UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of February 20 – 24, 2023



NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

March 16,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, April 6, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! March 29,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 23, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! You are invited to participate in EPA Region 10’s 2023 Smoke Management in the Northwest Conference.
– When: April 18-20, 2023
o Tuesday April 18, 1:30 – 5:00 pm PT
o Wednesday April 19, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm PT
o Thursday April 20, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm PT
– Where: Seattle, Washington in the EPA Region 10 Office and virtual via Microsoft Teams. Hotel room block information to follow.
– Who: All who are interested in issues related to wildfire smoke, forest management, air quality, and public health
– Cost: Free – How to register: Register via Ticketleap today!
– Additional background:
– EPA Region 10, along with help from private and public partners, has grown this thriving meeting for many years to address evolving needs.
– Last year, the meeting was 100% virtual with over 300 people participating. Materials and recordings of last year’s sessions are available here.
– The meeting is an opportunity to meet and learn from professionals on air quality, land management, community engagement, public health, academic, and a range of other wildfire smoke related issues.
– There will be a mix of session formats including presentations, panel discussions, break-out sessions, and interactive exercises.
– We are planning opportunities to gather in person for food, drink, and socializing Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

NEW! 4/18-4/20: Smoke Management in the NW Conference. Hybrid, with options to join in person in Seattle and virtually via Microsoft Teams. Save the date for this wildfire smoke focused conference. More info and a registration link to come this week. Contact: Erin McTigue [email protected]


REMINDER! The Tribal Healthy Homes Network is seeking Tribal insights on the ways you are working to protect Elders when climate events impact them inside their homes (e.g., wildfire smoke, high heat, and Ozone events). Your information will help other Tribes to create solutions, and will help inform their Spring, 2023 seminar: “Climate-Ready Housing for Tribal Elders.”

Please, take 3 minutes to fill out the survey. All participants receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card, courtesy of Partnership for Air Matters. Click here to take the survey:



REMINDER! Nominations for candidates to participate on the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee are open!

Currently there are 2 Tribal Representatives on the Committee, Jeremy Fincher -Sac and Fox Nation, and Elizabeth Jacobs – Akwesasne Housing Authority. Natalene Cummings – Forest County Potawatomi Community, will complete the 3rd, 2-year term that is permitted at the Spring meeting of this year.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites nominations from a diverse range of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment to its Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC). Vacancies are anticipated to be filled by August 2023. Sources in addition to this Federal Register Notice may also be utilized in the solicitation of nominees. ADDRESSES: Submit nominations in writing to: Lorraine Reddick, Designated Federal Officer, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460. For further information or to email nominations, include in the subject line CAAAC Membership 2023 and send to [email protected].


If you want to talk with Natalene more about what being a member of CAAAC involves, you can reach her at 715-478-7211.


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP’s) will be hosting public listening sessions starting in February for its new program for Tribal Clean Transportation

U.S. DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) representatives will also present a brief overview of NREL’s technical support for Tribal Clean Transportation. ITEP will ask attendees simple questions, and your answers will help set the course for ITEP’s work on Tribal Clean Transportation for the next several years. The session agenda will be repeated at each of the four sessions to provide multiple opportunities to attend and provide your feedback. You can attend one or more session as you wish.


Listening Sessions will be held every Wednesday, February 15th, and 22nd12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 882 1584 7769

Password: 323550

Find your local number: Click here


NEW! Hold the Date! Call for Speakers!

What:                 Residential Wood Smoke Training Workshop (Workshop)

When:                April 11 – 13, 2023

Where:               Denver, CO

Who:                  State, local, tribal, and federal officials, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions


Workshop topics will be wide-ranging, e.g.:

  • Regulatory Programs (e.g., curtailment programs, Wood Heater New Source Performance Standard, test methods, enforcement)
  • Voluntary Programs (e.g., proper operation education campaigns, recreational fires/firepits, identifying and understanding the best devices for appliance incentive programs – emphasis on heat pumps)
  • Residential wood smoke and PM NAAQS
  • Residential health effects, indoor air quality
  • New and existing funding opportunities (e.g., Environment and Climate Justice Block Grants, tax credits, heat pump direct rebates)
  • Understanding heating appliances (wood stoves, electric heat pumps) & recreational devices (fireplaces, firepits)- including field trip to a retail store


A major focus of the Workshop will include how to leverage funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (e.g., Environment and Climate Justice Block Grants, direct rebates, tax credits) and overcome barriers to encourage and incentivize the installation of heat pumps in homes currently using wood as their primary or secondary source of heat.


Unlike past years, the workshop will not be held in conjunction with the Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association Trade Show/Expo, but we do plan to have speakers from the hearth industry and learn about various recreational and heating appliances.  We are planning a 3 hour field trip to a large retail store for an opportunity to see and learn about several different types of heating appliances (EPA-certified wood stoves, pellets stoves, gas appliance and electric heat pumps) and recreational devices (fireplaces and firepits/chimeneas).


Hotel and Registration: The Workshop is planned to run from the Tuesday afternoon, (April 11) until 4:30 pm, Thursday (April 13).  We intend on reserving a block of rooms at the government rate at a hotel in downtown Denver and will make that available along with a Workshop online registration site in a couple weeks?  There will be no registration cost for the Workshop.


Call for topics and speakers:  EPA, with the support of the Western States Air Resources Council (WESTAR) is coordinating the Workshop.  As we formulate the agenda over the next 3-4 weeks, we are requesting suggestions on specific discussion topics and critical issues you face in tackling residential wood smoke and would find valuable to discuss with your counterparts across the nation.  If you have any recommendation on speakers or have an issue or program that you would be interested in presenting, please contact Larry Brockman, [email protected] or 919-824-1579. Feel free to share this email with others who may have an interest and they can email me to be added to the distribution list.


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


Climate Change / Energy


NEW! EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants: Introductory webinar for state, territory, tribal, and local governments

As part of the Administration’s commitment to move quickly to implement the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), EPA is working at an accelerated pace to share information about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG).  The CPRG program will provide significant resources to state, territory, local, and tribal governments to develop ambitious climate action and air pollution reduction plans and to implement measures from those plans. The CPRG is a two-stage program – with $250 million in non-competitive planning grants coming soon, followed by $4.6 billion of competitive implementation grants.


EPA will hold a webinar at 2 p.m. Eastern time, Wednesday February 15, 2023, for state, territory, tribal and local governments to provide general information on the CPRG. EPA is working to release the program guidance for planning grants as soon as March 1. This guidance will be focused specifically on the $250 million non-competitive planning grants portion of the program. Later this year, EPA will issue a separate notice of funding opportunity regarding the implementation grants, which will be awarded under a competitive process.


EPA is designing a CPRG program that will provide flexible support to state, territory, tribal, and local governments regardless of where they are in their climate planning and implementation process. Programs and projects included in plans could further goals and policies for clean energy, energy efficiency, and other measures to reduce greenhouse gas air pollution across various sectors of the economy. Recipients will also have the flexibility to use the planning grant money in the ways that best achieve these outcomes – from program development to staffing and contractor support.


EPA will host an hour-long webinar at 2:00 PM Eastern time Wednesday February 15, 2023. Registration is required. Please register at https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/climate-pollution-reduction-grants#CPRG-Webinars. The webinar will also be recorded and posted to the website.




TITLE: EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants: Introductory webinar for state, territory, tribal, and local governments


DATE:  Wednesday, February 15, 2023


TIME:  2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Eastern time)

The webinar will also be recorded and posted to the website.


WHERE:   Registration is required. Registration is available at https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/climate-pollution-reduction-grants#CPRG-Webinars


More information on the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

Sign up for notifications about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants


The U.S. EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) has published an enhanced National Map of Landfill Gas (LFG) Energy Projects and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.  The newly published version incorporates layers for Tribal lands and environmental justice demographic data so that users can identify areas where LFG energy projects may warrant additional consideration, analysis, or outreach to surrounding communities.

Link: https://www.epa.gov/lmop/lmop-national-map


Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summits

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to host a series of regional summits on the topic of environmental health in Indian Country. Each summit will feature Tribal leaders, environmental health practitioners, subject matter experts, and federal partners engaging on topics relevant to each region. A total of eight summits will be held between 2022 and 2024. The goal of each summit is to connect people from different backgrounds and Tribes, communities, federal agencies, Tribal organizations and state and local entities to address various environmental health and environmental justice issues of mutual concern across all regions as well as issues specific to individual regions. The first confirmed summit is May 1 – May 2, 2023, in Anchorage, Alaska.

More details here


Toxics/Mobile Sources

REMINDER! EPA’s Data Mapping and Analyses to Identify US Locations with High Lead Exposures   Webinar: February 15, 2023 @ 12pm/PT 3pm/ET



NEW! The National Transportation in Indian Country Conference (NTICC) will be held in Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 24-28, 2023

The National Transportation in Indian Country Conference is the one-stop-shop transportation conference FOR TRIBES, BY TRIBES. NTICC offers access to relevant training and an opportunity for Tribal transportation professionals to engage with federal officials and their Tribal transportation peers regarding Tribal transportation issues and challenges.

​NTICC provides information and resources for all who are committed to improving the transportation infrastructure of Indian Country and the safety of those who live, work, and travel the roadways of Alaska Native and Native American lands.

For more information and to register, visit: https://www.nticc.org/


NEW!  EPA’s Office of Emergency Management is offering training that would be of interest to people working on air quality issues as related to emergency situations.

Overview of Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure and Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Software Suite Webinar for Tribal Partners

Participants should only register for one of the five offerings below, as all sessions will cover the same material. Please note whether times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Date Time Registration
March 2, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST Register here
April 6, 2023 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT Register here
August 24, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT Register here
September 7, 2023 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT Register here
September 22, 2023 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT Register here


This hour and a half, EPA-hosted session will provide a basic overview of the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure oil spill prevention program and how the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) software suite can be used to help communities prepare for and respond to chemical and oil spills. The session will also include a question-and-answer segment where participants can interact with the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure national program manager and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act program coordinator that oversees the CAMEO software suite.

For more information on CAMEO, please see:

  • Tier2 Submit Software
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s CAMEO website


REMINDER! Announcing the 2023 National Air Toxics Conference April 18-20, 2023 for your consideration for attending and/or presenting!

More details are available at the website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/save-the-date-2023-national-air-toxics-conference-tickets-473488295237.


The second session of the Million Hearts Climate Change and Cardiovascular Disease Collaborative, Interventions to Address Particle Pollution and Heart Disease took place last week. You can access a recording of the session here (passcode: W$Bb8t*!)


Helpful links/resources from the chat

The recently updated Air Sensor Guidebook has a lot of information on using sensors outdoors and indoors – https://www.epa.gov/air-sensor-toolbox/how-use-air-sensors-air-sensor-guidebook


Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/

Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected] Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

New! Upcoming Webinar from the American Lung Association Radon Testing in Schools: State Protocols and Resources

Date: Feb. 28, 3:00-4:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Register today for a free webinar about radon testing in schools from the American Lung Association. The webinar will feature a panel of experts in states that have regulatory and non-regulatory protocols in place for testing schools for radon. Presenters will discuss how they worked with schools within their states and will share resources for participants to learn more.

The target audiences for this webinar are state and county partners, non-profit organizations and school administrators who are looking to implement radon testing protocols for schools.

Register Here!

Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners


This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

Environmental Justice

REMINDER! National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call: February 21, 2023

EPA invites Environmental Justice (EJ) advocates to participate in the next National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call taking place on February 21, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time). These calls are free and open to the public.

Registration Link:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/epa-natl-environmental-justice-community-engagement-call-feb-21-2023-registration-526119556757


  • EPA Office Environmental Justice External Civil Rights (OEJECR) Leadership Updates
  • External Civil Rights Presentation (ECR)
  • Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Updates

The purpose of these calls is to inform the community and other stakeholders about EPA’s EJ work and enhance opportunities to maintain an open dialogue with EJ advocates.

Please email [email protected] by February 16, 2023 to request reasonable accommodation for a disability or interpreter services in a language other than English, so that you can participate in the call and/or to request a translation of any of the event documents into a language other than English.

For more information about the National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Calls, please email [email protected]

Recordings and meeting materials for all calls are posted here: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/national-environmental-justice-community-engagement-calls.



NEW! A vacancy announcement for a GS-12/13 Senior Tribal Air Quality Planner with EPA Region 10 opened today on USAJOBS.  The announcement is open to all U.S. citizens. This vacancy announcement will remain open through February 17. This position is being filled through the Office of Personnel Management’s government-wide direct-hire authority.

