Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes
New! Health Education & Communication in Indian Country: A Climate and Health Learning Community Event
Tuesday, June 23; 1-2pm ET
Please join National Indian Health Board (NIHB) for a Climate and Health Learning Community webinar: “Health Education and Communication in Indian Country.” This webinar will discuss best practices in conducting health education and communication activities in a Tribal setting; tools and resources that Tribal health professionals have used successfully; and how COVID-19 and other barriers can be overcome to ensure Tribal public health professionals can connect and engage with community members successfully.
NEW! Protecting Tribal Lands and Sacred Places: Current Threats Across Indian Country
Tuesday, June 23; 1-2:30pm EDT
Hosted by the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI). This Forum will share the stories of five tribal nations working to protect their tribal homelands in the face of baseless and arbitrary attacks by the federal government, and they will discuss how the federal government must recommit to its trust and treaty obligations to all tribal nations in this critical area.
Reminder: Friday, June 26, is the deadline to provide comments on the AirNow Sensor Pilot Map Layer
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) have been reviewing those comments as we refine the sensor layer that we plan to pilot on the AirNow Fire and Smoke map later next month. To review the prototype layer and submit comments, please visit https://sensorpilot.app.cloud.gov/. Use the following username and password to access this site: Username: sensor, Password: pilot
If you have any questions, please email the AirNow team at [email protected].
NEW! EPA Research on Environmental Cleanup and Disinfection of SARS-Cov2 Webinar
Tuesday, June 30; 1-2pm EDT
EPA scientists are building on a foundation of world-class research by applying their knowledge to reduce the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This research will help states & territories, tribes, and local governments, including public health agencies guide homeowners, business owners, and others reduce the risk of exposure. This webinar will highlight research EPA is working on related to environmental cleanup and disinfection. More information about EPA Research on COVID-19 in the Environment.
ITEP 4-Part Webinar Series: Managing Road Dust
Road dust from unpaved roads is a major air quality concern in many tribal communities. Dust (also called Particulate Matter (PM)) has negative impacts on health, road safety and quality of life. This webinar is the second of a series of four webinars to help tribal environmental and transportation staff to manage road dust, resulting in improved air quality. Presenters from US Environmental Protection Agency, University of Alaska, Alaska Department Environmental Conservation, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals will provide information to help tribal environmental and transportation staff create community partnerships. If you have any questions, contact [email protected]
- Webinar #3: Engaging Community Leaders in Road Dust Management
Upcoming TBD
- Webinar #4: Case Studies on Road Dust Management
Upcoming TBD
EPA is now accepting applications for the 2020 Clean Air Excellence Awards The application guidelines and entry form can be found at here. EPA senior officials will present the awards at a celebration in late 2020 in Washington, DC (date to be determined).
Please help us spread the word by forwarding this information to other organizations and individuals who may be interested and encouraging good candidates to apply for these prestigious awards. Applications are due by July 31, 2020.
On June 5, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed an Information Collection Request (ICR) for ethylene oxide commercial sterilization facilities and is requesting public comment on the action. The data collected through the ICR, in combination with the December 2019 questionnaire that was sent to nine ethylene oxide sterilization companies, will enable EPA to have a better understanding of emissions, emissions sources, processes and control technologies in use at ethylene oxide sterilization facilities nationwide. EPA’s analysis of the ICR data will support the agency’s ongoing review of the Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization and Fumigation Operations National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. EPA will accept comment on the proposed ICR for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. A pre-publication version of the proposed ICR is available here.
EPA finalized minor amendments to the 2004 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the Plywood and Composite Wood Products (PCWP) source category. The PCWP source category includes 230 facilities: 93 PCWP facilities, 121 lumber mills and 16 facilities that produce both PCWP and lumber. EPA identified acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde, methanol, phenol and propionaldehyde as the main pollutants emitted from this sector. Based on the results of required residual risk review, EPA determined that risks from the source category are acceptable. In addition, based on the results of the technology review, the agency identified no developments in practices, processes or control technologies that would further reduce emissions of air toxics from the emission units regulated under the PCWP NESHAP. EPA is finalizing no significant changes to the original NESHAP for this source category and concludes that the standards continue to provide an ample margin of safety to protect public health and the environment. A fact sheet and pre-publication version of the final rule are available here.
Tribal Grants Education and Technical Assistance Webinar Series Second Wednesday of Every Month at 1pm ET
For more information, click here!
Updated APTI 423, Air Pollution Dispersion Models: AERMOD
3-Day Lecture Course: June 2020 thru May 2021
Register Here
APTI 423 is a three-day course intended for air quality scientists to give a better understanding of the AERMOD modeling system and how to appropriately set up and run the various components of the modeling system (e.g. AERMAP, AERMET, and AERMOD). The course will cover inputs, execution, analysis of outputs, and QA of inputs/outputs of the various system components. The course will focus on the EPA issued version of the AERMOD modeling system used by consultants, federal, state, and local air quality agencies. In addition to the instructor presentation and lecture, participants will have opportunities to apply their knowledge through modeling scenarios provided in the course materials. More information about APTI 423, as well as the direct link to the course materials, can be found here.
Updated APTI 474, Continuous Monitoring Systems (CMS)
3.5-Day Lecture Course: June 2020 thru May 2021
APTI 474 (a 3-and-a-half-day course) has been updated to provide a deeper dive into many of the key concepts covered under NACT 221 (a one-day classroom course). Brand new to APTI 474 is a day-long session covering performance specifications, quality assurance, and commonly used technologies for CMS. In addition to the instructor presentation and lecture, participants have opportunities to apply their knowledge through practical exercises, facilitated discussions, and knowledge check games. More information about APTI 474, as well as the direct link to the course materials, can be found here.
NTAA Upcoming Calls
The toll-free number is 1-800-309-2350. If you do not need to call toll free, or would like to help conserve NTAA funding, you can call 1-805-309-2350. Both numbers use code 928-523-0526#. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions* When you register for the GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a roll-call, ultimately saving everyone’s time.
EPA Policy Call: Call in to hear updates from EPA on policies, actions, and tools relevant to Indian Country and Air Quality. | Thursday, June 25, 2pm ET |
Mobile Sources Work Group: This monthly work group addresses all mobile source pollution issues. | Thursday, July 3, 2pm ET
Wood Smoke Work Group: Join this work group every other month to address wood smoke issues in Indian Country. | Thursday, July 16, 2pm ET |
Indoor Air Quality Work Group: Join this work group every other month to help support IAQ work throughout Indian Country.
Thursday, August 20, 2pm ET
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professional’s (ITEP’s) Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars and other events related to tribes and climate change.
Click here for ITEP’s other trainings and events.
Click here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. New courses have been added, so check it out!
ITEP’s FY20 AIAQTP Course Schedule
Course Title | Dates | Location | Course Level |
2020 | |||
Air Pollution Technology (Postponed!) | TBD | Flagstaff, AZ | 2 |
Meteorological Monitoring (Postponed!) | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Pollution Modeling | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Quality Outreach | TBD | TBD | 1 |
National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTFAQ) (Postponed!) | May 2021 | Tulsa, OK | n/a |
Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke | Anytime | Series of 6 recorded webinars | n/a |
Indoor Air Quality – Independent Study | Anytime | Independent Study | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates | Open | Online | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Warm Climates | In development | Online | 1 |
Residential Building Science Review | Open | Online | 1 |
Radon Fundamentals | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Fundamentals (QA 101) | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (QA 201-209) | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Fundamentals | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Advanced | Open | Online | 3 |
Note: This schedule is subject to change. For up-to-date information, course descriptions, and applications please visit http://www7.nau.edu/itep/main/Training/training_air/ |
Climate Change / Energy
June 24, 1 PM (ET) – 2020 Tribal Energy Webinar Series: How to Select Energy Projects Register Here
After a tribal energy vision has been developed, the next step is to identify specific energy projects to pursue and how best to use your energy resources. Tribes often have many options to consider. This webinar will provide guidance on how to select energy projects that meet your energy vision.
