs for co-regulators and the regulated community.
  • Expand and improve participation in the EN by strengthening the requisite information management and technology capabilities for interested parties to fully participate in the EN.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


EPA OAR Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring – $5 million

Applications Due: May 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: A state, interstate, local, or tribal air pollution control agency

EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) is soliciting applications from eligible entities for projects designed to assist state, local, and tribal air agencies in identifying and characterizing air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), through work that falls into one of four categories. Those categories are:

  1. characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  2. assessing impacts of toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  3. evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and,
  4. analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxins of particular interest to EPA in this solicitation include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel, and arsenic. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! Native American Agricultural Fund (NAAF) Request for Applications Open

Today we announce our 2020 Request for Applications (RFA), the second application cycle to date. Since NAAF was launched in 2018, our Board of Trustees and staff have taken steps to craft a strategy that can begin to realize the promise we knew was possible when NAAF was created. Agriculture across Indian Country is as diverse as our Native nations and we hope the applications for funding will reflect that diversity. Native farmers and ranchers are key to the success of Native food systems and diversification of our agriculture economies. We look forward to the next step on this journey. Even in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, we know that it is important to keep moving forward and ensure that Native farmers, ranchers, fishers and food champions are provided support. Prospective applicants are encouraged to view the RFA at The request for applications opened on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Eligible applicants must submit a complete application no later than Monday, June 1, 2020 by 11:59 pm CT. NAAF will provide flexibility for applicants with hardships applying due to COVID-19. Please visit our website, email or call for further details.

Grants are available to eligible grant recipients in the mission areas of business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy services. We are also accepting applications across four special emphasis areas listed below:

–      Traditional Foods and Food Sovereignty

–      Advocacy

–      Agriculture Extension

–      Youth (available in a separate application process)

Prospective applicants may register for informational RFA webinars at Technical assistance relating to the application process is available by emailing or calling 479-445-6226.


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Explore the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s newly designed and updated online Air Sensor Toolbox. The toolbox offers easier navigation and more information on what EPA is doing to advance and support the development of air sensors for measuring local air quality.

  • Learn about air sensor performance, evaluation and use
  • Understand your air sensor readings
  • Explore EPA’s air sensor research projects and activities
  • Find resources for your air sensor project

Sign up for alerts about newly released publications, events and other air sensor announcements.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

USDA RUS Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities – $10 million

Applications Due: April 27, 2020

Eligible Entities: Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), City or township governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Special district governments, County governments, State governments 

The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the availability of up to $10 million in competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. The grant funds may be used to acquire, construct, or improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities serving communities where the average annual residential expenditure for home energy exceeds 275% of the national average. Eligible projects also include on-grid and off-grid renewable energy projects and the implementation of energy efficiency and energy conservation projects for eligible communities. Projects cannot be for the primary benefit of a single household or business. Grant funds may not be used for the preparation of the grant application, operating costs, or for the purchase of any equipment, structures, or real estate not directly associated with the provision of community energy services. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOE Announces Up To $15 Million for Tribes to Deploy Energy Technology

Deadline to Apply: July 1, 2020

DOE is soliciting applications to install energy technology on tribal lands. Specifically, the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is soliciting applications to:

  • Install energy generating systems and energy efficiency measures for tribal buildings;
  • Deploy community-scale energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands;
  • Install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single facility or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or
  • Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy systems to electrify tribal buildings.

Applications may also be submitted on behalf of an Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is included as part of the application. See the FOA for all eligibility requirements. Applications are due July 1, 2020. An informational webinar will be held April 7, 2020, at 3:00 PM Eastern Time, to provide potential applicants with information on the FOA. Register for the webinar.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

NEW! EPA Seeks Nominations for Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals

EPA is announcing its request for nominations of candidates for the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC). Nominations are due no later than April 20, 2020. Any interested person or organization may nominate qualified persons to be considered for appointment to the SACC. Individuals also may self-nominate. Further details of information to be included in a nomination are provided in the March 20, 2020, Federal Register Notice in docket EPA-HQ-OPPT-2020-0135. The preferred method for submitting nominations is via email to Steven Knott, the SACC’s Designated Federal Officer ( For more information on the TSCA SACC, visit this site.