This Physical/Life Scientist position supports the promulgation and implementation of Region 10’s Federal Air Rules for Reservations in Idaho, Oregon and Washington (FARR) and is a grants project officer. This position is located in the Region 10 Air and Radiation Division in the Air Planning & State/Tribal Coordination Branch, in Seattle, WA, Boise, ID, Lacey, WA, or Portland, OR.  Job Announcement # CIN-ZX-ODH-2023-0014: USAJOBS – Job Announcement


NEW! EPA’s OEJECR is Hiring an Office Director!

EPA’s Office of Community Support (within the new Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights) is hiring an Office Director/ Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist. This announcement closes on February 21, 2023.

In this role, you will:

  • Provide direction, guidance, and oversight to staff with respect to coordinating all environmental justice (EJ) grant programs and EJ community support activities;
  • Plan, organize, and direct the activities of the Office of Community Support in administering environmental protection programs focused on enhancing environmental quality for under-served and disenfranchised communities;
  • Exercise supervisory personnel management responsibilities.

You will spend less than 25% of your work time on contracts, grants/cooperative agreements, and/or interagency agreements.

One or more positions may be filled (in the organization advertised and/or in other organizations), if appropriate to the position.

Learn more and apply here: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/705520700


NEW! JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Engineering Technician – DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Indian Health Service Office of Environmental Health & Engineering

Closing date: March 3, 2023

Summary: This position is located in the Office of Environmental Health at the District or one of its Field Offices. The primary function of the incumbent is to assist the engineering staff to perform technical duties related to the construction of water and waste facilities. Position may require infrequent travel. Works under the supervision of the District Engineer or Field Engineer, depending upon work location. To view this announcement, please visit the websites listed below: ESEP/MP: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/693089700

DE: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/693089500

For further information on the position located in Polacca, AZ, please contact: David Bates, Engineer (228) 364-2500 OEH&E – Hopi Field Office [email protected] [email protected]

or Andrew Larson, Engineer OEH&E – Hopi Field Office (928) 737-6283 [email protected]

We are seeking to fill the vacant position located on the Hopi reservation in Polacca, AZ


REMINDER! The following positions are open for the Prairie Island Indian Community

Applications can be found on their website under Employment & Opportunities http://www.prairieisland.org

Food Systems Specialist

Invasive Species Coordinator

Water Resources Specialist


REMINDER! The Department of Religious Studies is hiring an 1855 professorship in the position of Great Lakes Anishinaabe Knowledge, Spiritualities, and Cultural Practices.

Applications closes: July 8, 2024, | Click Here for Full Job Description

The Department of Religious Studies is hiring an 1855 professorship in the position of Great Lakes Anishinaabe Knowledge, Spiritualities, and Cultural Practices. We seek a scholar with a focus on Anishinaabe communities, and more broadly, Great Lakes Native American cultures. The scholar’s areas of interest should include Anishinaabe worldviews, ceremony, knowledge systems, and communal cultural practices in the context of colonialisms, resistance, resiliency, and sovereignty. The specific area of focus is open with preference to knowledge of traditions of Anishinaabe communities, and more broadly, Native American communities. We are particularly interested in scholars whose work and teaching complement cross-university strengths in environmental practices, North American Indigenous Law, communal health and wellness, and social justice. In keeping with our land-grant mission, we seek a scholar engaged in public-facing conversations about how contemporary Native American knowledge, language, spiritualities, and culture can inform larger discussions around law, public policy, land stewardship, resource management, community health and wellbeing, Tribal governance, museum collections and archives, and environmental justice movements.

2023-02-23T23:25:22+00:00February 23rd, 2023|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of February 13 – 17, 2023



NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

March 16,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, April 6, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! March 29,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 23, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes


NEW! 4/18-4/20: Smoke Management in the NW Conference. Hybrid, with options to join in person in Seattle and virtually via Microsoft Teams. Save the date for this wildfire smoke focused conference. More info and a registration link to come this week. Contact: Erin McTigue [email protected]


REMINDER! Reconsideration of the PM NAAQS Public Hearing Information:



EPA will hold a virtual public hearing on February 21 and February 22, 2023 to provide the public the opportunity to present comments and information on the Agency’s proposed rule for the Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter. EPA is proposing to the revise the primary (health-based) annual PM2.5 standard from its current level of 12.0 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) to within the range of 9.0 to 10.0 µg/m3. EPA is proposing not to change the current primary and secondary 24-hour PM2.5 standards, primary and secondary PM10 standards, and secondary (welfare-based) annual PM2.5 standard. The proposal also includes revisions to other key aspects related to the PM NAAQS, including revisions to the Air Quality Index and monitoring requirements.  The deadline to register for the public hearing is February 16, 2023.


The Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) reconsideration proposal has published in the Federal Register. The public comment period is open from January 27 to March 28.




REMINDER! The Tribal Healthy Homes Network is seeking Tribal insights on the ways you are working to protect Elders when climate events impact them inside their homes (e.g., wildfire smoke, high heat, and Ozone events). Your information will help other Tribes to create solutions, and will help inform their Spring, 2023 seminar: “Climate-Ready Housing for Tribal Elders.”

Please, take 3 minutes to fill out the survey. All participants receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card, courtesy of Partnership for Air Matters. Click here to take the survey:



REMINDER! Nominations for candidates to participate on the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee are open!

Currently there are 2 Tribal Representatives on the Committee, Jeremy Fincher -Sac and Fox Nation, and Elizabeth Jacobs – Akwesasne Housing Authority. Natalene Cummings – Forest County Potawatomi Community, will complete the 3rd, 2-year term that is permitted at the Spring meeting of this year.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites nominations from a diverse range of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment to its Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC). Vacancies are anticipated to be filled by August 2023. Sources in addition to this Federal Register Notice may also be utilized in the solicitation of nominees. ADDRESSES: Submit nominations in writing to: Lorraine Reddick, Designated Federal Officer, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460. For further information or to email nominations, include in the subject line CAAAC Membership 2023 and send to [email protected].


If you want to talk with Natalene more about what being a member of CAAAC involves, you can reach her at 715-478-7211.


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP’s) will be hosting public listening sessions starting in February for its new program for Tribal Clean Transportation

U.S. DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) representatives will also present a brief overview of NREL’s technical support for Tribal Clean Transportation. ITEP will ask attendees simple questions, and your answers will help set the course for ITEP’s work on Tribal Clean Transportation for the next several years. The session agenda will be repeated at each of the four sessions to provide multiple opportunities to attend and provide your feedback. You can attend one or more session as you wish.


Listening Sessions will be held every Wednesday, February 15th, and 22nd12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 882 1584 7769

Password: 323550

Find your local number: Click here


NEW! Hold the Date! Call for Speakers!

What:                 Residential Wood Smoke Training Workshop (Workshop)

When:                April 11 – 13, 2023

Where:               Denver, CO

Who:                  State, local, tribal, and federal officials, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions


Workshop topics will be wide-ranging, e.g.:

  • Regulatory Programs (e.g., curtailment programs, Wood Heater New Source Performance Standard, test methods, enforcement)
  • Voluntary Programs (e.g., proper operation education campaigns, recreational fires/firepits, identifying and understanding the best devices for appliance incentive programs – emphasis on heat pumps)
  • Residential wood smoke and PM NAAQS
  • Residential health effects, indoor air quality
  • New and existing funding opportunities (e.g., Environment and Climate Justice Block Grants, tax credits, heat pump direct rebates)
  • Understanding heating appliances (wood stoves, electric heat pumps) & recreational devices (fireplaces, firepits)- including field trip to a retail store


A major focus of the Workshop will include how to leverage funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (e.g., Environment and Climate Justice Block Grants, direct rebates, tax credits) and overcome barriers to encourage and incentivize the installation of heat pumps in homes currently using wood as their primary or secondary source of heat.


Unlike past years, the workshop will not be held in conjunction with the Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association Trade Show/Expo, but we do plan to have speakers from the hearth industry and learn about various recreational and heating appliances.  We are planning a 3 hour field trip to a large retail store for an opportunity to see and learn about several different types of heating appliances (EPA-certified wood stoves, pellets stoves, gas appliance and electric heat pumps) and recreational devices (fireplaces and firepits/chimeneas).


Hotel and Registration: The Workshop is planned to run from the Tuesday afternoon, (April 11) until 4:30 pm, Thursday (April 13).  We intend on reserving a block of rooms at the government rate at a hotel in downtown Denver and will make that available along with a Workshop online registration site in a couple weeks?  There will be no registration cost for the Workshop.


Call for topics and speakers:  EPA, with the support of the Western States Air Resources Council (WESTAR) is coordinating the Workshop.  As we formulate the agenda over the next 3-4 weeks, we are requesting suggestions on specific discussion topics and critical issues you face in tackling residential wood smoke and would find valuable to discuss with your counterparts across the nation.  If you have any recommendation on speakers or have an issue or program that you would be interested in presenting, please contact Larry Brockman, [email protected] or 919-824-1579. Feel free to share this email with others who may have an interest and they can email me to be added to the distribution list.


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


Climate Change / Energy


NEW! EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants: Introductory webinar for state, territory, tribal, and local governments

As part of the Administration’s commitment to move quickly to implement the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), EPA is working at an accelerated pace to share information about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG).  The CPRG program will provide significant resources to state, territory, local, and tribal governments to develop ambitious climate action and air pollution reduction plans and to implement measures from those plans. The CPRG is a two-stage program – with $250 million in non-competitive planning grants coming soon, followed by $4.6 billion of competitive implementation grants.


EPA will hold a webinar at 2 p.m. Eastern time, Wednesday February 15, 2023, for state, territory, tribal and local governments to provide general information on the CPRG. EPA is working to release the program guidance for planning grants as soon as March 1. This guidance will be focused specifically on the $250 million non-competitive planning grants portion of the program. Later this year, EPA will issue a separate notice of funding opportunity regarding the implementation grants, which will be awarded under a competitive process.


EPA is designing a CPRG program that will provide flexible support to state, territory, tribal, and local governments regardless of where they are in their climate planning and implementation process. Programs and projects included in plans could further goals and policies for clean energy, energy efficiency, and other measures to reduce greenhouse gas air pollution across various sectors of the economy. Recipients will also have the flexibility to use the planning grant money in the ways that best achieve these outcomes – from program development to staffing and contractor support.


EPA will host an hour-long webinar at 2:00 PM Eastern time Wednesday February 15, 2023. Registration is required. Please register at https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/climate-pollution-reduction-grants#CPRG-Webinars. The webinar will also be recorded and posted to the website.




TITLE: EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants: Introductory webinar for state, territory, tribal, and local governments


DATE:  Wednesday, February 15, 2023


TIME:  2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Eastern time)

The webinar will also be recorded and posted to the website.


WHERE:   Registration is required. Registration is available at https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/climate-pollution-reduction-grants#CPRG-Webinars


More information on the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

Sign up for notifications about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants


The U.S. EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) has published an enhanced National Map of Landfill Gas (LFG) Energy Projects and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.  The newly published version incorporates layers for Tribal lands and environmental justice demographic data so that users can identify areas where LFG energy projects may warrant additional consideration, analysis, or outreach to surrounding communities.

Link: https://www.epa.gov/lmop/lmop-national-map


Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summits

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to host a series of regional summits on the topic of environmental health in Indian Country. Each summit will feature Tribal leaders, environmental health practitioners, subject matter experts, and federal partners engaging on topics relevant to each region. A total of eight summits will be held between 2022 and 2024. The goal of each summit is to connect people from different backgrounds and Tribes, communities, federal agencies, Tribal organizations and state and local entities to address various environmental health and environmental justice issues of mutual concern across all regions as well as issues specific to individual regions. The first confirmed summit is May 1 – May 2, 2023, in Anchorage, Alaska.

More details here


Toxics/Mobile Sources

REMINDER! EPA’s Data Mapping and Analyses to Identify US Locations with High Lead Exposures   Webinar: February 15, 2023 @ 12pm/PT 3pm/ET



NEW! The National Transportation in Indian Country Conference (NTICC) will be held in Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 24-28, 2023

The National Transportation in Indian Country Conference is the one-stop-shop transportation conference FOR TRIBES, BY TRIBES. NTICC offers access to relevant training and an opportunity for Tribal transportation professionals to engage with federal officials and their Tribal transportation peers regarding Tribal transportation issues and challenges.

​NTICC provides information and resources for all who are committed to improving the transportation infrastructure of Indian Country and the safety of those who live, work, and travel the roadways of Alaska Native and Native American lands.

For more information and to register, visit: https://www.nticc.org/


NEW!  EPA’s Office of Emergency Management is offering training that would be of interest to people working on air quality issues as related to emergency situations.