June 25, 1 PM (ET) – Portfolio Manager 301 Register Here
With a good background on the basic functionality of EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool, learn about some advanced features including: using spreadsheet upload templates to update property data; setting goals and targets to plan energy improvements for properties; creating custom reports; and using the Sustainable Buildings Checklist.
NEW! Call for Community Engagement Workshop Participants and Papers for a Special Issue
Workshop Series: Winter/Spring 2021
This USDA NIFA funded and professionally facilitated Engagement Workshop Series will convene a multidisciplinary group of researchers, community stakeholders, practitioners, students, funders, and policy makers to discuss the design and impacts of stakeholder engagement to address socio-environmental problems in working landscapes. The workshop series includes virtual meetings in winter/spring 2021 and a two-day in-person workshop at Penn State University, US in June 2021. Intended outcomes include 1) a special issue of a journal on workshop themes, 2) a collaboratively defined and co-produced research agenda on the “science of engagement,” and 3) formation of a new collaborative research network. Among the questions to be addressed are: What risks does engagement entail and for whom? What challenges and risks are posed to indigenous and underrepresented communities through engagement? Which approaches effectively and equitably engage underrepresented stakeholders? Apply here to participate in the virtual meetings and/or to submit a paper. Funding is available for travel to the June 2021 conference on a competitive basis. More information available at the workshop website. Questions or a request for more information can be sent to Georgia Hart-Fredeluces at [email protected].
Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group Webinar Series
The Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group (IPCCWG) would like to invite you to join us for a 4-part webinar series that will discuss the future generations of American Indian and Alaskan Native geoscience professionals, educators, and workforce. An in-person IPCCWG meeting will take place at the National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference. We also greatly appreciate you sharing within your networks. The webinar schedule is as follows:
- July 16 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- August 13 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
If you have any questions regarding registration or anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out to Althea Walker at [email protected] or 480-258-3963.
South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center: Earth to Sky Workshop
Earth to Sky is a partnership between NASA, NPS, and USFWS that enables and encourages informal educators to access and use relevant NASA science, data, and educational and outreach products in their work. The partnership’s focus is on climate change science and communication. Join us for three days of training with native informal educators from across the South Central region who recognize the importance of teaching climate change. The workshop will take place July 15-17 in Sulphur, OK. Learn more here.
Save the Date: Southwest Tribal Climate Resilience Camp
Date: July 26-31, 2020
Location: Navajo Technical University – Crownpoint, NM
The Tribal Climate Resilience Camp will support teams of Tribal Leaders, climate change coordinators, planners, and program managers to build skills, gather information, and develop Tribal policies and plans needed for Tribal Nations to address climate change impacts. Information about travel, lodging, and registration will be available soon. You may contact Althea Walker, Tribal Climate Science Liaison, at [email protected] or (480) 258-3963 with questions.
We are currently recruiting 10 Southwest Tribes to participate in the 2020 Camp. Each Tribe should identify three delegates per Tribe. The delegates must participate for the entire week curriculum. Delegates may include climate change staff, tribal policy leaders, Tribal Council, natural resource and environmental managers and staff, administrators, department staff from health, public works, education, housing, and other relevant departments that should engage in climate change planning. FOR APPLICATIONS Visit this link.
Save the Date: Shifting Seasons Summit 3, October 6-8, 2020, Keshena, WI
Contingency dates: March 2021
The Shifting Seasons Summit is a gathering that focuses on climate resilience planning and implementation within Tribes and across Tribal ceded territories in the Northeast Region. This summit will also include network-building opportunities and initiatives developed outside of the Northeast by capacity building organizations, academic institutions and Tribes. Visit www.NICRN.org for more details.
ITEP’s Climate Change Adaptation Training Courses registration is online! Learn more about the courses and register here.
Toxics/Mobile Sources
NEW! Clean Cities Webinar Series—Part II: Fleet experiences Using Renewable Diesel, Biodiesel, and Blends
Wednesday, June 24; 10am PT
This two-part webinar series brings together experiences fleet managers and industry experts to show you how to green your fleet with renewable diesel (RD), biodiesel and blends. Learn how renewable diesel, biodiesel, and blends can: 1) reduce operating costs, 2) lower emissions, and 3) meet your fleet sustainability goals.
NEW! Disinfectant Safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
Wednesday, June 24; 11am PT / 2pm ET
In this webinar the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) will address common misconceptions and questions about disinfectant safety. We will also tour EPA’s online tool for products effective against COVID-19.
NEW! Safe Green Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfection in Child Care Facilities and Schools During the COVIS-19 Pandemic
Tuesday, June 30; 10am PDT / 1pm EST
Hosted by the Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE). Many products sold for cleaning and disinfecting pose health risks, especially for young children and pregnant workers. In this era of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are using more disinfectant products than previously to prevent the spread of the virus. During this webinar, Stephanie Holm, MD, Co-Director of the Western States PEHSU and Victoria Leonard, RN, FNP, PhD, head of the PEHSU’s Environmental Health in Early Care and Education Project, will address how to more safely choose and use cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting products and practices for child care facilities and schools in this time of COVID-19. The speakers will also describe the differences between these different activities and how to know where and how often each should be done. There will be ample time for Q&A.
Tribal Consultation Period Extended for EPA’s Draft Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country
Extended through August 3, 2020
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) – Office of Pesticide Programs is provide notice to federally-recognized tribes that EPA’s Tribal Consultation on the Draft EPA Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country is extended through August 3, 2020 to accommodate a recent tribal request. The timeline for the consultation and consultation period will extend from February 10–August 3, 2020. During this period, a third consultation session will be conducted. To participate, the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) invites you and/or your designee to join us during the following consultation session:
- Session 3: Wednesday, July 15th from 12:00pm-2:00pm ET
Conference Line: 866-299-3188; Code: 202-566-0603
Adobe Connect: https://epawebconferencing.acms.com/draftepaplan3
Indoor Air Quality
NEW! Federal Interagency Committee on Indoor Air Quality (CIAQ)
Thursday, June 25; 1pm EDT
CIAQ member agencies will provide updates on indoor environmental quality–related activities at their agencies, with the goal of enhancing opportunities for collaboration and coordination. Following these updates, invited presentations on topics of interest to the IAQ community include—
- Thirdhand Smoke in Low-Income Multiunit Housing,
- Impacts of Building Airflows on the Fate and Transport of Indoor Aerosols, and
- HVAC recommendations for re-opening buildings.
The agenda for the June meeting will be provided on the CIAQ website shortly.
If you have questions, a presentation topic or other suggestions that you would like considered for future meetings, please send them to [email protected].
Webinar Program for National Healthy Homes Month
National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM) is an annual outreach effort sponsored by HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (HUD/OLHCHH). Throughout June, OLHCHH, along with our partners, heighten awareness of health-related hazards in residences and other housing types, with recommended actions to address them. This year, our theme of Healthy Housing for All underlines how the healthy homes model impacts such a wide range of residents. The continuing impact of the COVID-19 virus greatly increases the need for awareness of, and actions around, many indoor environmental health concerns. You must register for each webinar you plan to attend. Registration is limited to the first 500 registrants, so please plan on registering early. The remaining webinars are:
- June 23, 2 – 3pm ET: The Longer Term Effectiveness of Home Asthma Interventions
- June 25, 2 – 3pm ET: Interventions to Help Seniors Safely Age in Place
- June 30, 2 – 3pm ET: The Grande Finale of NHHM ’20: The Winners of the HUD Secretary’s Awards for Healthy Homes
The Federal Interagency Committee on Indoor Air Quality (CIAQ) will hold its next public webinar
Thursday, June 25, 2020, 1-4:30pm ET
Register Here
At the meeting, CIAQ member agencies will provide updates on indoor environmental quality–related activities at their agencies, with the goal of enhancing opportunities for collaboration and coordination. Following these updates, invited presentations on topics of interest to the IAQ community include—
1. Thirdhand Smoke in Low-Income Multiunit Housing,
2. Impacts of Building Airflows on the Fate and Transport of Indoor Aerosols,
3. HVAC recommendations for re-opening buildings.
The agenda for the June meeting will be provided on the CIAQ website shortly.
Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!
Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes
EPA is now accepting applications for the 2020 Clean Air Excellence Awards. The application guidelines and entry form can be found at https://www.epa.gov/caaac/clean-air-excellence-awards. EPA senior officials will present the awards at a celebration in late 2020 in Washington, DC (date to be determined).
Please help us spread the word by forwarding this information to other organizations and individuals who may be interested and encouraging good candidates to apply for these prestigious awards. Applications are due by July 31, 2020.
On June 03, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host an informational webinar on EPA’s periodic review of Other Solid Waste Incineration (OSWI) units.
The EPA promulgated emissions standards for OSWI units on December 16, 2005. Units covered under this rule include certain very small municipal waste combustion and institutional waste incineration units. On September 14, 2018, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the EPA to “review and revise” the OSWI standards and guidelines and publish a notice of proposed rulemaking by August 31, 2020 and promulgate a final rule by May 31, 2021. In accordance with requirements under the Clean Air Act, EPA is in the process of performing a periodic review of the emissions standards and other requirements for OSWI units.
The purpose of the webinar is to provide a high-level overview of the source category, the current rule and rulemaking process, and to offer tribes an opportunity to provide input prior to rule proposal.
Date: 6/3/2020 at 1:00 – 2:00 PM EDT
Audience: Tribal Air Agencies
You may join in one of two ways, either by computer or by phone (not both).
- By Computer – click on Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
- By Phone – call the number below and enter the conference ID
Use the call-in number if you want to attend the meeting in “audio only” mode. Your phone will automatically be muted when you are connected. During Q&A, use your phone mute/unmute button or select *6 to mute/unmute. Otherwise, please participate via the computer for full audio and visual.
+1 984-444-7480 United States, Raleigh (Toll) Conference ID: 346 940 156#
The number in the announcement may not be local to you. Select Local numbers to find one that is. For more information on OSWI, click here.
On June 5, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed an Information Collection Request (ICR) for ethylene oxide commercial sterilization facilities and is requesting public comment on the action. The data collected through the ICR, in combination with the December 2019 questionnaire that was sent to nine ethylene oxide sterilization companies, will enable EPA to have a better understanding of emissions, emissions sources, processes and control technologies in use at ethylene oxide sterilization facilities nationwide. EPA’s analysis of the ICR data will support the agency’s ongoing review of the Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization and Fumigation Operations National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. EPA will accept comment on the proposed ICR for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. A pre-publication version of the proposed ICR is available here.
EPA finalized minor amendments to the 2004 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the Plywood and Composite Wood Products (PCWP) source category. The PCWP source category includes 230 facilities: 93 PCWP facilities, 121 lumber mills and 16 facilities that produce both PCWP and lumber. EPA identified acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde, methanol, phenol and propionaldehyde as the main pollutants emitted from this sector. Based on the results of required residual risk review, EPA determined that risks from the source category are acceptable. In addition, based on the results of the technology review, the agency identified no developments in practices, processes or control technologies that would further reduce emissions of air toxics from the emission units regulated under the PCWP NESHAP. EPA is finalizing no significant changes to the original NESHAP for this source category and concludes that the standards continue to provide an ample margin of safety to protect public health and the environment. A fact sheet and pre-publication version of the final rule are available here.
Tribal Grants Education and Technical Assistance Webinar Series Second Wednesday of Every Month at 1pm ET
For more information, click here!
ITEP 4-Part Webinar Series: Managing Road Dust
Road dust from unpaved roads is a major air quality concern in many tribal communities. Dust (also called Particulate Matter (PM)) has negative impacts on health, road safety and quality of life. This webinar is the second of a series of four webinars to help tribal environmental and transportation staff to manage road dust, resulting in improved air quality. Presenters from US Environmental Protection Agency, University of Alaska, Alaska Department Environmental Conservation, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals will provide information to help tribal environmental and transportation staff create community partnerships. If you have any questions, contact [email protected]
- Webinar #2: Introduction to Dust Suppressants
Thursday, June 18; 10am AKDT
- Webinar #3: Engaging Community Leaders in Road Dust Management
Upcoming TBD
- Webinar #4: Case Studies on Road Dust Management
Upcoming TBD
Updated APTI 423, Air Pollution Dispersion Models: AERMOD
3-Day Lecture Course: June 2020 thru May 2021
Register Here
APTI 423 is a three-day course intended for air quality scientists to give a better understanding of the AERMOD modeling system and how to appropriately set up and run the various components of the modeling system (e.g. AERMAP, AERMET, and AERMOD). The course will cover inputs, execution, analysis of outputs, and QA of inputs/outputs of the various system components. The course will focus on the EPA issued version of the AERMOD modeling system used by consultants, federal, state, and local air quality agencies. In addition to the instructor presentation and lecture, participants will have opportunities to apply their knowledge through modeling scenarios provided in the course materials. More information about APTI 423, as well as the direct link to the course materials, can be found here.
Updated APTI 474, Continuous Monitoring Systems (CMS)
3.5-Day Lecture Course: June 2020 thru May 2021
APTI 474 (a 3-and-a-half-day course) has been updated to provide a deeper dive into many of the key concepts covered under NACT 221 (a one-day classroom course). Brand new to APTI 474 is a day-long session covering performance specifications, quality assurance, and commonly used technologies for CMS. In addition to the instructor presentation and lecture, participants have opportunities to apply their knowledge through practical exercises, facilitated discussions, and knowledge check games. More information about APTI 474, as well as the direct link to the course materials, can be found here.
NTAA Upcoming Calls. The toll-free number is 1-800-309-2350. If you do not need to call toll free, or would like to help conserve NTAA funding, you can call 1-805-309-2350. Both numbers use code 928-523-0526#. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions* When you register for the GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a roll-call, ultimately saving everyone’s time.
Mobile Sources Work Group: This monthly work group addresses all mobile source pollution issues. | Thursday, June 4, 2pm ET
Indoor Air Quality Work Group: Join this work group every other month to help support IAQ work throughout Indian Country. | Thursday, June 18, 2pm ET |
EPA Policy Call: Call in to hear updates from EPA on policies, actions, and tools relevant to Indian Country and Air Quality. | Thursday, June 25, 2pm ET |
Wood Smoke Work Group: Join this work group every other month to address wood smoke issues in Indian Country. | Thursday, July 16, 2pm ET |
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professional’s (ITEP’s) Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars and other events related to tribes and climate change.
Click here for ITEP’s other trainings and events.
Click here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. New courses have been added, so check it out!