EPA Announces Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant Competition

Deadline Extended to: May 1, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting applications for funding for air toxics monitoring projects under the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring grants competition. As part of the Agency’s mission to protect human and environmental health, EPA periodically awards these grants to help state, local and tribal air agencies conduct air quality monitoring projects to address localized air toxics issues. EPA anticipates awarding up to $5 million from this competition to fund projects that fall into four categories:

  • Characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  • Assessing the impacts of air toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  • Evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and
  • Analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are linked to cancer or other serious health effects. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA regulates 187 listed air toxic pollutants. While grant applications may address any air toxic pollutant, air toxics of particular interest to EPA in this competition include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel and arsenic.

To receive the grants, applicants must be air pollution control agencies as defined by Section 302(b) of the Clean Air Act that also are eligible to receive grants under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act. Funding for the grants comes from State and Tribal Assistance (STAG) funding. Congress appropriates STAG funds for state, local and tribal air agencies to use in implementing and maintaining environmental programs.

Agencies applying for the air toxics monitoring grants may partner with or provide “subgrants” to other organizations for their monitoring projects. The Agency expects to award grants for 10 to 20 projects, depending on funding availability and the quality of applications received. The amount for each grant may vary; however, no grant may be for more than $750,000. Click here for additional information, and to download the Request for Application.  

Indoor Air Quality

Be sure to sign up for EPA’s Healthy Indoor Air newsletter.


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

2020-04-08T16:40:14+00:00April 8th, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

Check back here next week for current job openings!


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

EPA OMS National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program – $8 million 

Application extended to: April 10, 2020

An amended version of the FY2020 Exchange Network Solicitation Notice is available on our website.

Eligible Entities: territories, tribes, and inter-tribal consortia, states, U.S. territories, federally recognized tribes

The EPA Exchange Network Grant Program is soliciting project applications using the Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) to:

  • Facilitate sharing of environmental data, especially through shared and reusable services.
  • Streamline data collection and exchanges to improve its timeliness for decision making.
  • Increase the quality and access to environmental data through discovery, publishing, outbound and analytical services so it is more useful to environmental managers.
  • Develop foundational EN shared services to reduce burden and avoid costs for co-regulators and the regulated community.
  • Expand and improve participation in the EN by strengthening the requisite information management and technology capabilities for interested parties to fully participate in the EN.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


EPA OAR Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring – $5 million

Applications Due: May 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: A state, interstate, local, or tribal air pollution control agency

EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) is soliciting applications from eligible entities for projects designed to assist state, local, and tribal air agencies in identifying and characterizing air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), through work that falls into one of four categories. Those categories are:

  1. characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  2. assessing impacts of toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  3. evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and,
  4. analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxins of particular interest to EPA in this solicitation include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel, and arsenic. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

USDA RUS Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities – $10 million

Applications Due: April 27, 2020

Eligible Entities: Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), City or township governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Special district governments, County governments, State governments 

The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the availability of up to $10 million in competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. The grant funds may be used to acquire, construct, or improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities serving communities where the average annual residential expenditure for home energy exceeds 275% of the national average. Eligible projects also include on-grid and off-grid renewable energy projects and the implementation of energy efficiency and energy conservation projects for eligible communities. Projects cannot be for the primary benefit of a single household or business. Grant funds may not be used for the preparation of the grant application, operating costs, or for the purchase of any equipment, structures, or real estate not directly associated with the provision of community energy services. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! DOE Announces Up To $15 Million for Tribes to Deploy Energy Technology

Deadline to Apply: July 1, 2020

Informational webinar: April 7, 2020, 3pm ET

DOE is soliciting applications to install energy technology on tribal lands. Specifically, the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is soliciting applications to:

  • Install energy generating systems and energy efficiency measures for tribal buildings;
  • Deploy community-scale energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands;
  • Install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single facility or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or
  • Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy systems to electrify tribal buildings.

Applications may also be submitted on behalf of an Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is included as part of the application. See the FOA for all eligibility requirements. Applications are due July 1, 2020. An informational webinar will be held April 7, 2020, at 3:00 PM Eastern Time, to provide potential applicants with information on the FOA. Register for the webinar.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant Competition

Deadline Extended to: May 1, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting applications for funding for air toxics monitoring projects under the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring grants competition. As part of the Agency’s mission to protect human and environmental health, EPA periodically awards these grants to help state, local and tribal air agencies conduct air quality monitoring projects to address localized air toxics issues. EPA anticipates awarding up to $5 million from this competition to fund projects that fall into four categories:

  • Characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  • Assessing the impacts of air toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  • Evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and
  • Analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are linked to cancer or other serious health effects. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA regulates 187 listed air toxic pollutants. While grant applications may address any air toxic pollutant, air toxics of particular interest to EPA in this competition include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel and arsenic.