Overview of Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure and Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Software Suite Webinar for Tribal Partners

Participants should only register for one of the five offerings below, as all sessions will cover the same material. Please note whether times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Date Time Registration
March 2, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST Register here
April 6, 2023 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT Register here
August 24, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT Register here
September 7, 2023 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT Register here
September 22, 2023 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT Register here


This hour and a half, EPA-hosted session will provide a basic overview of the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure oil spill prevention program and how the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) software suite can be used to help communities prepare for and respond to chemical and oil spills. The session will also include a question-and-answer segment where participants can interact with the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure national program manager and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act program coordinator that oversees the CAMEO software suite.

For more information on CAMEO, please see:

  • Tier2 Submit Software
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s CAMEO website


REMINDER! Announcing the 2023 National Air Toxics Conference April 18-20, 2023 for your consideration for attending and/or presenting!

More details are available at the website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/save-the-date-2023-national-air-toxics-conference-tickets-473488295237.


The second session of the Million Hearts Climate Change and Cardiovascular Disease Collaborative, Interventions to Address Particle Pollution and Heart Disease took place last week. You can access a recording of the session here (passcode: W$Bb8t*!)


Helpful links/resources from the chat

The recently updated Air Sensor Guidebook has a lot of information on using sensors outdoors and indoors – https://www.epa.gov/air-sensor-toolbox/how-use-air-sensors-air-sensor-guidebook


Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/

Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected] Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

New! Upcoming Webinar from the American Lung Association Radon Testing in Schools: State Protocols and Resources

Date: Feb. 28, 3:00-4:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Register today for a free webinar about radon testing in schools from the American Lung Association. The webinar will feature a panel of experts in states that have regulatory and non-regulatory protocols in place for testing schools for radon. Presenters will discuss how they worked with schools within their states and will share resources for participants to learn more.

The target audiences for this webinar are state and county partners, non-profit organizations and school administrators who are looking to implement radon testing protocols for schools.

Register Here!

Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners


This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

Environmental Justice

REMINDER! National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call: February 21, 2023

EPA invites Environmental Justice (EJ) advocates to participate in the next National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call taking place on February 21, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time). These calls are free and open to the public.

Registration Link:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/epa-natl-environmental-justice-community-engagement-call-feb-21-2023-registration-526119556757


  • EPA Office Environmental Justice External Civil Rights (OEJECR) Leadership Updates
  • External Civil Rights Presentation (ECR)
  • Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Updates

The purpose of these calls is to inform the community and other stakeholders about EPA’s EJ work and enhance opportunities to maintain an open dialogue with EJ advocates.

Please email [email protected] by February 16, 2023 to request reasonable accommodation for a disability or interpreter services in a language other than English, so that you can participate in the call and/or to request a translation of any of the event documents into a language other than English.

For more information about the National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Calls, please email [email protected]

Recordings and meeting materials for all calls are posted here: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/national-environmental-justice-community-engagement-calls.



NEW! A vacancy announcement for a GS-12/13 Senior Tribal Air Quality Planner with EPA Region 10 opened today on USAJOBS.  The announcement is open to all U.S. citizens. This vacancy announcement will remain open through February 17. This position is being filled through the Office of Personnel Management’s government-wide direct-hire authority.

This Physical/Life Scientist position supports the promulgation and implementation of Region 10’s Federal Air Rules for Reservations in Idaho, Oregon and Washington (FARR) and is a grants project officer. This position is located in the Region 10 Air and Radiation Division in the Air Planning & State/Tribal Coordination Branch, in Seattle, WA, Boise, ID, Lacey, WA, or Portland, OR.  Job Announcement # CIN-ZX-ODH-2023-0014: USAJOBS – Job Announcement


NEW! EPA’s OEJECR is Hiring an Office Director!

EPA’s Office of Community Support (within the new Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights) is hiring an Office Director/ Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist. This announcement closes on February 21, 2023.

In this role, you will:

  • Provide direction, guidance, and oversight to staff with respect to coordinating all environmental justice (EJ) grant programs and EJ community support activities;
  • Plan, organize, and direct the activities of the Office of Community Support in administering environmental protection programs focused on enhancing environmental quality for under-served and disenfranchised communities;
  • Exercise supervisory personnel management responsibilities.

You will spend less than 25% of your work time on contracts, grants/cooperative agreements, and/or interagency agreements.

One or more positions may be filled (in the organization advertised and/or in other organizations), if appropriate to the position.

Learn more and apply here: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/705520700


NEW! JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Engineering Technician – DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Indian Health Service Office of Environmental Health & Engineering

Closing date: March 3, 2023

Summary: This position is located in the Office of Environmental Health at the District or one of its Field Offices. The primary function of the incumbent is to assist the engineering staff to perform technical duties related to the construction of water and waste facilities. Position may require infrequent travel. Works under the supervision of the District Engineer or Field Engineer, depending upon work location. To view this announcement, please visit the websites listed below: ESEP/MP: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/693089700

DE: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/693089500

For further information on the position located in Polacca, AZ, please contact: David Bates, Engineer (228) 364-2500 OEH&E – Hopi Field Office [email protected] [email protected]

or Andrew Larson, Engineer OEH&E – Hopi Field Office (928) 737-6283 [email protected]

We are seeking to fill the vacant position located on the Hopi reservation in Polacca, AZ


REMINDER! The following positions are open for the Prairie Island Indian Community

Applications can be found on their website under Employment & Opportunities http://www.prairieisland.org

Food Systems Specialist

Invasive Species Coordinator

Water Resources Specialist


REMINDER! The Department of Religious Studies is hiring an 1855 professorship in the position of Great Lakes Anishinaabe Knowledge, Spiritualities, and Cultural Practices.

Applications closes: July 8, 2024, | Click Here for Full Job Description

The Department of Religious Studies is hiring an 1855 professorship in the position of Great Lakes Anishinaabe Knowledge, Spiritualities, and Cultural Practices. We seek a scholar with a focus on Anishinaabe communities, and more broadly, Great Lakes Native American cultures. The scholar’s areas of interest should include Anishinaabe worldviews, ceremony, knowledge systems, and communal cultural practices in the context of colonialisms, resistance, resiliency, and sovereignty. The specific area of focus is open with preference to knowledge of traditions of Anishinaabe communities, and more broadly, Native American communities. We are particularly interested in scholars whose work and teaching complement cross-university strengths in environmental practices, North American Indigenous Law, communal health and wellness, and social justice. In keeping with our land-grant mission, we seek a scholar engaged in public-facing conversations about how contemporary Native American knowledge, language, spiritualities, and culture can inform larger discussions around law, public policy, land stewardship, resource management, community health and wellbeing, Tribal governance, museum collections and archives, and environmental justice movements.

2023-02-15T19:20:35+00:00February 15th, 2023|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of February 6 – 10, 2023


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call: February 21, 2023

EPA invites Environmental Justice (EJ) advocates to participate in the next National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call taking place on February 21, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time). These calls are free and open to the public.

Registration Link:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/epa-natl-environmental-justice-community-engagement-call-feb-21-2023-registration-526119556757


  • EPA Office Environmental Justice External Civil Rights (OEJECR) Leadership Updates
  • External Civil Rights Presentation (ECR)
  • Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Updates

The purpose of these calls is to inform the community and other stakeholders about EPA’s EJ work and enhance opportunities to maintain an open dialogue with EJ advocates.

Please email [email protected] by February 16, 2023 to request reasonable accommodation for a disability or interpreter services in a language other than English, so that you can participate in the call and/or to request a translation of any of the event documents into a language other than English.

For more information about the National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Calls, please email [email protected]

Recordings and meeting materials for all calls are posted here: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/national-environmental-justice-community-engagement-calls.


REMINDER! Reconsideration of the PM NAAQS Public Hearing Information:


EPA will hold a virtual public hearing on February 21 and February 22, 2023 to provide the public the opportunity to present comments and information on the Agency’s proposed rule for the Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter. EPA is proposing to the revise the primary (health-based) annual PM2.5 standard from its current level of 12.0 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) to within the range of 9.0 to 10.0 µg/m3. EPA is proposing not to change the current primary and secondary 24-hour PM2.5 standards, primary and secondary PM10 standards, and secondary (welfare-based) annual PM2.5 standard. The proposal also includes revisions to other key aspects related to the PM NAAQS, including revisions to the Air Quality Index and monitoring requirements.  The deadline to register for the public hearing is February 16, 2023.


If you need assistance in a language other than English or if you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact the public hearing team no later than February 7, 2023. You can reach the public hearing team by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 919-541-0505. Note: We may not be able to arrange accommodations beyond this date.  The comment period for the proposal closes March 28, 2023.


The Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) reconsideration proposal has published in the Federal Register. The public comment period is open from January 27 to March 28.



REMINDER! The Tribal Healthy Homes Network is seeking Tribal insights on the ways you are working to protect Elders when climate events impact them inside their homes (e.g., wildfire smoke, high heat, and Ozone events). Your information will help other Tribes to create solutions, and will help inform their Spring, 2023 seminar: “Climate-Ready Housing for Tribal Elders.”

Please, take 3 minutes to fill out the survey. All participants receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card, courtesy of Partnership for Air Matters. Click here to take the survey:



REMINDER! Nominations for candidates to participate on the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee are open!

Currently there are 2 Tribal Representatives on the Committee, Jeremy Fincher -Sac and Fox Nation, and Elizabeth Jacobs – Akwesasne Housing Authority. Natalene Cummings – Forest County Potawatomi Community, will complete the 3rd, 2-year term that is permitted at the Spring meeting of this year.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites nominations from a diverse range of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment to its Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC). Vacancies are anticipated to be filled by August 2023. Sources in addition to this Federal Register Notice may also be utilized in the solicitation of nominees. ADDRESSES: Submit nominations in writing to: Lorraine Reddick, Designated Federal Officer, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460. For further information or to email nominations, include in the subject line CAAAC Membership 2023 and send to [email protected].


If you want to talk with Natalene more about what being a member of CAAAC involves, you can reach her at 715-478-7211.


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP’s) will be hosting public listening sessions starting in February for its new program for Tribal Clean Transportation

U.S. DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) representatives will also present a brief overview of NREL’s technical support for Tribal Clean Transportation. ITEP will ask attendees simple questions, and your answers will help set the course for ITEP’s work on Tribal Clean Transportation for the next several years. The session agenda will be repeated at each of the four sessions to provide multiple opportunities to attend and provide your feedback. You can attend one or more session as you wish.

Listening Sessions will be held every Wednesday, February 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 2023, @ 12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 882 1584 7769

Password: 323550

Find your local number: Click here


NEW! Hold the Date! Call for Speakers!

What:                 Residential Wood Smoke Training Workshop (Workshop)

When:                April 11 – 13, 2023

Where:               Denver, CO

Who:                  State, local, tribal, and federal officials, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions


Workshop topics will be wide-ranging, e.g.:

  • Regulatory Programs (e.g., curtailment programs, Wood Heater New Source Performance Standard, test methods, enforcement)
  • Voluntary Programs (e.g., proper operation education campaigns, recreational fires/firepits, identifying and understanding the best devices for appliance incentive programs – emphasis on heat pumps)
  • Residential wood smoke and PM NAAQS
  • Residential health effects, indoor air quality
  • New and existing funding opportunities (e.g., Environment and Climate Justice Block Grants, tax credits, heat pump direct rebates)
  • Understanding heating appliances (wood stoves, electric heat pumps) & recreational devices (fireplaces, firepits)- including field trip to a retail store


A major focus of the Workshop will include how to leverage funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (e.g., Environment and Climate Justice Block Grants, direct rebates, tax credits) and overcome barriers to encourage and incentivize the installation of heat pumps in homes currently using wood as their primary or secondary source of heat.


Unlike past years, the workshop will not be held in conjunction with the Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association Trade Show/Expo, but we do plan to have speakers from the hearth industry and learn about various recreational and heating appliances.  We are planning a 3 hour field trip to a large retail store for an opportunity to see and learn about several different types of heating appliances (EPA-certified wood stoves, pellets stoves, gas appliance and electric heat pumps) and recreational devices (fireplaces and firepits/chimeneas).


Hotel and Registration: The Workshop is planned to run from the Tuesday afternoon, (April 11) until 4:30 pm, Thursday (April 13).  We intend on reserving a block of rooms at the government rate at a hotel in downtown Denver and will make that available along with a Workshop online registration site in a couple weeks?  There will be no registration cost for the Workshop.