ITEP’s FY20 AIAQTP Course Schedule
Course Title | Dates | Location | Course Level |
2020 | |||
Air Pollution Technology (Postponed!) | TBD | Flagstaff, AZ | 2 |
Meteorological Monitoring (Postponed!) | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Pollution Modeling | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Quality Outreach | TBD | TBD | 1 |
National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTFAQ) (Postponed!) | May 2021 | Tulsa, OK | n/a |
Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke | Anytime | Series of 6 recorded webinars | n/a |
Indoor Air Quality – Independent Study | Anytime | Independent Study | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates | Open | Online | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Warm Climates | In development | Online | 1 |
Residential Building Science Review | Open | Online | 1 |
Radon Fundamentals | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Fundamentals (QA 101) | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (QA 201-209) | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Fundamentals | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Advanced | Open | Online | 3 |
Note: This schedule is subject to change. For up-to-date information, course descriptions, and applications please visit http://www7.nau.edu/itep/main/Training/training_air/ |
Climate Change / Energy
June 10 and 24, Noon (ET) – Ask the Expert
Every Wednesday ENERGY STAR holds a Portfolio Manager “Ask the Expert” session. It’s a live webinar that gives all users an opportunity to ask their questions directly to EPA experts in an open forum. Want to talk to a “real” person? Have a question about how Portfolio Manager calculates your score? Want to learn more about entering Green Power? Join ENERGY STAR, and they’ll answer all your questions about ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager in this public forum.
June 16, 3 PM (ET) – The 2035 Report: How Low Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future
According to a report to be released in early June from the University of California, Berkeley and GridLab, the United States can reliably deliver 90% clean, carbon-free electricity nationwide by 2035 using existing technology, without increasing consumer bills, and without the need for new fossil fuel plants. The 2035 Report: How Low Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future demonstrates how recent dramatic cost declines for solar, wind, and battery storage allow for near-term decarbonization of the electricity grid. In this Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) webinar, two of the report’s authors, Ric O’Connell (Executive Director, GridLab) and Dr. Amol Phadke (Senior Scientist and Affiliate, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley) will present the main findings and discuss their implications.
June 17, 1 PM (ET) – Portfolio Manager 201
Continue to learn about EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool with a deeper dive into more advanced functionalities such as: editing property data; correcting and updating property use details; using the data quality checker; and sharing property data.
June 24, 1 PM (ET) – 2020 Tribal Energy Webinar Series: How to Select Energy Projects
After a tribal energy vision has been developed, the next step is to identify specific energy projects to pursue and how best to use your energy resources. Tribes often have many options to consider. This webinar will provide guidance on how to select energy projects that meet your energy vision.
June 25, 1 PM (ET) – Portfolio Manager 301
With a good background on the basic functionality of EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool, learn about some advanced features including: using spreadsheet upload templates to update property data; setting goals and targets to plan energy improvements for properties; creating custom reports; and using the Sustainable Buildings Checklist.
Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group Webinar Series
The Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group (IPCCWG) would like to invite you to join us for a 4-part webinar series that will discuss the future generations of American Indian and Alaskan Native geoscience professionals, educators, and workforce. An in-person IPCCWG meeting will take place at the National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference. We also greatly appreciate you sharing within your networks. The webinar schedule is as follows:
- June 11 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- July 16 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- August 13 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
If you have any questions regarding registration or anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out to Althea Walker at [email protected] or 480-258-3963.
South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center: Earth to Sky Workshop
Earth to Sky is a partnership between NASA, NPS, and USFWS that enables and encourages informal educators to access and use relevant NASA science, data, and educational and outreach products in their work. The partnership’s focus is on climate change science and communication. Join us for three days of training with native informal educators from across the South Central region who recognize the importance of teaching climate change. The workshop will take place July 15-17 in Sulphur, OK. Learn more here.
Save the Date: Southwest Tribal Climate Resilience Camp
Date: July 26-31, 2020
Location: Navajo Technical University – Crownpoint, NM
The Tribal Climate Resilience Camp will support teams of Tribal Leaders, climate change coordinators, planners, and program managers to build skills, gather information, and develop Tribal policies and plans needed for Tribal Nations to address climate change impacts. Information about travel, lodging, and registration will be available soon. You may contact Althea Walker, Tribal Climate Science Liaison, at [email protected] or (480) 258-3963 with questions.
We are currently recruiting 10 Southwest Tribes to participate in the 2020 Camp. Each Tribe should identify three delegates per Tribe. The delegates must participate for the entire week curriculum. Delegates may include climate change staff, tribal policy leaders, Tribal Council, natural resource and environmental managers and staff, administrators, department staff from health, public works, education, housing, and other relevant departments that should engage in climate change planning. FOR APPLICATIONS Visit this link.
Save the Date: Shifting Seasons Summit 3, October 6-8, 2020, Keshena, WI
Contingency dates: March 2021
The Shifting Seasons Summit is a gathering that focuses on climate resilience planning and implementation within Tribes and across Tribal ceded territories in the Northeast Region. This summit will also include network-building opportunities and initiatives developed outside of the Northeast by capacity building organizations, academic institutions and Tribes. Visit www.NICRN.org for more details.
ITEP’s Climate Change Adaptation Training Courses registration is online! Learn more about the courses and register here.
Toxics/Mobile Sources
Tribal Consultation Period Extended for EPA’s Draft Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country
Extended through August 3, 2020
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) – Office of Pesticide Programs is provide notice to federally-recognized tribes that EPA’s Tribal Consultation on the Draft EPA Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country is extended through August 3, 2020 to accommodate a recent tribal request. The timeline for the consultation and consultation period will extend from February 10–August 3, 2020. During this period, a third consultation session will be conducted. To participate, the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) invites you and/or your designee to join us during the following consultation session:
- Session 3: Wednesday, July 15th from 12:00pm-2:00pm ET
Conference Line: 866-299-3188; Code: 202-566-0603
Adobe Connect: https://epawebconferencing.acms.com/draftepaplan3
Postponed: Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the West Coast Collaborative Partners Meeting has been postponed until August 24-26, 2020
After careful consideration of the growing public health concerns associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the US EPA West Coast Collaborative is postponing our GTSE | WCCPM event until
August 24 – 26, 2020, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, WA.
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the Green Transportation Summit & Expo (GTSE) have partnered to provide 25 complimentary full-conference passes to the Green Transportation Summit & Expo. The GTSE is the Pacific Northwest’s premier clean fleet and transportation event, focusing on fleets, fuels, technologies, policy & practice, with a regional focus and a national scope. We will provide you the opportunity to see, touch, drive, and learn about new transportation technologies firsthand, such as electric, hydrogen, natural gas and propane-powered heavy-duty vehicles, off-road utility vehicles, generators, and others. Workshops on DERA, VW funding, other federal funding opportunities, and alternative fuels will be presented. Please join us at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center for the 10th annual GTSE to learn about clean transportation, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollutants, and costs in your fleet operations. To learn more about the conference, check out our website. To receive the code for the complimentary passes, please contact ITEP’s Dara Marks Marino at [email protected].
Indoor Air Quality
Webinar Program for National Healthy Homes Month
National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM) is an annual outreach effort sponsored by HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (HUD/OLHCHH). Throughout June, OLHCHH, along with our partners, heighten awareness of health-related hazards in residences and other housing types, with recommended actions to address them. This year, our theme of Healthy Housing for All underlines how the healthy homes model impacts such a wide range of residents. The continuing impact of the COVID-19 virus greatly increases the need for awareness of, and actions around, many indoor environmental health concerns. You must register for each webinar you plan to attend. Registration is limited to the first 500 registrants, so please plan on registering early. The remaining webinars are:
- June 11, 2 – 3pm ET: Amulets to Zaprana: Non-Paint Sources of Lead
- June 16, 11 – 12pm ET: Healthy Homes Outreach: The Field Perspective
- June 18, 2 – 3pm ET: Healthy Homes Outreach Products for Native Americans
- June 23, 2 – 3pm ET: The Longer Term Effectiveness of Home Asthma Interventions
- June 25, 2 – 3pm ET: Interventions to Help Seniors Safely Age in Place
- June 30, 2 – 3pm ET: The Grande Finale of NHHM ’20: The Winners of the HUD Secretary’s Awards for Healthy Homes
Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!
Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes
Tribal Grants Education and Technical Assistance Webinar Series Second Wednesday of Every Month at 1pm ET
For more information, click here!