To receive the grants, applicants must be air pollution control agencies as defined by Section 302(b) of the Clean Air Act that also are eligible to receive grants under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act. Funding for the grants comes from State and Tribal Assistance (STAG) funding. Congress appropriates STAG funds for state, local and tribal air agencies to use in implementing and maintaining environmental programs.

Agencies applying for the air toxics monitoring grants may partner with or provide “subgrants” to other organizations for their monitoring projects. The Agency expects to award grants for 10 to 20 projects, depending on funding availability and the quality of applications received. The amount for each grant may vary; however, no grant may be for more than $750,000. Click here for additional information, and to download the Request for Application.  

Indoor Air Quality

Be sure to sign up for EPA’s Healthy Indoor Air newsletter.


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

2020-04-01T16:32:37+00:00April 1st, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

Check back here next week for current job openings!


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

EPA OMS National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program – $8 million 

Application extended to: April 10, 2020

An amended version of the FY2020 Exchange Network Solicitation Notice is available on our website.

Eligible Entities: territories, tribes, and inter-tribal consortia, states, U.S. territories, federally recognized tribes

The EPA Exchange Network Grant Program is soliciting project applications using the Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) to:

  • Facilitate sharing of environmental data, especially through shared and reusable services.
  • Streamline data collection and exchanges to improve its timeliness for decision making.
  • Increase the quality and access to environmental data through discovery, publishing, outbound and analytical services so it is more useful to environmental managers.
  • Develop foundational EN shared services to reduce burden and avoid costs for co-regulators and the regulated community.
  • Expand and improve participation in the EN by strengthening the requisite information management and technology capabilities for interested parties to fully participate in the EN.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NOAA Environmental Literacy Grants: Supporting the education of K-12 students and the public for community resilience – $3 million

Applications Due: March 26, 2020 for Priority 1 full applications

Eligible Entities: K-12 public and independent schools and school systems, state and local government agencies, Indian tribal governments

The goal of this funding opportunity is to build environmental literacy of K-12 students and the public so they are knowledgeable of the ways in which their community can become more resilient to extreme weather and/or other environmental hazards, and become involved in achieving that resilience. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BLM Alaska Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program Activities – $200 thousand

Applications Due: March 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: special district governments, city or township governments, state governments, county governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has an opportunity to work with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities through coordination, reducing the amount of hazardous fuels, and furthering the education of landowners about wildfire prevention and mitigation. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! EPA OAR Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring – $5 million

Applications Due: May 1, 2020

Eligible Entities: A state, interstate, local, or tribal air pollution control agency

EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) is soliciting applications from eligible entities for projects designed to assist state, local, and tribal air agencies in identifying and characterizing air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), through work that falls into one of four categories. Those categories are:

  1. characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  2. assessing impacts of toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  3. evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and,
  4. analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxins of particular interest to EPA in this solicitation include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel, and arsenic. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

DOE GFO Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 Funding Program Department of Energy – $125.5 million

Applications Due: March 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

This funding opportunity is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). SETO supports solar energy research and development (R&D) in three technology areas—photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP), and systems integration—with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. This section describes the overall goals of the Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 (SETO 2020) funding program and the types of projects being solicited for funding support through this FOA.

The SETO 2020 funding program seeks to advance R&D of solar technologies that reduce the cost of solar, increase the competitiveness of American manufacturing and businesses, and improve the reliability of the grid. These projects will advance R&D in PV, CSP, and energy management technologies, while also working to improve cyber security, expand solar to new applications like agricultural solar, integrate solar and storage, and utilize artificial intelligence to address research challenges. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! USDA RUS Assistance to High Energy Cost Communities – $10 million

Applications Due: April 27, 2020

Eligible Entities: Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments), City or township governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), Special district governments, County governments, State governments 