Call for topics and speakers:  EPA, with the support of the Western States Air Resources Council (WESTAR) is coordinating the Workshop.  As we formulate the agenda over the next 3-4 weeks, we are requesting suggestions on specific discussion topics and critical issues you face in tackling residential wood smoke and would find valuable to discuss with your counterparts across the nation.  If you have any recommendation on speakers or have an issue or program that you would be interested in presenting, please contact Larry Brockman, [email protected] or 919-824-1579. Feel free to share this email with others who may have an interest and they can email me to be added to the distribution list.


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


REMINDER! Time is running out to apply for the 2023 National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management!

Deadline Extended: February 12, 2023, @ 11:59 p.m. EST

The Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is the nation’s highest honor for programs helping people bring asthma under control. Winners will be recognized in May during Asthma Awareness Month. Winning this award is a sign of excellence and confirmation of success in helping people with asthma lead healthy, active lives.

Winners receive:

  • A place in the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management Hall of Fame.
  • An engraved, crystal award.
  • Recognition in May during Asthma Awareness Month.
  • Recognition on national websites, including AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org.
  • Customized press kits, a descriptive snapshot of your program and support generating media attention.
  • An opportunity to serve as mentors to help other programs achieve impactful results.

For more information, visit the Asthma Community Network HERE


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air. The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

March 16,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, April 6, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! March 29,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 23, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars


Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.


ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Information for IRA and other competitive grants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DsRrod7XKk


Climate Change / Energy

NEW! EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants: Introductory webinar for state, territory, tribal, and local governments

As part of the Administration’s commitment to move quickly to implement the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), EPA is working at an accelerated pace to share information about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG).  The CPRG program will provide significant resources to state, territory, local, and tribal governments to develop ambitious climate action and air pollution reduction plans and to implement measures from those plans. The CPRG is a two-stage program – with $250 million in non-competitive planning grants coming soon, followed by $4.6 billion of competitive implementation grants.


EPA will hold a webinar at 2 p.m. Eastern time, Wednesday February 15, 2023, for state, territory, tribal and local governments to provide general information on the CPRG. EPA is working to release the program guidance for planning grants as soon as March 1. This guidance will be focused specifically on the $250 million non-competitive planning grants portion of the program. Later this year, EPA will issue a separate notice of funding opportunity regarding the implementation grants, which will be awarded under a competitive process.


EPA is designing a CPRG program that will provide flexible support to state, territory, tribal, and local governments regardless of where they are in their climate planning and implementation process. Programs and projects included in plans could further goals and policies for clean energy, energy efficiency, and other measures to reduce greenhouse gas air pollution across various sectors of the economy. Recipients will also have the flexibility to use the planning grant money in the ways that best achieve these outcomes – from program development to staffing and contractor support.


EPA will host an hour-long webinar at 2:00 PM Eastern time Wednesday February 15, 2023. Registration is required. Please register at https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/climate-pollution-reduction-grants#CPRG-Webinars. The webinar will also be recorded and posted to the website.




TITLE: EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants: Introductory webinar for state, territory, tribal, and local governments


DATE:  Wednesday, February 15, 2023


TIME:  2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Eastern time)

The webinar will also be recorded and posted to the website.


WHERE:   Registration is required. Registration is available at https://www.epa.gov/inflation-reduction-act/climate-pollution-reduction-grants#CPRG-Webinars


More information on the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

Sign up for notifications about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants


The U.S. EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) has published an enhanced National Map of Landfill Gas (LFG) Energy Projects and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.  The newly published version incorporates layers for Tribal lands and environmental justice demographic data so that users can identify areas where LFG energy projects may warrant additional consideration, analysis, or outreach to surrounding communities.

Link: https://www.epa.gov/lmop/lmop-national-map


Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summits

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to host a series of regional summits on the topic of environmental health in Indian Country. Each summit will feature Tribal leaders, environmental health practitioners, subject matter experts, and federal partners engaging on topics relevant to each region. A total of eight summits will be held between 2022 and 2024. The goal of each summit is to connect people from different backgrounds and Tribes, communities, federal agencies, Tribal organizations and state and local entities to address various environmental health and environmental justice issues of mutual concern across all regions as well as issues specific to individual regions. The first confirmed summit is May 1 – May 2, 2023, in Anchorage, Alaska.

More details here


Toxics/Mobile Sources

NEW! The National Transportation in Indian Country Conference (NTICC) will be held in Anchorage, Alaska, Sept. 24-28, 2023

The National Transportation in Indian Country Conference is the one-stop-shop transportation conference FOR TRIBES, BY TRIBES. NTICC offers access to relevant training and an opportunity for Tribal transportation professionals to engage with federal officials and their Tribal transportation peers regarding Tribal transportation issues and challenges.


​NTICC provides information and resources for all who are committed to improving the transportation infrastructure of Indian Country and the safety of those who live, work, and travel the roadways of Alaska Native and Native American lands.


For more information and to register, visit: https://www.nticc.org/


NEW!  EPA’s Office of Emergency Management is offering training that would be of interest to people working on air quality issues as related to emergency situations.

Overview of Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure and Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Software Suite Webinar for Tribal Partners

Participants should only register for one of the five offerings below, as all sessions will cover the same material. Please note whether times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Date Time Registration
March 2, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST Register here
April 6, 2023 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT Register here
August 24, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT Register here
September 7, 2023 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT Register here
September 22, 2023 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT Register here

This hour and a half, EPA-hosted session will provide a basic overview of the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure oil spill prevention program and how the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) software suite can be used to help communities prepare for and respond to chemical and oil spills. The session will also include a question-and-answer segment where participants can interact with the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure national program manager and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act program coordinator that oversees the CAMEO software suite.

For more information on CAMEO, please see:

  • Tier2 Submit Software
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s CAMEO website


REMINDER! Announcing the 2023 National Air Toxics Conference April 18-20, 2023 for your consideration for attending and/or presenting!

More details are available at the website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/save-the-date-2023-national-air-toxics-conference-tickets-473488295237.


The second session of the Million Hearts Climate Change and Cardiovascular Disease Collaborative, Interventions to Address Particle Pollution and Heart Disease took place last week. You can access a recording of the session here (passcode: W$Bb8t*!)

Helpful links/resources from the chat

The recently updated Air Sensor Guidebook has a lot of information on using sensors outdoors and indoors – https://www.epa.gov/air-sensor-toolbox/how-use-air-sensors-air-sensor-guidebook


You’re invited to join the third session on February 9, where the discussion on interventions to address particle pollution and heart disease will continue. This session will cover how built environment interventions can reduce air pollution exposures, increase physical activity/food access and have significant health benefits, including cardiovascular benefits. Speakers will provide examples of community infrastructure that can mitigate the effects of particle pollution on cardiovascular health and identify resources to advance systemic solutions –  Register here.


Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/

Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected] Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

NEW! The Federal Interagency Committee on Indoor Air Quality (CIAQ) will hold its next public webinar on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, beginning at 1:00 p.m. ET.

CIAQ member agencies will provide updates on indoor environmental quality–related activities at their agencies. Following member updates, Dr. Amara Holder, Mechanical Engineer, US Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development will give a presentation to describe EPA’s research to address the unknowns for DIY air cleaners and develop guidance for their use during wildfire smoke episodes. REGISTER HERE

The agenda for the February meeting is available on the CIAQ webpage.

Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners

This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

2023-02-08T19:33:55+00:00February 8th, 2023|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of January 31 – February 3, 2023


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! Reconsideration of the PM NAAQS Public Hearing Information:


EPA will hold a virtual public hearing on February 21 and February 22, 2023 to provide the public the opportunity to present comments and information on the Agency’s proposed rule for the Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter. EPA is proposing to the revise the primary (health-based) annual PM2.5 standard from its current level of 12.0 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) to within the range of 9.0 to 10.0 µg/m3. EPA is proposing not to change the current primary and secondary 24-hour PM2.5 standards, primary and secondary PM10 standards, and secondary (welfare-based) annual PM2.5 standard. The proposal also includes revisions to other key aspects related to the PM NAAQS, including revisions to the Air Quality Index and monitoring requirements.  The deadline to register for the public hearing is February 16, 2023.

If you need assistance in a language other than English or if you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact the public hearing team no later than February 7, 2023. You can reach the public hearing team by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 919-541-0505. Note: We may not be able to arrange accommodations beyond this date.  The comment period for the proposal closes March 28, 2023.


NEW! The Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) reconsideration proposal has published in the Federal Register. The public comment period is open from January 27 to March 28.



NEW! Office of Land and Emergency Management EJ Action Plan Engagement Session

EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) is hosting its first 2023 environmental justice (EJ) community engagement session during which updates and achievements from its OLEM EJ Action Plan major projects will be presented. Each presentation will be followed by a live, open to the public, feedback opportunity. The goal of this session is to provide updates on the accomplishments and milestones related OLEM’s EJ related projects, and to provide an opportunity to obtain feedback from communities with EJ concerns.

Date: February 2, 2023

Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST

Register Here: https://usepa.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJIscu6vqjgqHndwRBHR-uBOoHTAtBPRc8I

Session to include:

Remarks from:

o          OLEM Deputy Assistant Administrator Carlton Waterhouse,

o          Office of Communications, Partnerships and Analysis Director Kent Benjamin,

o          Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights Deputy Assistant   Administrator for Environmental Justice Matthew Tejada

  • EPA’s Strategy and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Grant Programs
  • Superfund Community Workshops
  • Brownfields Technical Assistance Outreach
  • EJ Justice 40 Update
  • Open discussion on other EJ-related OLEM Activities


Learn more about the OLEM EJ Action Plan: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/update-environmental-justice-action-plan-epas-land-protection-and-cleanup

For up-to-date information about Environmental Justice funding opportunities, events, and webinars, subscribe to EPA’s Environmental Justice listserv by sending a blank email to: [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter: @EPAEnvJustice


REMINDER! The Tribal Healthy Homes Network is seeking Tribal insights on the ways you are working to protect Elders when climate events impact them inside their homes (e.g., wildfire smoke, high heat, and Ozone events). Your information will help other Tribes to create solutions, and will help inform their Spring, 2023 seminar: “Climate-Ready Housing for Tribal Elders.”

Please, take 3 minutes to fill out the survey. All participants receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card, courtesy of Partnership for Air Matters. Click here to take the survey:



REMINDER! Nominations for candidates to participate on the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee are open!

Currently there are 2 Tribal Representatives on the Committee, Jeremy Fincher -Sac and Fox Nation, and Elizabeth Jacobs – Akwesasne Housing Authority. Natalene Cummings – Forest County Potawatomi Community, will complete the 3rd, 2-year term that is permitted at the Spring meeting of this year.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites nominations from a diverse range of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment to its Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC). Vacancies are anticipated to be filled by August 2023. Sources in addition to this Federal Register Notice may also be utilized in the solicitation of nominees. ADDRESSES: Submit nominations in writing to: Lorraine Reddick, Designated Federal Officer, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460. For further information or to email nominations, include in the subject line CAAAC Membership 2023 and send to [email protected].

If you want to talk with Natalene more about what being a member of CAAAC involves, you can reach her at 715-478-7211.


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP’s) will be hosting public listening sessions starting in February for its new program for Tribal Clean Transportation

U.S. DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) representatives will also present a brief overview of NREL’s technical support for Tribal Clean Transportation. ITEP will ask attendees simple questions, and your answers will help set the course for ITEP’s work on Tribal Clean Transportation for the next several years. The session agenda will be repeated at each of the four sessions to provide multiple opportunities to attend and provide your feedback. You can attend one or more session as you wish.

Listening Sessions will be held every Wednesday, February 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 2023, @ 12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 882 1584 7769

Password: 323550

Find your local number: Click here


NEW! Hold the Date! Call for Speakers!

What:                 Residential Wood Smoke Training Workshop (Workshop)

When:                April 11 – 13, 2023

Where:               Denver, CO

Who:                  State, local, tribal, and federal officials, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions

Workshop topics will be wide-ranging, e.g.:

  • Regulatory Programs (e.g., curtailment programs, Wood Heater New Source Performance Standard, test methods, enforcement)
  • Voluntary Programs (e.g., proper operation education campaigns, recreational fires/firepits, identifying and understanding the best devices for appliance incentive programs – emphasis on heat pumps)
  • Residential wood smoke and PM NAAQS
  • Residential health effects, indoor air quality
  • New and existing funding opportunities (e.g., Environment and Climate Justice Block Grants, tax credits, heat pump direct rebates)
  • Understanding heating appliances (wood stoves, electric heat pumps) & recreational devices (fireplaces, firepits)- including field trip to a retail store

A major focus of the Workshop will include how to leverage funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (e.g., Environment and Climate Justice Block Grants, direct rebates, tax credits) and overcome barriers to encourage and incentivize the installation of heat pumps in homes currently using wood as their primary or secondary source of heat.