NEW! An International Indian Treaty Council Webinar: COVID-19 and the Rights of Indigenous Women and Children
Friday, June 5; 9 – 10:30am PST
This webinar will present the knowledge and experiences of Indigenous women from various regions about specific impacts of COVID-19 on Indigenous women and children. The panelists will also share their efforts to bring these human rights violations to light and build effective responses. To download materials for this webinar, click here. English/Spanish interpretation will be provided.
NEW! Webinar on Pilot Project to Show Sensor Data on AirNow’s Fire and Smoke Map **For state, local, and tribal air agencies only**
Please join staff from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) at one of four upcoming webinars to learn about a pilot project to show air sensor data on the Fires and Smoke map on the AirNow website. The goal of the pilot is to provide people with additional information on air quality during wildfires, especially in areas where AirNow monitors or USFS temporary monitors may not exist. Please join us at one of the following webinars. If you cannot make the webinar date for your area, please attend on one of the other dates. Each webinar will include a presentation about the pilot and an opportunity for questions and answers.
Connecting to the webinars
All webinars will be held through Microsoft Teams. We recommend that you join through teams so you can see the maps.
- Click on this link to join the meeting: Microsoft Teams Meeting
- To join by phone, call +1 984-444-7480 Conference ID: 919 766 165#
Webinar dates and times:
- Thursday, June 4, 2020 –States/Locals/Tribes in EPA Regions 8 and 9
11:30 – 12:30pm PST/12:30 – 1:30pm MST/2:30 – 3:30 ET
- Tuesday, June 9, 2020 – States/Locals/Tribes in EPA Regions 5, 6 and 7
1 – 2pm CST/2 – 3pm ET
- Wednesday, June 10, 2020: – States/Locals/Tribes in EPA Regions 1, 2, 3 and 4
3:30 – 4:30pm ET
NEW! Healthy Homes and Buildings: Our Health Connection—Tips and tools to keep indoors safe and healthy
Thursday, June 4; 10 – 11:30am MDT
Whether you live in an apartment, townhome or single-family home, an old home or are building a new home, there are many ways to protect and improve your indoor air quality. In recognition of Healthy Homes Month, you’re invited to join us for a webinar to learn about our health connection to homes and buildings, as well as tips and tools to keep indoor environments safe and healthy. EPA will discuss common indoor pollutants and what residents and building managers can do about them. Representatives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Region 8 will share information and resources that highlight the importance of home maintenance and the connection between your internal environment and your health. Participants will also learn about a successful asthma home visit program in the Denver area. Please note: This webinar will not focus on preventing the spread of viruses indoors, but instead will highlight the importance of healthy home environments, as we all adjust to spending more time in our homes.
NEW! ITEP 4-Part Webinar Series: Managing Road Dust
Road dust from unpaved roads is a major air quality concern in many tribal communities. Dust (also called Particulate Matter (PM)) has negative impacts on health, road safety and quality of life. This webinar is the second of a series of four webinars to help tribal environmental and transportation staff to manage road dust, resulting in improved air quality. Presenters from US Environmental Protection Agency, University of Alaska, Alaska Department Environmental Conservation, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals will provide information to help tribal environmental and transportation staff create community partnerships. If you have any questions, contact [email protected]
- Webinar #2: Introduction to Dust Suppressants
Thursday, June 18; 10am AKDT
- Webinar #3: Engaging Community Leaders in Road Dust Management
Upcoming TBD
- Webinar #4: Case Studies on Road Dust Management
Upcoming TBD
NEW! Updated APTI 423, Air Pollution Dispersion Models: AERMOD
3-Day Lecture Course: June 2020 thru May 2021
Register Here
APTI 423 is a three-day course intended for air quality scientists to give a better understanding of the AERMOD modeling system and how to appropriately set up and run the various components of the modeling system (e.g. AERMAP, AERMET, and AERMOD). The course will cover inputs, execution, analysis of outputs, and QA of inputs/outputs of the various system components. The course will focus on the EPA issued version of the AERMOD modeling system used by consultants, federal, state, and local air quality agencies. In addition to the instructor presentation and lecture, participants will have opportunities to apply their knowledge through modeling scenarios provided in the course materials. More information about APTI 423, as well as the direct link to the course materials, can be found here.
NEW! Updated APTI 474, Continuous Monitoring Systems (CMS)
3.5-Day Lecture Course: June 2020 thru May 2021
APTI 474 (a 3-and-a-half-day course) has been updated to provide a deeper dive into many of the key concepts covered under NACT 221 (a one-day classroom course). Brand new to APTI 474 is a day-long session covering performance specifications, quality assurance, and commonly used technologies for CMS. In addition to the instructor presentation and lecture, participants have opportunities to apply their knowledge through practical exercises, facilitated discussions, and knowledge check games. More information about APTI 474, as well as the direct link to the course materials, can be found here.
NTAA Upcoming Calls. The toll-free number is 1-800-309-2350. If you do not need to call toll free, or would like to help conserve NTAA funding, you can call 1-805-309-2350. Both numbers use code 928-523-0526#. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions* When you register for the GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a roll-call, ultimately saving everyone’s time.
Mobile Sources Work Group: This monthly work group addresses all mobile source pollution issues. | Thursday, June 4, 2pm ET
Indoor Air Quality Work Group: Join this work group every other month to help support IAQ work throughout Indian Country. | Thursday, June 18, 2pm ET |
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professional’s (ITEP’s) Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars and other events related to tribes and climate change.
Click here for ITEP’s other trainings and events.
Click here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. New courses have been added, so check it out!
ITEP’s FY20 AIAQTP Course Schedule
Course Title | Dates | Location | Course Level |
2020 | |||
Air Pollution Technology (Postponed!) | TBD | Flagstaff, AZ | 2 |
Meteorological Monitoring (Postponed!) | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Pollution Modeling | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Quality Outreach | TBD | TBD | 1 |
National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTFAQ) (Postponed!) | May 2021 | Tulsa, OK | n/a |
Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke | Anytime | Series of 6 recorded webinars | n/a |
Indoor Air Quality – Independent Study | Anytime | Independent Study | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates | Open | Online | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Warm Climates | In development | Online | 1 |
Residential Building Science Review | Open | Online | 1 |
Radon Fundamentals | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Fundamentals (QA 101) | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (QA 201-209) | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Fundamentals | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Advanced | Open | Online | 3 |
Note: This schedule is subject to change. For up-to-date information, course descriptions, and applications please visit http://www7.nau.edu/itep/main/Training/training_air/ |
Climate Change / Energy
June 3, 2PM (ET) – Equity in Action: Heat Planning in Greater Phoenix
Register Here
This 90 minute webcast will cover how The Nature Conservancy Arizona, Arizona State University, the Maricopa County Department of Public Health, and other partners developed the Heat Action Planning Guide for Neighborhoods of Greater Phoenix. This team worked directly with community members using a participatory process to identify challenges and create community driven solutions to mitigate and adapt to future heat. Specific cooling solutions include revitalizing vacant lots with trees and vegetation, and increasing shade along transit routes and at bus stops. The process was designed to develop awareness, agency, and social cohesion in underserved communities.
- Victoria Ludwig, U.S. EPA Heat Island Reduction Program
- Melissa Guardaro, Arizona State University
- David Crummey, Retail, Arts, Innovation & Livability Mesa
June 3, 1 PM (ET) – Portfolio Manager 101
Learn about EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool. Attendees will learn how to: navigate Portfolio Manager; add a property and enter details about it; enter energy and water consumption data; and generate template performance reports to assess progress.