The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces the availability of up to $10 million in competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. The grant funds may be used to acquire, construct, or improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities serving communities where the average annual residential expenditure for home energy exceeds 275% of the national average. Eligible projects also include on-grid and off-grid renewable energy projects and the implementation of energy efficiency and energy conservation projects for eligible communities. Projects cannot be for the primary benefit of a single household or business. Grant funds may not be used for the preparation of the grant application, operating costs, or for the purchase of any equipment, structures, or real estate not directly associated with the provision of community energy services. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NEW! CC 202 Online Course: Tribal Hazard Mitigation Planning, application deadline extended to May 1

October 2020-September 2021

Course Goal: To support Tribe’s hazard mitigation planning through peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchanges in a facilitated cohort focused on the process of developing or updating a Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan, which looks “at natural hazards that may affect tribal governments and suggests actions to reduce losses from those hazards” (FEMA Tribal Mitigation Planning Resources). The course will be based around FEMA’s hazard mitigation plan requirements and will connect participants to resources, tools, information, and additional specialized expertise on a variety of topics including, but not limited to, various natural hazards, climate change in the context of natural hazards, FEMA’s four-phases of emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery), cultural considerations, Tribal/Indigenous Knowledges, community outreach and engagement, hazard identification and risk assessment, asset inventorying, and developing and implementing an action plan. Follow this link to find out more information and to register. Contact with questions.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

EPA Announces Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant Competition

Deadline Extended to: May 1, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting applications for funding for air toxics monitoring projects under the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring grants competition. As part of the Agency’s mission to protect human and environmental health, EPA periodically awards these grants to help state, local and tribal air agencies conduct air quality monitoring projects to address localized air toxics issues. EPA anticipates awarding up to $5 million from this competition to fund projects that fall into four categories:

  • Characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  • Assessing the impacts of air toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  • Evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and
  • Analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are linked to cancer or other serious health effects. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA regulates 187 listed air toxic pollutants. While grant applications may address any air toxic pollutant, air toxics of particular interest to EPA in this competition include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel and arsenic.

To receive the grants, applicants must be air pollution control agencies as defined by Section 302(b) of the Clean Air Act that also are eligible to receive grants under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act. Funding for the grants comes from State and Tribal Assistance (STAG) funding. Congress appropriates STAG funds for state, local and tribal air agencies to use in implementing and maintaining environmental programs.

Agencies applying for the air toxics monitoring grants may partner with or provide “subgrants” to other organizations for their monitoring projects. The Agency expects to award grants for 10 to 20 projects, depending on funding availability and the quality of applications received. The amount for each grant may vary; however, no grant may be for more than $750,000. Click here for additional information, and to download the Request for Application.  

Indoor Air Quality

Be sure to sign up for EPA’s Healthy Indoor Air newsletter.


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

2020-03-25T16:18:42+00:00March 25th, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

Check back here next week for current job openings!


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

EPA OMS National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program – $8 million 

Applications Due: March 25, 2020

Eligible Entities: territories, tribes, and inter-tribal consortia, states, U.S. territories, federally recognized tribes

The EPA Exchange Network Grant Program is soliciting project applications using the Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) to:

  • Facilitate sharing of environmental data, especially through shared and reusable services.
  • Streamline data collection and exchanges to improve its timeliness for decision making.
  • Increase the quality and access to environmental data through discovery, publishing, outbound and analytical services so it is more useful to environmental managers.
  • Develop foundational EN shared services to reduce burden and avoid costs for co-regulators and the regulated community.
  • Expand and improve participation in the EN by strengthening the requisite information management and technology capabilities for interested parties to fully participate in the EN.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NOAA Environmental Literacy Grants: Supporting the education of K-12 students and the public for community resilience – $3 million

Applications Due: March 26, 2020 for Priority 1 full applications

Eligible Entities: K-12 public and independent schools and school systems, state and local government agencies, Indian tribal governments

The goal of this funding opportunity is to build environmental literacy of K-12 students and the public so they are knowledgeable of the ways in which their community can become more resilient to extreme weather and/or other environmental hazards, and become involved in achieving that resilience. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BLM Alaska Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program Activities – $200 thousand

Applications Due: March 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: special district governments, city or township governments, state governments, county governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has an opportunity to work with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities through coordination, reducing the amount of hazardous fuels, and furthering the education of landowners about wildfire prevention and mitigation. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

DOE GFO Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 Funding Program Department of Energy – $125.5 million

Applications Due: March 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

This funding opportunity is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). SETO supports solar energy research and development (R&D) in three technology areas—photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP), and systems integration—with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. This section describes the overall goals of the Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 (SETO 2020) funding program and the types of projects being solicited for funding support through this FOA.