Unlike past years, the workshop will not be held in conjunction with the Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association Trade Show/Expo, but we do plan to have speakers from the hearth industry and learn about various recreational and heating appliances.  We are planning a 3 hour field trip to a large retail store for an opportunity to see and learn about several different types of heating appliances (EPA-certified wood stoves, pellets stoves, gas appliance and electric heat pumps) and recreational devices (fireplaces and firepits/chimeneas).

Hotel and Registration: The Workshop is planned to run from the Tuesday afternoon, (April 11) until 4:30 pm, Thursday (April 13).  We intend on reserving a block of rooms at the government rate at a hotel in downtown Denver and will make that available along with a Workshop online registration site in a couple weeks?  There will be no registration cost for the Workshop.

Call for topics and speakers:  EPA, with the support of the Western States Air Resources Council (WESTAR) is coordinating the Workshop.  As we formulate the agenda over the next 3-4 weeks, we are requesting suggestions on specific discussion topics and critical issues you face in tackling residential wood smoke and would find valuable to discuss with your counterparts across the nation.  If you have any recommendation on speakers or have an issue or program that you would be interested in presenting, please contact Larry Brockman, [email protected] or 919-824-1579. Feel free to share this email with others who may have an interest and they can email me to be added to the distribution list.


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


REMINDER! Time is running out to apply for the 2023 National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management!

            Deadline Extended: February 12, 2023, @ 11:59 p.m. EST

The Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is the nation’s highest honor for programs helping people bring asthma under control. Winners will be recognized in May during Asthma Awareness Month. Winning this award is a sign of excellence and confirmation of success in helping people with asthma lead healthy, active lives.


Winners receive:

  • A place in the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management Hall of Fame.
  • An engraved, crystal award.
  • Recognition in May during Asthma Awareness Month.
  • Recognition on national websites, including AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org.
  • Customized press kits, a descriptive snapshot of your program and support generating media attention.
  • An opportunity to serve as mentors to help other programs achieve impactful results.

For more information, visit the Asthma Community Network HERE


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air. The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

March 16,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 2,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! March 29,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.

ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Information for IRA and other competitive grants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DsRrod7XKk


Climate Change / Energy

REMINDER! Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – General information now available on EPA’s website

As part of the Administration’s commitment to move quickly to implement the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), EPA has posted general information about next steps on the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) to our web site. The CPRG program will provide significant resources to state, territory, local, and tribal governments to develop ambitious climate action and air pollution reduction plans and to implement measures from those plans.


The CPRG is a two-stage program – with $250 million in planning grants coming very soon, followed by $4.6 billion of implementation grants. We are working at an accelerated pace to share information about the first stage, the CPRG planning grants, which may be announced as soon as early March, sooner than the May deadline laid out in the IRA.


EPA is designing a CPRG program that will provide flexible support to state, territory, tribal and local governments regardless of where they are in their climate planning and implementation process. Projects included in plans could further goals and policies for clean energy, energy efficiency, and many others. Recipients will also have the flexibility to use the planning grant money in the ways that best achieve these outcomes – from program development to staffing and contractor support. We are reviewing feedback received in the docket, as well as from stakeholder sessions and advisory committees, and considering an approach for awarding the planning grants non-competitively.


The web site includes a brief overview of the CPRG program and general information about the program goals to help eligible entities start thinking now about preparing to apply for planning grants. This includes a form to sign up for notifications about the program and instructions that all potential applicants should follow to get registered at SAM.gov and grants.gov. The registration process can take some time, so we encourage state, territory, tribal and local governments to register now so they can be ready to apply for CPRG grants once they’re announced.


More information on the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

Sign up for notifications about the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

More information about how to register to apply for a grant.


The U.S. EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) has published an enhanced National Map of Landfill Gas (LFG) Energy Projects and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.  The newly published version incorporates layers for Tribal lands and environmental justice demographic data so that users can identify areas where LFG energy projects may warrant additional consideration, analysis or outreach to surrounding communities.

Link: https://www.epa.gov/lmop/lmop-national-map


Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summits

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to host a series of regional summits on the topic of environmental health in Indian Country. Each summit will feature Tribal leaders, environmental health practitioners, subject matter experts, and federal partners engaging on topics relevant to each region. A total of eight summits will be held between 2022 and 2024. The goal of each summit is to connect people from different backgrounds and Tribes, communities, federal agencies, Tribal organizations and state and local entities to address various environmental health and environmental justice issues of mutual concern across all regions as well as issues specific to individual regions. The first confirmed summit is May 1 – May 2, 2023, in Anchorage, Alaska.

More details here


Toxics/Mobile Sources

NEW!  EPA’s Office of Emergency Management is offering training that would be of interest to people working on air quality issues as related to emergency situations.

Overview of Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure and Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) Software Suite Webinar for Tribal Partners

Participants should only register for one of the five offerings below, as all sessions will cover the same material. Please note whether times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Date Time Registration
March 2, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST Register here
April 6, 2023 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT Register here
August 24, 2023 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT Register here
September 7, 2023 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EDT Register here
September 22, 2023 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT Register here

This hour and a half, EPA-hosted session will provide a basic overview of the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure oil spill prevention program and how the Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) software suite can be used to help communities prepare for and respond to chemical and oil spills. The session will also include a question-and-answer segment where participants can interact with the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure national program manager and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act program coordinator that oversees the CAMEO software suite.

For more information on CAMEO, please see:

  • Tier2 Submit Software
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s CAMEO website


REMINDER! Announcing the 2023 National Air Toxics Conference April 18-20, 2023 for your consideration for attending and/or presenting!

More details are available at the website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/save-the-date-2023-national-air-toxics-conference-tickets-473488295237.

The second session of the Million Hearts Climate Change and Cardiovascular Disease Collaborative, Interventions to Address Particle Pollution and Heart Disease took place last week. You can access a recording of the session here (passcode: W$Bb8t*!)

Helpful links/resources from the chat

The recently updated Air Sensor Guidebook has a lot of information on using sensors outdoors and indoors – https://www.epa.gov/air-sensor-toolbox/how-use-air-sensors-air-sensor-guidebook


You’re invited to join the third session on February 9, where the discussion on interventions to address particle pollution and heart disease will continue. This session will cover how built environment interventions can reduce air pollution exposures, increase physical activity/food access and have significant health benefits, including cardiovascular benefits. Speakers will provide examples of community infrastructure that can mitigate the effects of particle pollution on cardiovascular health and identify resources to advance systemic solutions –  Register here.


Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/

Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected] Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners. This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

2023-02-01T20:22:50+00:00February 1st, 2023|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of January 23 – 27, 2023


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! The Tribal Healthy Homes Network is seeking Tribal insights on the ways you are working to protect Elders when climate events impact them inside their homes (e.g., wildfire smoke, high heat, and Ozone events). Your information will help other Tribes to create solutions, and will help inform their Spring, 2023 seminar: “Climate-Ready Housing for Tribal Elders.”

Please, take 3 minutes to fill out the survey. All participants receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card, courtesy of Partnership for Air Matters. Click here to take the survey:



NEW! Nominations for candidates to participate on the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee are open!

Currently there are 2 Tribal Representatives on the Committee, Jeremy Fincher -Sac and Fox Nation, and Elizabeth Jacobs – Akwesasne Housing Authority. Natalene Cummings – Forest County Potawatomi Community, will complete the 3rd, 2-year term that is permitted at the Spring meeting of this year.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invites nominations from a diverse range of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment to its Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC). Vacancies are anticipated to be filled by August 2023. Sources in addition to this Federal Register Notice may also be utilized in the solicitation of nominees. ADDRESSES: Submit nominations in writing to: Lorraine Reddick, Designated Federal Officer, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460. For further information or to email nominations, include in the subject line CAAAC Membership 2023 and send to [email protected].

If you want to talk with Natalene more about what being a member of CAAAC involves, you can reach her at 715-478-7211.


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP’s) will be hosting public listening sessions starting in February for its new program for Tribal Clean Transportation

U.S. DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) representatives will also present a brief overview of NREL’s technical support for Tribal Clean Transportation. ITEP will ask attendees simple questions, and your answers will help set the course for ITEP’s work on Tribal Clean Transportation for the next several years. The session agenda will be repeated at each of the four sessions to provide multiple opportunities to attend and provide your feedback. You can attend one or more session as you wish.


Listening Sessions will be held every Wednesday, February 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 2023, @ 12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 882 1584 7769

Password: 323550

Find your local number: Click here


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


Applications are being accepted now for the nation’s highest award in asthma management!

The Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is the nation’s highest honor for programs helping people bring asthma under control. Winners will be recognized in May during Asthma Awareness Month. Winning this award is a sign of excellence and confirmation of success in helping people with asthma lead healthy, active lives.

Winners receive:

  • A place in the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management Hall of Fame.
  • An engraved, crystal award.
  • Recognition in May during Asthma Awareness Month.
  • Recognition on national websites, including AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org.
  • Customized press kits, a descriptive snapshot of your program and support generating media attention.
  • An opportunity to serve as mentors to help other programs achieve impactful results.

For more information, visit the Asthma Community Network HERE


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air. The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

March 16,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 2,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! January 25,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.

ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Information for IRA and other competitive grants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DsRrod7XKk


Climate Change / Energy

The U.S. EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) has published an enhanced National Map of Landfill Gas (LFG) Energy Projects and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.  The newly published version incorporates layers for Tribal lands and environmental justice demographic data so that users can identify areas where LFG energy projects may warrant additional consideration, analysis or outreach to surrounding communities.

Link: https://www.epa.gov/lmop/lmop-national-map


Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summits

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to host a series of regional summits on the topic of environmental health in Indian Country. Each summit will feature Tribal leaders, environmental health practitioners, subject matter experts, and federal partners engaging on topics relevant to each region. A total of eight summits will be held between 2022 and 2024. The goal of each summit is to connect people from different backgrounds and Tribes, communities, federal agencies, Tribal organizations and state and local entities to address various environmental health and environmental justice issues of mutual concern across all regions as well as issues specific to individual regions. The first confirmed summit is May 1 – May 2, 2023, in Anchorage, Alaska.


Toxics/Mobile Sources

REMINDER! Announcing the 2023 National Air Toxics Conference April 18-20, 2023 for your consideration for attending and/or presenting!

Registration is still forthcoming, however the call for presentations is requested by January 31st. Additionally, if you would like to see other topics added to the agenda, please let Regina Chappell ([email protected]) know. The conference is free to attend and will provide a great forum for engaging with other professionals on a multitude of topics centering around air toxics.

More details are available at the website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/save-the-date-2023-national-air-toxics-conference-tickets-473488295237.


NEW! The second session of the Million Hearts Climate Change and Cardiovascular Disease Collaborative, Interventions to Address Particle Pollution and Heart Disease took place last week. You can access a recording of the session here (passcode: W$Bb8t*!)

Helpful links/resources from the chat

  • Look at differences in air quality across cities using AirCompare – https://www3.epa.gov/aircompare/#home
  • Learn more about air quality trends at https://www.epa.gov/air-trends
  • Learn more about indoor air quality and steps that can be taken in home, schools, and other buildings at: https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq
  • More information on using air cleaners in homes is available at: https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/air-cleaners-and-air-filters-home
  • EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox has a lot of helpful information on using air sensor technology – https://www.epa.gov/air-sensor-toolbox . The recently updated Air Sensor Guidebook has a lot of information on using sensors outdoors and indoors – https://www.epa.gov/air-sensor-toolbox/how-use-air-sensors-air-sensor-guidebook.

You’re invited to join the third session on February 9, where the discussion on interventions to address particle pollution and heart disease will continue. This session will cover how built environment interventions can reduce air pollution exposures, increase physical activity/food access and have significant health benefits, including cardiovascular benefits. Speakers will provide examples of community infrastructure that can mitigate the effects of particle pollution on cardiovascular health and identify resources to advance systemic solutions –  Register here.


Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected]. Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners

This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

2023-01-25T18:48:59+00:00January 25th, 2023|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of January 16 – 20, 2023


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP’s) will be hosting public listening sessions starting in February for its new program for Tribal Clean Transportation

U.S. DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) representatives will also present a brief overview of NREL’s technical support for Tribal Clean Transportation. ITEP will ask attendees simple questions, and your answers will help set the course for ITEP’s work on Tribal Clean Transportation for the next several years. The session agenda will be repeated at each of the four sessions to provide multiple opportunities to attend and provide your feedback. You can attend one or more session as you wish.