June 10 and 24, Noon (ET) – Ask the Expert
Every Wednesday ENERGY STAR holds a Portfolio Manager “Ask the Expert” session. It’s a live webinar that gives all users an opportunity to ask their questions directly to EPA experts in an open forum. Want to talk to a “real” person? Have a question about how Portfolio Manager calculates your score? Want to learn more about entering Green Power? Join ENERGY STAR, and they’ll answer all your questions about ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager in this public forum.
June 16, 3 PM (ET) – The 2035 Report: How Low Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future
According to a report to be released in early June from the University of California, Berkeley and GridLab, the United States can reliably deliver 90% clean, carbon-free electricity nationwide by 2035 using existing technology, without increasing consumer bills, and without the need for new fossil fuel plants. The 2035 Report: How Low Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future demonstrates how recent dramatic cost declines for solar, wind, and battery storage allow for near-term decarbonization of the electricity grid. In this Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) webinar, two of the report’s authors, Ric O’Connell (Executive Director, GridLab) and Dr. Amol Phadke (Senior Scientist and Affiliate, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley) will present the main findings and discuss their implications.
June 17, 1 PM (ET) – Portfolio Manager 201
Continue to learn about EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool with a deeper dive into more advanced functionalities such as: editing property data; correcting and updating property use details; using the data quality checker; and sharing property data.
June 24, 1 PM (ET) – 2020 Tribal Energy Webinar Series: How to Select Energy Projects
After a tribal energy vision has been developed, the next step is to identify specific energy projects to pursue and how best to use your energy resources. Tribes often have many options to consider. This webinar will provide guidance on how to select energy projects that meet your energy vision.
June 25, 1 PM (ET) – Portfolio Manager 301
With a good background on the basic functionality of EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool, learn about some advanced features including: using spreadsheet upload templates to update property data; setting goals and targets to plan energy improvements for properties; creating custom reports; and using the Sustainable Buildings Checklist.
Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group Webinar Series
The Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group (IPCCWG) would like to invite you to join us for a 4-part webinar series that will discuss the future generations of American Indian and Alaskan Native geoscience professionals, educators, and workforce. An in-person IPCCWG meeting will take place at the National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference. We also greatly appreciate you sharing within your networks. The webinar schedule is as follows:
- June 11 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- July 16 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- August 13 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
If you have any questions regarding registration or anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out to Althea Walker at [email protected] or 480-258-3963.
Registration Is Now Open: National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference
August 31-September 3, 2020, St. Paul, Minnesota
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) is honored to host the United States’ first Biennial National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) along with support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Resilience Program. The NTICC is open to all US tribal nations and Indigenous Peoples from throughout the world, with an emphasis on including our Elders and
Youth. The NTICC will convene experts on climate change and will include a balance of Traditional Indigenous Knowledges and Western Science. We invite people to submit proposals before May 29, 2020, discussing climate-related impacts, assessments, tools, adaptation planning, mitigation and actions in one or more of the following tracks:
- Indigenous Knowledges
- Air, Health & Well-Being
- Land
- Water
- Relocation
- Infrastructure
- Energy Systems
- Food Sovereignty
- Ecosystems and Biodiversity
South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center: Earth to Sky Workshop
Earth to Sky is a partnership between NASA, NPS, and USFWS that enables and encourages informal educators to access and use relevant NASA science, data, and educational and outreach products in their work. The partnership’s focus is on climate change science and communication. Join us for three days of training with native informal educators from across the South Central region who recognize the importance of teaching climate change. The workshop will take place July 15-17 in Sulphur, OK. Learn more here.
Save the Date: Southwest Tribal Climate Resilience Camp
Date: July 26-31, 2020
Location: Navajo Technical University – Crownpoint, NM
The Tribal Climate Resilience Camp will support teams of Tribal Leaders, climate change coordinators, planners, and program managers to build skills, gather information, and develop Tribal policies and plans needed for Tribal Nations to address climate change impacts. Information about travel, lodging, and registration will be available soon. You may contact Althea Walker, Tribal Climate Science Liaison, at [email protected] or (480) 258-3963 with questions.
We are currently recruiting 10 Southwest Tribes to participate in the 2020 Camp. Each Tribe should identify three delegates per Tribe. The delegates must participate for the entire week curriculum. Delegates may include climate change staff, tribal policy leaders, Tribal Council, natural resource and environmental managers and staff, administrators, department staff from health, public works, education, housing, and other relevant departments that should engage in climate change planning. FOR APPLICATIONS Visit this link.
Save the Date: Shifting Seasons Summit 3, October 6-8, 2020, Keshena, WI
Contingency dates: March 2021
The Shifting Seasons Summit is a gathering that focuses on climate resilience planning and implementation within Tribes and across Tribal ceded territories in the Northeast Region. This summit will also include network-building opportunities and initiatives developed outside of the Northeast by capacity building organizations, academic institutions and Tribes. Visit www.NICRN.org for more details.
ITEP’s Climate Change Adaptation Training Courses registration is online! Learn more about the courses and register here.
Toxics/Mobile Sources
Tribal Consultation Period Extended for EPA’s Draft Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country
Extended through August 3, 2020
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) – Office of Pesticide Programs is provide notice to federally-recognized tribes that EPA’s Tribal Consultation on the Draft EPA Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country is extended through August 3, 2020 to accommodate a recent tribal request. The timeline for the consultation and consultation period will extend from February 10–August 3, 2020. During this period, a third consultation session will be conducted. To participate, the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) invites you and/or your designee to join us during the following consultation session:
- Session 3: Wednesday, July 15th from 12:00pm-2:00pm ET
Conference Line: 866-299-3188; Code: 202-566-0603
Adobe Connect: https://epawebconferencing.acms.com/draftepaplan3
Postponed: Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the West Coast Collaborative Partners Meeting has been postponed until August 24-26, 2020
After careful consideration of the growing public health concerns associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the US EPA West Coast Collaborative is postponing our GTSE | WCCPM event until
August 24 – 26, 2020, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, WA.
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the Green Transportation Summit & Expo (GTSE) have partnered to provide 25 complimentary full-conference passes to the Green Transportation Summit & Expo. The GTSE is the Pacific Northwest’s premier clean fleet and transportation event, focusing on fleets, fuels, technologies, policy & practice, with a regional focus and a national scope. We will provide you the opportunity to see, touch, drive, and learn about new transportation technologies firsthand, such as electric, hydrogen, natural gas and propane-powered heavy-duty vehicles, off-road utility vehicles, generators, and others. Workshops on DERA, VW funding, other federal funding opportunities, and alternative fuels will be presented. Please join us at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center for the 10th annual GTSE to learn about clean transportation, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollutants, and costs in your fleet operations. To learn more about the conference, check out our website. To receive the code for the complimentary passes, please contact ITEP’s Dara Marks Marino at [email protected].
Indoor Air Quality
NEW! Webinar Program for National Healthy Homes Month
National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM) is an annual outreach effort sponsored by HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (HUD/OLHCHH). Throughout June, OLHCHH, along with our partners, heighten awareness of health-related hazards in residences and other housing types, with recommended actions to address them. This year, our theme of Healthy Housing for All underlines how the healthy homes model impacts such a wide range of residents. The continuing impact of the COVID-19 virus greatly increases the need for awareness of, and actions around, many indoor environmental health concerns. You must register for each webinar you plan to attend. Registration is limited to the first 500 registrants, so please plan on registering early
- June 8, 11am – 12pm ET: OLHCHH and the Healthy Homes Partnership- 15+ Years of Strengthening the Healthy Homes Agenda.
- June 9, 11am – 12pm ET: Housekeeping 101
- June 11, 2 – 3pm ET: Amulets to Zaprana: Non-Paint Sources of Lead
- June 16, 11 – 12pm ET: Healthy Homes Outreach: The Field Perspective
- June 18, 2 – 3pm ET: Healthy Homes Outreach Products for Native Americans
- June 23, 2 – 3pm ET: The Longer Term Effectiveness of Home Asthma Interventions
- June 25, 2 – 3pm ET: Interventions to Help Seniors Safely Age in Place
- June 30, 2 – 3pm ET: The Grande Finale of NHHM ’20: The Winners of the HUD Secretary’s Awards for Healthy Homes
Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!
Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes
NEW! On the Front Lines: Tribal Nations Take on COVID-19
Tuesday, May 26, 2020; 1-2pm
Virtual Event, Information Here
Like governments around the world, America’s 574 federally recognized tribal nations are racing to protect their citizens from the coronavirus. Impacting tribes at a rate four times higher than for the US population, the pandemic is testing the limits of tribal public health infrastructures. Simultaneously, shuttered casinos and other business enterprises are crippling tribal economies. Coupled with an inefficient federal response, resources to provide critical governmental services are being rapidly depleted, intensifying the crisis.
To learn more about how tribal nations are taking on COVID-19, please join the Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for an insightful conversation.
Public Hearings on the Proposed Rule: Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
EPA has published this proposal in the Federal Register, and the NTAA is developing a full Policy Resource Kit. The proposal states that no changes to the NAAQS for particulate matter will be taken at this time. The deadline to comment is June 29, 2020, and two virtual public hearings will be held on May 20 and May 21.
NEW! NCAI COVID-19 Forum: “Tribal Governments in Action: Leveraging the CARES Act for Response and Recovery”
Wednesday, May 27th, 2020; 1-2:15pm EDT
This forum, hosted by NCAI’s Partnership for Tribal Governance, shares the stories of how four tribal governments are using CARES Act funding to protect their communities and help them recover in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
EPA Tools & Resources Webinar: EPA Expands Research on COVID-19 in the Environment
Wednesday, May 27, 2020; 2-3pm ET
EPA scientists are building on a foundation of world-class research by applying their knowledge to reduce the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This research will help states & territories, tribes, and local governments, including public health agencies guide homeowners, business owners, and others reduce the risk of exposure. This webinar will highlight research EPA is working on with CDC, including the following:
- Environmental Cleanup and Disinfection
- Wastewater Virus Detection
- Salivary Antibody Assay Development
NEW! SEER Native American Resources Committee virtual networking event
Thursday, May 28th, 2020; 12-1pm ET
This event will discuss how COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting Indian Country, both in terms of public health and the economy. Both are inextricably linked to environment and environmental resources. Four examples are access to water, indoor air quality, climate change, and dependence on oil and gas for revenue. Join us for this event to learn about ways Tribes and organizations are working to mobilize and take action to protect the health of Tribal members and their communities.
To register for this event, please complete and submit this form. Please address any questions to Kevin Gordon, Membership Associate, at [email protected] or (312) 988-6256
NEW! Defending Treaty Rights in the time of COVID-19
Friday May 29th, 2020; 9-10:30am PST
This webinar will share Indigenous Peoples’ initiatives to defend the inherent and sovereign rights affirmed in Nation-to-Nation Treaties during the time of COVID-19. Hosted by the International Indian Treaty Council.
Tribal Grants Education and Technical Assistance Webinar Series Second Wednesday of Every Month at 1pm ET
For more information, click here!
NTAA Upcoming Calls. The toll-free number is 1-800-309-2350. If you do not need to call toll free, or would like to help conserve NTAA funding, you can call 1-805-309-2350. Both numbers use code 928-523-0526#. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions* When you register for the GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a roll-call, ultimately saving everyone’s time.
EPA Policy Call: Call in to hear updates from EPA on policies, actions, and tools relevant to Indian Country and Air Quality. | Thursday, May 28, 2pm ET |
Mobile Sources Work Group: This monthly work group addresses all mobile source pollution issues. | Thursday, June 4, 2pm ET
Indoor Air Quality Work Group: Join this work group every other month to help support IAQ work throughout Indian Country. | Thursday, June 18, 2pm ET |
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professional’s (ITEP’s) Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars and other events related to tribes and climate change.
Click here for ITEP’s other trainings and events.
Click here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. New courses have been added, so check it out!
ITEP’s FY20 AIAQTP Course Schedule
Course Title | Dates | Location | Course Level |
2020 | |||
Air Pollution Technology (Postponed!) | TBD | Flagstaff, AZ | 2 |
Meteorological Monitoring (Postponed!) | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Pollution Modeling | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Quality Outreach | TBD | TBD | 1 |
National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTFAQ) (Postponed!) | May 2021 | Tulsa, OK | n/a |
Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke | Anytime | Series of 6 recorded webinars | n/a |
Indoor Air Quality – Independent Study | Anytime | Independent Study | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates | Open | Online | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Warm Climates | In development | Online | 1 |
Residential Building Science Review | Open | Online | 1 |
Radon Fundamentals | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Fundamentals (QA 101) | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (QA 201-209) | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Fundamentals | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Advanced | Open | Online | 3 |
Note: This schedule is subject to change. For up-to-date information, course descriptions, and applications please visit http://www7.nau.edu/itep/main/Training/training_air/ |
Climate Change / Energy
May 27, Noon (ET) – Ask the Expert
Every Wednesday ENERGY STAR holds a Portfolio Manager “Ask the Expert” session. It’s a live webinar that gives all users an opportunity to ask their questions directly to EPA experts in an open forum. Want to talk to a “real” person? Have a question about how Portfolio Manager calculates your score? Want to learn more about entering Green Power? Join ENERGY STAR, and they’ll answer all your questions about ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager in this public forum.
May 27, 1 PM (ET) – Tribal Energy Project Technology Options
The energy landscape continues to evolve rapidly. In many areas, costs continue to drop as technology improvements and other market drivers create greater opportunity for distributed generation. This webinar will provide an overview of several common energy technology options. Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy, the 2020 Tribal Energy Webinar Series will focus on how to accomplish specific tasks related to energy development on tribal lands. Presenters will provide instruction and sharing tools and resources.
May 28, 2 PM (ET) – Strategies for Setting Effective Energy Performance Goals
Are you aiming to set meaningful energy performance goals for your buildings? Join this webinar to hear from three ENERGY STAR partners how to use a technical approach to estimate the energy efficiency improvement potential of a building and set effective goals. Boston Properties will share how they used a scientific method for setting performance goals for targets to make them realistic and achievable. In addition, CommonWealth Partners will talk about how they provide guidance on tracking emissions through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to all their properties and established science-based emissions targets. Finally, Hudson Pacific Properties will discuss how they setting performance goals and updating targets for their buildings, and how to incorporate carbon reduction goals into a program.
- Ben Myers, Director, Sustainability, Boston Properties
- Jessica Loeper, Director of Sustainability, CommonWealth Partners
- James Soutter, Vice President, Engineering, Hudson Pacific Properties
NEW! National Adaptation Forum Webinar: Meeting the Rural Resilience Imperative: Integrating Resilience into Rural Planning & Action
May 28, 2020, 2pm ET
Learn about the Resilient Rural America Project’s approach to integrate extreme weather resilience into local comprehensive planning through risk assessment and implementation of practical resilience strategies. The training mainstreams the Steps to Resilience into rural planning using selected resources from the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, EcoAdapt, Geos Institute, and the Model Forest Policy Program. Webinar participants will gain greater understanding of the importance of rural resilience, the barriers rural communities face, and new ways to advance rural resilience strategies.
June 3, 2PM (ET) – Equity in Action: Heat Planning in Greater Phoenix
This 90 minute webcast will cover how The Nature Conservancy Arizona, Arizona State University, the Maricopa County Department of Public Health, and other partners developed the Heat Action Planning Guide for Neighborhoods of Greater Phoenix. This team worked directly with community members using a participatory process to identify challenges and create community driven solutions to mitigate and adapt to future heat. Specific cooling solutions include revitalizing vacant lots with trees and vegetation, and increasing shade along transit routes and at bus stops. The process was designed to develop awareness, agency, and social cohesion in underserved communities.