The SETO 2020 funding program seeks to advance R&D of solar technologies that reduce the cost of solar, increase the competitiveness of American manufacturing and businesses, and improve the reliability of the grid. These projects will advance R&D in PV, CSP, and energy management technologies, while also working to improve cyber security, expand solar to new applications like agricultural solar, integrate solar and storage, and utilize artificial intelligence to address research challenges. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

Diesel Resources (thanks, Mercedes Kaiser!)


EPA Announces Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant Competition

Deadline to apply: March 30, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting applications for funding for air toxics monitoring projects under the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring grants competition. As part of the Agency’s mission to protect human and environmental health, EPA periodically awards these grants to help state, local and tribal air agencies conduct air quality monitoring projects to address localized air toxics issues. EPA anticipates awarding up to $5 million from this competition to fund projects that fall into four categories:

  • Characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  • Assessing the impacts of air toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  • Evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and
  • Analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are linked to cancer or other serious health effects. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA regulates 187 listed air toxic pollutants. While grant applications may address any air toxic pollutant, air toxics of particular interest to EPA in this competition include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel and arsenic.

To receive the grants, applicants must be air pollution control agencies as defined by Section 302(b) of the Clean Air Act that also are eligible to receive grants under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act. Funding for the grants comes from State and Tribal Assistance (STAG) funding. Congress appropriates STAG funds for state, local and tribal air agencies to use in implementing and maintaining environmental programs.

Agencies applying for the air toxics monitoring grants may partner with or provide “subgrants” to other organizations for their monitoring projects. The Agency expects to award grants for 10 to 20 projects, depending on funding availability and the quality of applications received. The amount for each grant may vary; however, no grant may be for more than $750,000. Click here for additional information, and to download the Request for Application.  

Indoor Air Quality

Be sure to sign up for EPA’s Healthy Indoor Air newsletter.


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

2020-03-18T16:45:20+00:00March 18th, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|



Now Hiring!

ITEP VW Technical Assistance Program is hiring a Research Assistant

The ITEP VW Technical Assistance Program is looking to hire a Research Assistant to help with various research projects related to the VW Tribal Trust and associated diesel emissions reduction or clean energy programs and technologies, along with general support of the program as needed. The position is part-time, with an expected workload of approximately 15-20 hours per week and funding available for the next two to (possibly) three years. We would prefer to fill the position with someone who can work on site in the ITEP offices at NAU. The job announcement is on NAU’s job page under the “Staff Openings” page, position #604774. Call or email Mark Daniels ( or 928-523-8897) with questions about the position.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! Educational Videos on Air Sensors Released

EPA has developed a series of educational videos designed to give the public information about air quality, health and lower-cost sensors. The videos are available in English and Spanish and can be used to learn how EPA collects and uses air quality data, how air quality health risks are communicated and how to interpret data collected using air sensors. Many people are looking for credible air quality information to help reduce the risk from air pollution and to protect public health in their communities. Air sensors are usually lower in cost, portable, and generally easier to operate than the regulatory-grade air pollution monitors used in the United States to understand air quality conditions. With increased availability of air sensors, thousands are now in use by individuals, community groups, health organizations and others. The popularity of these devices, however, has resulted in many questions about how to use and communicate the sensor data that is collected during monitoring.  The videos offer information to address common questions about these devices. Watch the Videos and please share with others!


EPA OMS National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program – $8 million 

Applications Due: March 25, 2020

Eligible Entities: territories, tribes, and inter-tribal consortia, states, U.S. territories, federally recognized tribes

The EPA Exchange Network Grant Program is soliciting project applications using the Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) to:

  • Facilitate sharing of environmental data, especially through shared and reusable services.
  • Streamline data collection and exchanges to improve its timeliness for decision making.
  • Increase the quality and access to environmental data through discovery, publishing, outbound and analytical services so it is more useful to environmental managers.
  • Develop foundational EN shared services to reduce burden and avoid costs for co-regulators and the regulated community.
  • Expand and improve participation in the EN by strengthening the requisite information management and technology capabilities for interested parties to fully participate in the EN.