Listening Sessions will be held every Wednesday, February 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 2023, @ 12:00 PM PT/3:00 PM ET

Join Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 882 1584 7769

Password: 323550

Find your local number: Click here


Latest Version of Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) Released!

EPA has posted MOVES3.1, a minor revision to MOVES3. MOVES3.1 adds an inspection/maintenance (I/M) program benefit for Class 2b and 3 gasoline trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of between 8,500 and 14,000 pounds (Regulatory Class 41).  With this minor revision, these trucks will now receive the same proportional I/M benefit for exhaust emissions as lower classification gasoline trucks.  This benefit was missing in previous versions of MOVES.

MOVES3.1 is available for download at www.epa.gov/moves/latest-version-motor-vehicle-emission-simulator-moves.  Please download and use this new version if you:

  • have not yet used MOVES3,
  • are conducting regulatory analyses involving an I/M program that includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class), such as performance standard modeling for an I/M state implementation plan (SIP) to demonstrate that an I/M program meets the applicable performance standard (refer to the Performance Standard Modeling guidance), or
  • are conducting modeling for other SIP or transportation conformity analyses for an area where the I/M program includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class).

Otherwise, MOVES3 users can continue to use previous versions of MOVES3.  For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES3 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES3.

This update is considered a minor revision, rather than a patch, because it may decrease onroad emissions of NOx, VOCs, and CO in some areas.  However, it will not substantially change onroad criteria emissions rates at the County Scale and it is not considered a new model for SIP or transportation conformity purposes.  As noted in the MOVES3 Technical Guidance, modelers should continue to review and update the relevant I/M coverage inputs to reflect the latest I/M assumptions in regulatory analyses.


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


Applications are being accepted now for the nation’s highest award in asthma management!

The Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is the nation’s highest honor for programs helping people bring asthma under control. Winners will be recognized in May during Asthma Awareness Month. Winning this award is a sign of excellence and confirmation of success in helping people with asthma lead healthy, active lives.


Winners receive:

  • A place in the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management Hall of Fame.
  • An engraved, crystal award.
  • Recognition in May during Asthma Awareness Month.
  • Recognition on national websites, including AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org.
  • Customized press kits, a descriptive snapshot of your program and support generating media attention.
  • An opportunity to serve as mentors to help other programs achieve impactful results.

For more information, visit the Asthma Community Network HERE


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) FY2022 Appropriations

To View Report, Click Here.

This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should not be relied upon for purposes other than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in connection with CRS’s institutional role.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air. The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions for NTAA webinars* When you register for GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a rollcall, ultimately saving time. For other NTAA calls, NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

January 19,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 2,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! January 25,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.

ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Climate Change / Energy

The U.S. EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) has published an enhanced National Map of Landfill Gas (LFG) Energy Projects and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.  The newly published version incorporates layers for Tribal lands and environmental justice demographic data so that users can identify areas where LFG energy projects may warrant additional consideration, analysis or outreach to surrounding communities.

Link: https://www.epa.gov/lmop/lmop-national-map


Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summits

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to host a series of regional summits on the topic of environmental health in Indian Country. Each summit will feature Tribal leaders, environmental health practitioners, subject matter experts, and federal partners engaging on topics relevant to each region. A total of eight summits will be held between 2022 and 2024. The goal of each summit is to connect people from different backgrounds and Tribes, communities, federal agencies, Tribal organizations and state and local entities to address various environmental health and environmental justice issues of mutual concern across all regions as well as issues specific to individual regions. The first confirmed summit is May 1 – May 2, 2023, in Anchorage, Alaska.

More details here


Toxics/Mobile Sources

REMINDER! Announcing the 2023 National Air Toxics Conference April 18-20, 2023 for your consideration for attending and/or presenting!

Registration is still forthcoming, however the call for presentations is requested by January 31st. Additionally, if you would like to see other topics added to the agenda, please let Regina Chappell ([email protected]) know. The conference is free to attend and will provide a great forum for engaging with other professionals on a multitude of topics centering around air toxics.

More details are available at the website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/save-the-date-2023-national-air-toxics-conference-tickets-473488295237.


NEW! The second session of the Million Hearts Climate Change and Cardiovascular Disease Collaborative, Interventions to Address Particle Pollution and Heart Disease took place last week. You can access a recording of the session here (passcode: W$Bb8t*!)

Helpful links/resources from the chat

  • Look at differences in air quality across cities using AirCompare – https://www3.epa.gov/aircompare/#home
  • Learn more about air quality trends at https://www.epa.gov/air-trends
  • Learn more about indoor air quality and steps that can be taken in home, schools, and other buildings at: https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq
  • More information on using air cleaners in homes is available at: https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/air-cleaners-and-air-filters-home
  • EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox has a lot of helpful information on using air sensor technology – https://www.epa.gov/air-sensor-toolbox . The recently updated Air Sensor Guidebook has a lot of information on using sensors outdoors and indoors – https://www.epa.gov/air-sensor-toolbox/how-use-air-sensors-air-sensor-guidebook.

You’re invited to join the third session on February 9, where the discussion on interventions to address particle pollution and heart disease will continue. This session will cover how built environment interventions can reduce air pollution exposures, increase physical activity/food access and have significant health benefits, including cardiovascular benefits. Speakers will provide examples of community infrastructure that can mitigate the effects of particle pollution on cardiovascular health and identify resources to advance systemic solutions –  Register here.


Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected]. Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners

This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

2023-01-18T17:20:23+00:00January 18th, 2023|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of January 9 – 13, 2023


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

Request for Nominations to the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council Now Available!

Application Deadline January 17, 2023

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) within the White House invites the public to submit expressions of interest in serving as members of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC). The WHEJAC is charged with providing advice to the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council (IAC) and the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on a whole-of-government approach to address issues related, but not limited, to environmental justice. This notice solicits expressions of interest to fill approximately fifteen (15) new vacancies for a two-year term. To maintain the representation outlined by the charter, nominees will be selected to represent the following stakeholder groups: academia; community-based organizations; non-governmental organizations; industry/business; state/local government; tribal government/indigenous organizations; faith-based organizations; public health; and youth-led or youth focused environmental organizations.

Specific information about how to apply and the criteria for appointment can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/white-house-environmental-justice-advisory-council

Submit expression of interest questionnaire and resumes for nomination electronically with the subject line WHEJAC Membership 2023 to [email protected].

For more information, contact: Karen Martin, U.S. EPA, by telephone at (202) 564-0203, or email at [email protected].


Latest Version of Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) Released!

EPA has posted MOVES3.1, a minor revision to MOVES3. MOVES3.1 adds an inspection/maintenance (I/M) program benefit for Class 2b and 3 gasoline trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of between 8,500 and 14,000 pounds (Regulatory Class 41).  With this minor revision, these trucks will now receive the same proportional I/M benefit for exhaust emissions as lower classification gasoline trucks.  This benefit was missing in previous versions of MOVES.

MOVES3.1 is available for download at www.epa.gov/moves/latest-version-motor-vehicle-emission-simulator-moves.  Please download and use this new version if you:

  • have not yet used MOVES3,
  • are conducting regulatory analyses involving an I/M program that includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class), such as performance standard modeling for an I/M state implementation plan (SIP) to demonstrate that an I/M program meets the applicable performance standard (refer to the Performance Standard Modeling guidance), or
  • are conducting modeling for other SIP or transportation conformity analyses for an area where the I/M program includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class).

Otherwise, MOVES3 users can continue to use previous versions of MOVES3.  For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES3 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES3.

This update is considered a minor revision, rather than a patch, because it may decrease onroad emissions of NOx, VOCs, and CO in some areas.  However, it will not substantially change onroad criteria emissions rates at the County Scale and it is not considered a new model for SIP or transportation conformity purposes.  As noted in the MOVES3 Technical Guidance, modelers should continue to review and update the relevant I/M coverage inputs to reflect the latest I/M assumptions in regulatory analyses.


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


Applications are being accepted now for the nation’s highest award in asthma management!

The Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is the nation’s highest honor for programs helping people bring asthma under control. Winners will be recognized in May during Asthma Awareness Month. Winning this award is a sign of excellence and confirmation of success in helping people with asthma lead healthy, active lives.

Winners receive:

  • A place in the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management Hall of Fame.
  • An engraved, crystal award.
  • Recognition in May during Asthma Awareness Month.
  • Recognition on national websites, including AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org.
  • Customized press kits, a descriptive snapshot of your program and support generating media attention.
  • An opportunity to serve as mentors to help other programs achieve impactful results.

For more information, visit the Asthma Community Network HERE


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


EPA Seeks Feedback on Inflation Reduction Act Programs

Comments are due by January 18, 2023. In addition, the agency will conduct extensive public engagement as it works to implement the law.

EPA has announced initial public engagement and input opportunities for a subset of new and existing programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. These programs, which include funding for air quality and climate projects addressing clean energy, transportation, methane emissions, and climate super-pollutants, will advance the President’s bold agenda to combat the climate crisis, protect public health and advance environmental justice. 

EPA’s engagement strategy for these programs includes:

  • Request for Information (RFI): Issuing a request for public input to inform program design;
  • Expert Input: Soliciting expert input on key program design questions from EPA’s Federal Advisory Committees including the Local Government Advisory Committee, Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee;
  • Listening Sessions: Launching a stakeholder listening session series to enable key stakeholders including environmental justice communities, state and local governments, clean energy advocates, labor, and others to provide input directly to EPA staff; and
  • New Webpage: Creating a one-stop shop for information on the implementation of Inflation Reduction Act programs managed by EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation.

EPA has published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comment on six public dockets that correspond to Inflation Reduction Act provisions in the law.


Public Encouraged to Review and Comment in Six Public Dockets


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) FY2022 Appropriations

To View Report, Click Here.

This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should not be relied upon for purposes other than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in connection with CRS’s institutional role.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air. The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions for NTAA webinars* When you register for GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a rollcall, ultimately saving time. For other NTAA calls, NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

January 19,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 2,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! January 25,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.


ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Climate Change / Energy

Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summits

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to host a series of regional summits on the topic of environmental health in Indian Country. Each summit will feature Tribal leaders, environmental health practitioners, subject matter experts, and federal partners engaging on topics relevant to each region. A total of eight summits will be held between 2022 and 2024. The goal of each summit is to connect people from different backgrounds and Tribes, communities, federal agencies, Tribal organizations and state and local entities to address various environmental health and environmental justice issues of mutual concern across all regions as well as issues specific to individual regions. The first confirmed summit is May 1 – May 2, 2023, in Anchorage, Alaska.

More details here

RFI EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – $5 billion

Deadline: January 18, 2023

This RFI is for a program to help eligible entities to help plan and implement climate pollution reduction strategies. Click here for more information.


Toxics/Mobile Sources

Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected]. Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners

This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

2023-01-11T17:28:46+00:00January 11th, 2023|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of January 2 – 6, 2023


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) is hosting a virtual tribal listening session to collect input and inform the Health and Human Services (HHS) Initiative to Strengthen Primary Health Care.

Title: OASH Primary Health Care Listening Session with Tribal Leaders

When: Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Time: 01:00 PM Eastern Time to 02:30 PM Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada)

You must register in advance for this meeting. Register at:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The OASH is accepting written comments, as well, and appreciates your consideration. Submit written comments to [email protected]. Please use the following subject line: Tribal Leader Listening Session. The deadline to provide written comments is Friday, March 3, 2023. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the OASH Primary Health Care Team at [email protected].


NEW! Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases Inflation Reduction Act Guidebook for Clean Energy and Climate Programs

The White House released the first edition of a new resource titled Building a Clean Energy Economy: A Guidebook to the Inflation Reduction Act’s Investments in Clean Energy and Climate Actionwhich provides clear descriptions of the law’s tax incentives and funding programs to build a clean energy economy, lower energy costs, tackle climate change, and reduce harmful pollution. The Guidebook will help state, local, territorial, and Tribal leaders, the private sector, non-profit organizations, homeowners, and communities better understand how they can benefit from these investments and unlock the full potential of the law. The Guidebook walks through the law program-by-program and provides background on each program’s purpose, eligibility requirements, period of availability, and other key details.

The Inflation Reduction Act Guidebook follows the successful model of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook and creates a roadmap for the clean energy and climate funding available under the law at the program level.

Since President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act four months ago, his administration has been working quickly to design, develop, and implement its programs. This Guidebook provides information on current and prospective clean energy and climate programs. In the coming weeks and months, new developments will be published on www.CleanEnergy.gov to keep stakeholders and potential beneficiaries up to date on the latest deadlines and details.

