PHOTOS FROM THE FIELD: Week of August 30 – September 3, 2021

Photo From the Field

US News – Gaps in US Wildfire Smoke Warning Network Leave Many Exposed

In this Aug. 11, 2021 file photo smoke from a wildfire obscures a stand of trees on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, near Ashland, Mont. In southeastern Montana, communities in and around the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation were ordered to evacuate as the Richard Spring Fire grew amid erratic winds. (AP Photo/Matthew Brown, File) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

2021-09-01T18:20:15+00:00September 1st, 2021|PHOTOS FROM THE FIELD|

PHOTOS FROM THE FIELD: Week of August 9 – 13, 2021

Photo From the Field

New York Times – A hotter Future Is Certain, Climate Panel Warns. But How Hot Is Up to Us.

The Dixie Fire, which destroyed one town and forced thousands to flee their homes in Northern California, became the second largest wildfire in state history (David Swanson/Reuters).

Note from the Editor: IPCC Confirms Human Causation Of Climate Change, Warns Of Narrowing Window For Action: The alarming new IPCC report released on Monday confirms, with “unequivocal” certainty, that the climate change causing the devastating phenomena hammering the globe is driven by human-sourced greenhouse gas pollution. More stories on the report are below.

2021-08-11T17:49:59+00:00August 11th, 2021|PHOTOS FROM THE FIELD|

PHOTOS FROM THE FIELD: Week of July 26-30, 2021

In Memorial of Bill Thompson, Former NTAA Chairman

From the NTAA Executive Committee and Staff:

We are all deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Bill Thompson of the Penobscot Nation.  Bill was a trusted friend, colleague, Tribal leader, and strong advocate for Tribes and tribal sovereignty, not just for Penobscot Nation or Tribes in the state of Maine, but all Tribes throughout the United States.  He lent his voice and his time to NTAA, serving as Chairman for many years, also serving on the Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center, the National Tribal Caucus, and working for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Indoor Environments Division in Washington D.C.

The life and times of William Quincy Thompson…known to us all lovingly as just Bill.  Bill “Peetarh” was a goofy member of the “Sweater Vest Tribe” but a fiercely proud and honored to be a Citizen of the Penobscot Nation.  He was also proud of his Irish heritage, saluting it with every Guinness.  His fight for Tribal Sovereignty and Tribal rights was always his first thought.  Bill’s simple but constant reminder of being a Citizen and not a member has educated so many. Through every joke, radio voice, or parody Bill did, there was a lesson.  Bill wasn’t always an air quality airhead, he started out as a writer.  He had a flair for making stories fiction and non-fiction come to life. He was so wise but still did not take himself too seriously, always poking fun at himself and others.  Bill had a love for tangents, going off into a story or derailing someone else’s story in such a good way that you always smiled.  He was a true complementor, making them personalized and heartfelt that it made people feel special and truly complimented.  Bill was selfless and would do or give anything to anyone that he felt needed it – regardless of his needs.  Bill warmed people’s hearts.  His nature was pure.  

Bill loved with his whole being.  Being around Bill you felt this.  Lisa was the love of Bill’s life; some would say true soulmates.  He loved her with such respect and gratitude that came through every time he talked about her.   He equally loved his children, Gabe and Jasmine, sharing photos, projects, updates proudly whenever possible.  He revered family and loved his friends.  Well Bill, we equally loved you back.  We miss you and will forever remember your teachings.  You are gone way too soon.   May you be at peace my friend and enjoy all the lobsta and butta to your heart’s desire.  Tahko.

2021-07-28T19:51:42+00:00July 28th, 2021|PHOTOS FROM THE FIELD|

PHOTOS FROM THE FIELD: Week of July 12 – 16, 2021


Washington Post – Native Americans are transporting a 5,000-pound totem pole to D.C. from the Pacific Northwest

Jewell James of the Lummi Nation works on a 25-foot totem pole he helped make as head carver for the “House of Tears Carvers.” The pole is making a cross-country trip with a crew of travelers in July from Washington state to D.C. to raise awareness about Native American issues and sacred sites. (Jason Jones/The Natural History Museum)

2021-07-14T17:57:11+00:00July 14th, 2021|PHOTOS FROM THE FIELD|


Our mission is to advance air quality management policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests, and unique legal status of American Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives.

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