For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


NOAA Environmental Literacy Grants: Supporting the education of K-12 students and the public for community resilience – $3 million

Applications Due: March 26, 2020 for Priority 1 full applications

Eligible Entities: K-12 public and independent schools and school systems, state and local government agencies, Indian tribal governments

The goal of this funding opportunity is to build environmental literacy of K-12 students and the public so they are knowledgeable of the ways in which their community can become more resilient to extreme weather and/or other environmental hazards, and become involved in achieving that resilience. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BLM Alaska Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program Activities – $200 thousand

Applications Due: March 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: special district governments, city or township governments, state governments, county governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has an opportunity to work with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities through coordination, reducing the amount of hazardous fuels, and furthering the education of landowners about wildfire prevention and mitigation. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


DOI BOR Native American Affairs: Technical Assistance to Tribes for FY20 and FY21 – $1 million

Applications Due: October 28, 2020 for FY21

Eligible Entities: federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations of the 17 Western States identified in the Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902

The objective of this opportunity is to invite federally recognized Indian tribes and tribal organizations to submit proposals for financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources. Through this opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability consistent with sections 3 and 4 of the October 19, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy

DOE GFO Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 Funding Program Department of Energy – $125.5 million

Applications Due: March 30, 2020

Eligible Entities: unrestricted

This funding opportunity is being issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). SETO supports solar energy research and development (R&D) in three technology areas—photovoltaics (PV), concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP), and systems integration—with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid. This section describes the overall goals of the Solar Energy Technologies Office Fiscal Year 2020 (SETO 2020) funding program and the types of projects being solicited for funding support through this FOA.

The SETO 2020 funding program seeks to advance R&D of solar technologies that reduce the cost of solar, increase the competitiveness of American manufacturing and businesses, and improve the reliability of the grid. These projects will advance R&D in PV, CSP, and energy management technologies, while also working to improve cyber security, expand solar to new applications like agricultural solar, integrate solar and storage, and utilize artificial intelligence to address research challenges. For more information, visit the funding opportunity description.


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

NEW! Diesel Resources (thanks, Mercedes Kaiser!)


  • EPA – Diesel Emissions Quantifier (DEQ) Provides an interactive, web-based tool for users with little or no modeling experience; evaluates clean diesel projects and upgrade options for medium-heavy and heavy-heavy duty diesel engines; and estimates baseline emissions, reduced emissions, cost effectiveness for NOx, PM2.5, HC, CO and CO2, and PM-related health benefits.


EPA Announces Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring Grant Competition

Deadline to apply: March 30, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting applications for funding for air toxics monitoring projects under the Community-Scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring grants competition. As part of the Agency’s mission to protect human and environmental health, EPA periodically awards these grants to help state, local and tribal air agencies conduct air quality monitoring projects to address localized air toxics issues. EPA anticipates awarding up to $5 million from this competition to fund projects that fall into four categories:

  • Characterizing the impacts of air toxics in a community (community-scale monitoring);
  • Assessing the impacts of air toxics emissions from specific sources (near-source monitoring);
  • Evaluating new and emerging testing methods for air toxics; and
  • Analyzing existing air toxics data and developing or enhancing analytical, modeling, and/or implementation tools.

Air toxics, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are linked to cancer or other serious health effects. Under the Clean Air Act, EPA regulates 187 listed air toxic pollutants. While grant applications may address any air toxic pollutant, air toxics of particular interest to EPA in this competition include ethylene oxide, chloroprene, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, and metals such as hexavalent chromium, nickel and arsenic.

To receive the grants, applicants must be air pollution control agencies as defined by Section 302(b) of the Clean Air Act that also are eligible to receive grants under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act. Funding for the grants comes from State and Tribal Assistance (STAG) funding. Congress appropriates STAG funds for state, local and tribal air agencies to use in implementing and maintaining environmental programs.

Agencies applying for the air toxics monitoring grants may partner with or provide “subgrants” to other organizations for their monitoring projects. The Agency expects to award grants for 10 to 20 projects, depending on funding availability and the quality of applications received. The amount for each grant may vary; however, no grant may be for more than $750,000. Click here for additional information, and to download the Request for Application.  

Indoor Air Quality

Be sure to sign up for EPA’s Healthy Indoor Air newsletter.


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.


Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.





2020-03-11T13:08:07+00:00March 11th, 2020|RESOURCES & FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES|


Our mission is to advance air quality management policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests, and unique legal status of American Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives.

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