The Inflation Reduction Act builds on the foundational climate and clean energy investments in President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Through his historic legislative accomplishments, along with key executive actions and international leadership, the Administration is delivering on the President’s ambitious climate agenda centered on workers, families, and communities. President Biden has made transparent communication and open engagement top priorities as a means to ensure successful implementation and to fully unlock the unprecedented benefits of the law. This Guidebook is critical step toward delivering on that vision.

To view the Guidebook in full, click here.


NEW! The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed amendments to the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Lime Manufacturing Plants

This action addresses previously unregulated pollutants emitted by the source category and will protect air quality and public health by reducing emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), including hydrogen chloride, mercury, total hydrocarbon, and dioxin/furans. A tribal proximity analysis was conducted on 35 facilities. There are 14 individual tribes located within 50 miles of 11 facilities.

For more information about this proposed rulemaking, including a fact sheet and prepublication version of the Federal Register notice, please visit https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/lime-manufacturing-plants-national-emission-standards-hazardous


NEW! Announcing the 2023 National Air Toxics Conference April 18-20, 2023 for your consideration for attending and/or presenting!

Registration is still forthcoming, however the call for presentations is requested by January 15th. The conference is free to attend and will provide a great forum for engaging with other professionals on a multitude of topics centering around air toxics.

More details are available at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/save-the-date-2023-national-air-toxics-conference-tickets-473488295237


NEW! Request for Nominations to the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council Now Available!

Application Deadline January 17, 2023

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) within the White House invites the public to submit expressions of interest in serving as members of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC). The WHEJAC is charged with providing advice to the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council (IAC) and the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on a whole-of-government approach to address issues related, but not limited, to environmental justice. This notice solicits expressions of interest to fill approximately fifteen (15) new vacancies for a two-year term. To maintain the representation outlined by the charter, nominees will be selected to represent the following stakeholder groups: academia; community-based organizations; non-governmental organizations; industry/business; state/local government; tribal government/indigenous organizations; faith-based organizations; public health; and youth-led or youth focused environmental organizations.

Specific information about how to apply and the criteria for appointment can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/white-house-environmental-justice-advisory-council

Submit expression of interest questionnaire and resumes for nomination electronically with the subject line WHEJAC Membership 2023 to [email protected].

For more information, contact: Karen Martin, U.S. EPA, by telephone at (202) 564-0203, or email at [email protected].


Latest Version of Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) Released!

EPA has posted MOVES3.1, a minor revision to MOVES3. MOVES3.1 adds an inspection/maintenance (I/M) program benefit for Class 2b and 3 gasoline trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of between 8,500 and 14,000 pounds (Regulatory Class 41).  With this minor revision, these trucks will now receive the same proportional I/M benefit for exhaust emissions as lower classification gasoline trucks.  This benefit was missing in previous versions of MOVES.

MOVES3.1 is available for download at www.epa.gov/moves/latest-version-motor-vehicle-emission-simulator-moves.  Please download and use this new version if you:

  • have not yet used MOVES3,
  • are conducting regulatory analyses involving an I/M program that includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class), such as performance standard modeling for an I/M state implementation plan (SIP) to demonstrate that an I/M program meets the applicable performance standard (refer to the Performance Standard Modeling guidance), or
  • are conducting modeling for other SIP or transportation conformity analyses for an area where the I/M program includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class).

Otherwise, MOVES3 users can continue to use previous versions of MOVES3.  For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES3 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES3.

This update is considered a minor revision, rather than a patch, because it may decrease on-road emissions of NOx, VOCs, and CO in some areas.  However, it will not substantially change on-road criteria emissions rates at the County Scale and it is not considered a new model for SIP or transportation conformity purposes.  As noted in the MOVES3 Technical Guidance, modelers should continue to review and update the relevant I/M coverage inputs to reflect the latest I/M assumptions in regulatory analyses.


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


Applications are being accepted now for the nation’s highest award in asthma management!

The Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is the nation’s highest honor for programs helping people bring asthma under control. Winners will be recognized in May during Asthma Awareness Month. Winning this award is a sign of excellence and confirmation of success in helping people with asthma lead healthy, active lives.

Winners will receive:

  • A place in the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management Hall of Fame.
  • An engraved, crystal award.
  • Recognition in May during Asthma Awareness Month.
  • Recognition on national websites, including AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org.
  • Customized press kits, a descriptive snapshot of your program and support generating media attention.
  • An opportunity to serve as mentors to help other programs achieve impactful results.

For more information, visit the Asthma Community Network HERE


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


EPA Seeks Feedback on Inflation Reduction Act Programs

Comments are due by January 18, 2023. In addition, the agency will conduct extensive public engagement as it works to implement the law.

EPA has announced initial public engagement and input opportunities for a subset of new and existing programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. These programs, which include funding for air quality and climate projects addressing clean energy, transportation, methane emissions, and climate super-pollutants, will advance the President’s bold agenda to combat the climate crisis, protect public health and advance environmental justice. 

EPA’s engagement strategy for these programs includes:

  • Request for Information (RFI): Issuing a request for public input to inform program design;
  • Expert Input: Soliciting expert input on key program design questions from EPA’s Federal Advisory Committees including the Local Government Advisory Committee, Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee;
  • Listening Sessions: Launching a stakeholder listening session series to enable key stakeholders including environmental justice communities, state and local governments, clean energy advocates, labor, and others to provide input directly to EPA staff;
  • New Webpage: Creating a one-stop shop for information on the implementation of Inflation Reduction Act programs managed by EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation.


EPA has published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comment on six public dockets that correspond to Inflation Reduction Act provisions in the law.

Public Encouraged to Review and Comment in Six Public Dockets


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) FY2022 Appropriations

To View Report, Click Here.

This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should not be relied upon for purposes other than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in connection with CRS’s institutional role.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air. The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions for NTAA webinars* When you register for GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a rollcall, ultimately saving time. For other NTAA calls, NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

January 19,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 2,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! January 25,

10 am AK 2 pm ET (tentative)

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals – 2023 Air Quality Internship

Apply for a paid 8-week summer internship

Spend your summer working with tribal organizations to address tribal environmental issues. The internships have a research, technical, educational, or policy focus. We are offering at least 8 positions in air quality. You can apply for up to 8 positions with one application.  The internship program provides each student intern with a $5,120 stipend.  We also have travel and housing stipends for those that relocate for the internship.  Host sites are selected from tribal environmental organizations, government offices, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and others.

Eligible students must meet the following:

  • US Citizen
  • Identify as Native American/Alaska Native
  • Full-time undergraduate or graduate college student during Spring 2022 (12 hours undergrad, 9 hours grad) at any tribal college, college or university
  • Have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA
  • Majoring in an environmental or related field like science, engineering, planning, policy, law, management, political science, anthropology, or health
  • Interested in pursuing an environmental career after graduating
  • Proficient verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong interest in working with Native American tribes

If you need an exception for any of the above requirements, contact [email protected]

Please register at the following website for more information: http://www7.nau.edu/itep/main/eeop/Internships/ssi_internship

For details about how to apply, see the ITEP internship website.  Potential host site descriptions are available.  You will be able to apply for multiple host sites with one application. Deadline:  February 8, 2023


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.


ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Climate Change / Energy

Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summits

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to host a series of regional summits on the topic of environmental health in Indian Country. Each summit will feature Tribal leaders, environmental health practitioners, subject matter experts, and federal partners engaging on topics relevant to each region. A total of eight summits will be held between 2022 and 2024. The goal of each summit is to connect people from different backgrounds and Tribes, communities, federal agencies, Tribal organizations and state and local entities to address various environmental health and environmental justice issues of mutual concern across all regions as well as issues specific to individual regions. The first confirmed summit is May 1 – May 2, 2023, in Anchorage, Alaska.

The first in-person National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) was an absolute success! We are excited to announce that the session recordingsthe highlight reel, and the slide deck overview are now available. A special thanks to all who attended and made NTICC 2022 possible. For more information, check out the NTICC website.


RFI EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – $5 billion

Deadline: January 18, 2023

This RFI is for a program to help eligible entities to help plan and implement climate pollution reduction strategies. Click here for more information.



USDA Seeks Input from Tribal Leaders on Advancing Clean Energy for Tribal Communities Through the Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2022 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced that USDA will host a Tribal consultation on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

Tribal leaders and their proxies are invited to give input on new funding authorities under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that will help advance clean energy for people living in Tribal communities. Tribes, Tribal enterprises, Tribal utilities and other non-Tribal applicants may be eligible for funding under the IRA programs offered by USDA.

To attend the consultation, visit the Tribal Consultation on the IRA webinar registration page [lnks.gd]. To learn more, read the full Tribal Consultation Notification [lnks.gd].


Toxics/Mobile Sources

NEW! Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected]. Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

New! Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners

This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

2023-01-11T17:35:56+00:00January 4th, 2023|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of December 19 – 23, 2022


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! Upcoming EPA Webinar: The Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ) | January 18, 2023, more information coming soon!


Request for Nominations to the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council Now Available! | Application Deadline January 17, 2023

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) within the White House invites the public to submit expressions of interest in serving as members of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC). The WHEJAC is charged with providing advice to the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council (IAC) and the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on a whole-of-government approach to address issues related, but not limited, to environmental justice.

Specific information about how to apply and the criteria for appointment can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/white-house-environmental-justice-advisory-council

Submit expression of interest questionnaire and resumes for nomination electronically with the subject line WHEJAC Membership 2023 to [email protected].

For more information, contact: Karen Martin, U.S. EPA, by telephone at (202) 564-0203, or email at [email protected].


Latest Version of Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) Released!

EPA has posted MOVES3.1, a minor revision to MOVES3. MOVES3.1 adds an inspection/maintenance (I/M) program benefit for Class 2b and 3 gasoline trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of between 8,500 and 14,000 pounds (Regulatory Class 41).  With this minor revision, these trucks will now receive the same proportional I/M benefit for exhaust emissions as lower classification gasoline trucks.  This benefit was missing in previous versions of MOVES.

MOVES3.1 is available for download at www.epa.gov/moves/latest-version-motor-vehicle-emission-simulator-moves.  Please download and use this new version if you:

  • have not yet used MOVES3,
  • are conducting regulatory analyses involving an I/M program that includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class), such as performance standard modeling for an I/M state implementation plan (SIP) to demonstrate that an I/M program meets the applicable performance standard (refer to the Performance Standard Modeling guidance), or
  • are conducting modeling for other SIP or transportation conformity analyses for an area where the I/M program includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class).

Otherwise, MOVES3 users can continue to use previous versions of MOVES3.  For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES3 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES3.


Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


EPA Seeks Feedback on Inflation Reduction Act Programs

Comments are due by January 18, 2023. In addition, the agency will conduct extensive public engagement as it works to implement the law. EPA has announced initial public engagement and input opportunities for a subset of new and existing programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. These programs, which include funding for air quality and climate projects addressing clean energy, transportation, methane emissions, and climate super-pollutants, will advance the President’s bold agenda to combat the climate crisis, protect public health and advance environmental justice. 


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) FY2022 Appropriations

To View Report, Click Here.

This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should not be relied upon for purposes other than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in connection with CRS’s institutional role.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air. The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials! These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions for NTAA webinars* When you register for GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a rollcall, ultimately saving time. For other NTAA calls, NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

January 19,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 2,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! January 25,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET (tentative)

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.


ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Climate Change / Energy 

The first in-person National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) was an absolute success! We are excited to announce that the session recordingsthe highlight reel, and the slide deck overview are now available. A special thanks to all who attended and made NTICC 2022 possible. For more information, check out the NTICC website.


REMINDER! RFI EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – $5 billion

Deadline: January 18, 2023

This RFI is for a program to help eligible entities to help plan and implement climate pollution reduction strategies. Click here for more information.


Toxics/Mobile Sources

NEW! Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation.

EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected]. Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

NEW! Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners;

This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

2022-12-21T17:44:42+00:00December 21st, 2022|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|

UPCOMING CALLS/EVENTS/NOTICES: Week of December 12 – 16, 2022


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! Request for Nominations to the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council Now Available!

Application Deadline January 17, 2023

The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) within the White House invites the public to submit expressions of interest in serving as members of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC). The WHEJAC is charged with providing advice to the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council (IAC) and the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) on a whole-of-government approach to address issues related, but not limited, to environmental justice. This notice solicits expressions of interest to fill approximately fifteen (15) new vacancies for a two-year term. To maintain the representation outlined by the charter, nominees will be selected to represent the following stakeholder groups: academia; community-based organizations; non-governmental organizations; industry/business; state/local government; tribal government/indigenous organizations; faith-based organizations; public health; and youth-led or youth focused environmental organizations.

Specific information about how to apply and the criteria for appointment can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/white-house-environmental-justice-advisory-council


Submit expression of interest questionnaire and resumes for nomination electronically with the subject line WHEJAC Membership 2023 to [email protected].

For more information, contact: Karen Martin, U.S. EPA, by telephone at (202) 564-0203, or email at [email protected].


NEW! Latest Version of Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) Released!

EPA has posted MOVES3.1, a minor revision to MOVES3. MOVES3.1 adds an inspection/maintenance (I/M) program benefit for Class 2b and 3 gasoline trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of between 8,500 and 14,000 pounds (Regulatory Class 41).  With this minor revision, these trucks will now receive the same proportional I/M benefit for exhaust emissions as lower classification gasoline trucks.  This benefit was missing in previous versions of MOVES.

MOVES3.1 is available for download at www.epa.gov/moves/latest-version-motor-vehicle-emission-simulator-moves.  Please download and use this new version if you:

  • have not yet used MOVES3,
  • are conducting regulatory analyses involving an I/M program that includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class), such as performance standard modeling for an I/M state implementation plan (SIP) to demonstrate that an I/M program meets the applicable performance standard (refer to the Performance Standard Modeling guidance), or
  • are conducting modeling for other SIP or transportation conformity analyses for an area where the I/M program includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class).


Otherwise, MOVES3 users can continue to use previous versions of MOVES3.  For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES3 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES3.


This update is considered a minor revision, rather than a patch, because it may decrease onroad emissions of NOx, VOCs, and CO in some areas.  However, it will not substantially change onroad criteria emissions rates at the County Scale and it is not considered a new model for SIP or transportation conformity purposes.  As noted in the MOVES3 Technical Guidance, modelers should continue to review and update the relevant I/M coverage inputs to reflect the latest I/M assumptions in regulatory analyses.


NEW! Updated Version of EPA’s Air Sensor Guidebook Released!

Recognizing the ever-increasing availability of air sensors, expanding user base, and growing scientific knowledge, the U.S. EPA updated the popular Air Sensor Guidebook, originally published in 2014. The refreshed version, called “The Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook”, includes updated content and new topics that incorporate best practices, current knowledge, and recommendations to guide the use of air sensors.

The Enhanced Guidebook supports users in planning and collecting air quality measurements using air sensors. The Guidebook can help sensor users:

  • Learn the basics of air quality, air pollution monitoring, and air sensors
  • Plan and conduct an air quality monitoring study
  • Select, setup, and use air sensors
  • Analyze, interpret, communicate, and act on results
  • Understand the basics of air sensor performance

Find out more and access the Enhanced Air Sensor Guidebook.

Visit EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox.

Find out more about EPA’s Air Research.


NEW! Applications are being accepted now for the nation’s highest award in asthma management!

The Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management is the nation’s highest honor for programs helping people bring asthma under control. Winners will be recognized in May during Asthma Awareness Month. Winning this award is a sign of excellence and confirmation of success in helping people with asthma lead healthy, active lives.


Winners will receive:

  • A place in the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management Hall of Fame.
  • An engraved, crystal award.
  • Recognition in May during Asthma Awareness Month.
  • Recognition on national websites, including AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org.
  • Customized press kits, a descriptive snapshot of your program and support generating media attention.
  • An opportunity to serve as mentors to help other programs achieve impactful results.

For more information, visit the Asthma Community Network HERE


Smoke, Air, Fire, Energy (SAFE) Symposium – Rural and Tribal Community Resilience Strategies for Action Day-long symposium on March 1st, 2023, that will bring together Tribal leaders, researchers, and practitioners who are working on the interrelated topics of wildfire smoke, air quality, fire risk, and clean energy solutions. The goal is enhancing climate resilience of rural and Tribal communities. There is no cost to attend this event. Click HERE for more information and RSVP HERE.


EPA Seeks Feedback on Inflation Reduction Act Programs

Comments are due by January 18, 2023. In addition, the agency will conduct extensive public engagement as it works to implement the law.

EPA has announced initial public engagement and input opportunities for a subset of new and existing programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. These programs, which include funding for air quality and climate projects addressing clean energy, transportation, methane emissions, and climate super-pollutants, will advance the President’s bold agenda to combat the climate crisis, protect public health and advance environmental justice. 

EPA’s engagement strategy for these programs includes:

  • Request for Information (RFI): Issuing a request for public input to inform program design;
  • Expert Input: Soliciting expert input on key program design questions from EPA’s Federal Advisory Committees including the Local Government Advisory Committee, Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee;
  • Listening Sessions: Launching a stakeholder listening session series to enable key stakeholders including environmental justice communities, state and local governments, clean energy advocates, labor, and others to provide input directly to EPA staff; and
  • New Webpage: Creating a one-stop shop for information on the implementation of Inflation Reduction Act programs managed by EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation.

EPA has published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comment on six public dockets that correspond to Inflation Reduction Act provisions in the law.

Public Encouraged to Review and Comment in Six Public Dockets


REMINDER! The White House: FACT SHEET: How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Tribal Communities

By signing the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden is delivering on his promise to meet the climate crisis and build an economy that works for working families, including Tribal nations and American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian families. The Inflation Reduction Act lowers prescription drug costs, health care costs, and energy costs. It’s the most aggressive action we have taken to confront the climate crisis. It’ll lower the deficit and ask the super wealthy and corporations to pay their fair share. And no one making under $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes. Click Here for FACT SHEET.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) FY2022 Appropriations

To View Report, Click Here.

This document was prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress. It operates solely at the behest of and under the direction of Congress. Information in a CRS Report should not be relied upon for purposes other than public understanding of information that has been provided by CRS to Members of Congress in connection with CRS’s institutional role.


EPA’s Community and Tribal Programs Group has a publicly facing Tribal Actions and Events calendar for all to use!

This calendar is also linked under the “Tribal Air and Climate Resources” webpage under the “Policy and Planning” heading available at https://www.epa.gov/tribal-air. The purpose of the calendar is to ensure that our Tribal partners are kept apprised of EPA activities that are relevant to them. If you have any questions about the calendars or any recommendations on how EPA can improve upon the calendars, please do not hesitate to reach out to Loren Fox ([email protected]) with any feedback.


Air Knowledge E–Learning Content

The Air Knowledge training team is pleased to announce the availability of new air quality training materials!

These e-learning courses and modules are at the foundational learning level and are available to Tribal, state, and local air agencies through our learning management system (LMS) and to the public here. The website was recently enhanced to provide additional self-instructional and instructor-led training materials.

The new materials include:

  • A course that explains key historic events that led to air pollution control legislation and describes progress made with air pollution control since the passage of the Clean Air Act,
  • A course that explains the basic components of state and Tribal implementation plans,
  • A module that generally defines the transport and fate of air pollutants and how transport and fate are influenced by meteorology and topography,
  • A module that explains the basic aspects of an air emissions inventory, and
  • A module that explains the purposes and types of air emissions inventories, including the inventories that the EPA develops.

To access the courses and modules on the LMS (https://epaapti.csod.com), Tribal air agencies and organizations can register, log in, and refer to the “What’s New” section on the home page. All other users (the public, international community, academia, industry, EPA staff, etc.) can access the courses and modules on the Air Knowledge interim website.


NTAA Upcoming Calls

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions for NTAA webinars* When you register for GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a rollcall, ultimately saving time. For other NTAA calls, NTAA will be transitioning to Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent with calendar invites for future NTAA work group calls.


Woodsmoke Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in woodsmoke issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday,

January 12,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Mobile Sources Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in mobile source issues in Tribal communities. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 2,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET

Alaska Air Work Group: Join this work group to hear updates from EPA and Alaskans working on air quality. Contact [email protected] to join the call! January 25,

10 am AK or 2 pm ET (tentative)

NTAA / EPA Air Policy Update Call: Join this monthly meeting to hear updates from EPA on important air quality and climate policy updates as well as updates around the country related to Tribal Air Programs. Calls are usually on the last Thursday of every month unless it falls on a national holiday. Contact [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, January 26, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Work Group: This work group meets Bi-Monthly and includes Tribal and EPA professionals with an interest in indoor air quality in Tribal homes and other buildings. [email protected] to join the call! Thursday, February 16, 10 am AK or 2 pm ET


The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP)

Click Here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. Sign up for a self-paced course hosted by ITEP’s Waste and Response and Tribal Air Quality programs.


ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) hosts the Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates, Residential Building Science Review, Radon Fundamentals, Quality Assurance Fundamental, Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan, Emissions Inventory Fundamentals, and Emissions Inventory Advanced.

AIAQTP Schedule and Registration 


Recorded Webinars

Looking for more information check out the Tribal Air Quality Media Space Channel. Recent webinars include an Introduction to Air Quality Programs, Emissions Inventories, Remote Professional Assistance, and Woodstoves in Indian Country. Older classics include a series on Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke, Tribal Air Program and Grants, Data Management, and the Clean Air Act.

ITEP’s Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars, and other events related to Tribes and climate change.


EPA Tools and Resources Webinar Series

Click here to see all past and upcoming webinars hosted by the EPA.


Climate Change / Energy

The first in-person National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) was an absolute success! We are excited to announce that the session recordingsthe highlight reel, and the slide deck overview are now available. A special thanks to all who attended and made NTICC 2022 possible. For more information, check out the NTICC website.


RFI EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grants – $5 billion

Deadline: January 18, 2023

This RFI is for a program to help eligible entities to help plan and implement climate pollution reduction strategies. Click here for more information.



USDA Seeks Input from Tribal Leaders on Advancing Clean Energy for Tribal Communities Through the Inflation Reduction Act

WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2022 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced that USDA will host a Tribal consultation on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

Tribal leaders and their proxies are invited to give input on new funding authorities under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that will help advance clean energy for people living in Tribal communities. Tribes, Tribal enterprises, Tribal utilities and other non-Tribal applicants may be eligible for funding under the IRA programs offered by USDA.

To attend the consultation, visit the Tribal Consultation on the IRA webinar registration page [lnks.gd]. To learn more, read the full Tribal Consultation Notification [lnks.gd].


Toxics/Mobile Sources

NEW! Opportunity to provide input: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a proposed rulemaking to review the Clean Air Act (CAA) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Emission Guidelines (EG) for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs) source category (40 CFR part 60 subpart Eb, and 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cb, respectively). Pursuant to the EPA’s Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, the Agency is initiating pre-proposal consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes to obtain input on the upcoming action to update regulatory requirements for the Large Municipal Waste Combustors (LMWCs). If you are interested in requesting government-to-government consultation with EPA during the pre-proposal period, please contact Regina Chappell at (919) 541-3650 or email at [email protected]. Please contact us before February 3, 2023, to request the consultation. EPA will strive to accommodate the requests as time and resources permit. Tribes may also submit OFFICE OF AIR QUALITY PLANNING AND STANDARDS written comments at https://www.regulations.gov/, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0920, any time during the pre-proposal tribal consultation process and until June 6, 2023. If there are any questions, please email Charlene Spells at [email protected]. Additional background information about the air regulations for LMWCs can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/large-municipal-waste-combustors-lmwc-new-source-performance


Indoor Air Quality

New! Notice of Intent – DOE Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities – $80 million

Deadline: Available until expended. Eligible Entities: Consortium of One Local Education Agency and one or more Schools, Non-Profits, For-Profits, and Community Partners


This funding is the first tranche of funding in a $500 million investment, to make clean energy improvements in K-12 public schools. Funds will empower school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’ energy costs and improve student learning environments. Visit HERE for more information.


Available Now: An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes Webinar Recording

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division recently hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the key basic facts of radon – what it is, what it does to us, how we measure it, how we reduce our exposure, and where to find resources and additional information. A recording of An Introduction to Radon Gas in Homes is now available online. The recorded webinar features a presentation by Bruce Snead, Director of Engineering Extension at Kansas State University, and director of the National Radon Program Services effort for EPA since 2009.


EPA: A Fact Sheet for Tribes on State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants

EPA’s Indoor Environments Division is pleased to announce the State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program Fact Sheet. This fact sheet has information on SIRG eligibility, matching requirements, allowable activities, EPA contacts, and more. EPA works collaboratively and values our Tribal partnership to support healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in Tribal communities. We work together to develop tools and resources that address the health and the safety of Tribal members when it comes to indoor air quality.

Please visit the Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities or State Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program and Resources pages to learn more and download the fact sheet.


Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!

2022-12-14T18:13:29+00:00December 14th, 2022|CALLS/WEBINARS/EVENTS|


Our mission is to advance air quality management policies and programs, consistent with the needs, interests, and unique legal status of American Indian Tribes and Alaska Natives.

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