- Victoria Ludwig, U.S. EPA Heat Island Reduction Program
- Melissa Guardaro, Arizona State University
- David Crummey, Retail, Arts, Innovation & Livability Mesa
Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group Webinar Series
The Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group (IPCCWG) would like to invite you to join us for a 4-part webinar series that will discuss the future generations of American Indian and Alaskan Native geoscience professionals, educators, and workforce. An in-person IPCCWG meeting will take place at the National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference. To register for the May 14 webinar, please click HERE. We also greatly appreciate you sharing within your networks. The webinar schedule is as follows:
- June 11 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- July 16 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- August 13 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
If you have any questions regarding registration or anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out to Althea Walker at [email protected] or 480-258-3963.
Registration Is Now Open: National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference
August 31-September 3, 2020, St. Paul, Minnesota
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) is honored to host the United States’ first Biennial National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) along with support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Resilience Program. The NTICC is open to all US tribal nations and Indigenous Peoples from throughout the world, with an emphasis on including our Elders and
Youth. The NTICC will convene experts on climate change and will include a balance of Traditional Indigenous Knowledges and Western Science. We invite people to submit proposals before May 29, 2020, discussing climate-related impacts, assessments, tools, adaptation planning, mitigation and actions in one or more of the following tracks:
- Indigenous Knowledges
- Air, Health & Well-Being
- Land
- Water
- Relocation
- Infrastructure
- Energy Systems
- Food Sovereignty
- Ecosystems and Biodiversity
South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center: Earth to Sky Workshop
Earth to Sky is a partnership between NASA, NPS, and USFWS that enables and encourages informal educators to access and use relevant NASA science, data, and educational and outreach products in their work. The partnership’s focus is on climate change science and communication. Join us for three days of training with native informal educators from across the South Central region who recognize the importance of teaching climate change. The workshop will take place July 15-17 in Sulphur, OK. Learn more here.
Save the Date: Southwest Tribal Climate Resilience Camp
Date: July 26-31, 2020
Location: Navajo Technical University – Crownpoint, NM
The Tribal Climate Resilience Camp will support teams of Tribal Leaders, climate change coordinators, planners, and program managers to build skills, gather information, and develop Tribal policies and plans needed for Tribal Nations to address climate change impacts. Information about travel, lodging, and registration will be available soon. You may contact Althea Walker, Tribal Climate Science Liaison, at [email protected] or (480) 258-3963 with questions.
We are currently recruiting 10 Southwest Tribes to participate in the 2020 Camp. Each Tribe should identify three delegates per Tribe. The delegates must participate for the entire week curriculum. Delegates may include climate change staff, tribal policy leaders, Tribal Council, natural resource and environmental managers and staff, administrators, department staff from health, public works, education, housing, and other relevant departments that should engage in climate change planning. FOR APPLICATIONS Visit this link.
Save the Date: Shifting Seasons Summit 3, October 6-8, 2020, Keshena, WI
Contingency dates: March 2021
The Shifting Seasons Summit is a gathering that focuses on climate resilience planning and implementation within Tribes and across Tribal ceded territories in the Northeast Region. This summit will also include network-building opportunities and initiatives developed outside of the Northeast by capacity building organizations, academic institutions and Tribes. Visit www.NICRN.org for more details.
ITEP’s Climate Change Adaptation Training Courses registration is online! Learn more about the courses and register here.
Toxics/Mobile Sources
Managing Road Dust webinar series
Webinar #1: Introduction to Managing Road Dust, May 28, 2020 at 10am (AKDT)
Road dust from unpaved roads is a major air quality concern in many tribal communities. Dust (also called Particulate Matter (PM)) has negative impacts on health, road safety and quality of life. This webinar is the first of a series of four webinars to help tribal environmental and transportation staff to manage road dust, resulting in improved air quality. Presenters from US Environmental Protection Agency, University of Alaska, Alaska Department Environmental Conservation, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals will provide information to help tribal environmental and transportation staff create community partnerships to:
- Assess current roads.
- Develop community education messages leading to behavioral changes.
- Develop plans to improve road design.
- Consider appropriate use of dust suppressants
- Continue with air quality assessments.
- Create a dust management plan.
- Identify potential funding sources.
Participants will also be introduced to a variety of online resources to help with planning for road dust management. Training Certificates will be available for everyone who completes all 4 webinars. Webinar recordings will be available to anyone registered for the webinars.
- Webinar #1 – Introduction to Managing Road Dust
- Webinar #2 – Introduction to Dust Suppressants (palliatives)
- Webinar #3 – Engaging Community Leaders in Road Dust Management
- Webinar #4 – Case Studies on Road Dust Management
Contact [email protected] with questions.
Tribal Consultation Period Extended for EPA’s Draft Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country
Extended through August 3, 2020
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) – Office of Pesticide Programs is provide notice to federally-recognized tribes that EPA’s Tribal Consultation on the Draft EPA Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country is extended through August 3, 2020 to accommodate a recent tribal request. The timeline for the consultation and consultation period will extend from February 10–August 3, 2020. During this period, a third consultation session will be conducted. To participate, the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) invites you and/or your designee to join us during the following consultation session:
- Session 3: Wednesday, July 15th from 12:00pm-2:00pm ET
Conference Line: 866-299-3188; Code: 202-566-0603
Adobe Connect: https://epawebconferencing.acms.com/draftepaplan3
Postponed: Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the West Coast Collaborative Partners Meeting has been postponed until August 24-26, 2020
After careful consideration of the growing public health concerns associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the US EPA West Coast Collaborative is postponing our GTSE | WCCPM event until
August 24 – 26, 2020, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, WA.
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the Green Transportation Summit & Expo (GTSE) have partnered to provide 25 complimentary full-conference passes to the Green Transportation Summit & Expo. The GTSE is the Pacific Northwest’s premier clean fleet and transportation event, focusing on fleets, fuels, technologies, policy & practice, with a regional focus and a national scope. We will provide you the opportunity to see, touch, drive, and learn about new transportation technologies firsthand, such as electric, hydrogen, natural gas and propane-powered heavy-duty vehicles, off-road utility vehicles, generators, and others. Workshops on DERA, VW funding, other federal funding opportunities, and alternative fuels will be presented. Please join us at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center for the 10th annual GTSE to learn about clean transportation, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollutants, and costs in your fleet operations. To learn more about the conference, check out our website. To receive the code for the complimentary passes, please contact ITEP’s Dara Marks Marino at [email protected].
Indoor Air Quality
Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!
Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes
Wildland Fire Community Engagement and Data Visualization Tools Webinar
Wednesday, May 20, 3-4pm ET. Register here.
This presentation will highlight two wildland fire smoke and health projects. Smoke Sense is a crowdsourcing, citizen science app which engages the public to broaden awareness of wildland fire smoke locally as well as health protective measures and behaviors. This presentation will share findings from the past two wildfire seasons including community engagement and data visualization tools. The Smoke Ready Communities project offers a model and framework to help communities improve their response. It supports collaboration and capacity building and also fosters preparedness and response to wildfire smoke episodes. This presentation will share a solutions-driven approach for helping reduce the public health burden of smoke intrusion at the community level. Participants will learn about how these projects can integrate a community capacity lens with resources specifically related to wildland fire smoke, air quality and health.
NEW! ELI’s Webinar Fighting Fire with Fire: Restoring Traditional Indigenous Practices for Ecological Stewardship
May 21, 12-130pm
Register and get more information here.
What are the opportunities for empowering tribes to collaborate with state, local, and federal stakeholders to return prescribed burning practices to indigenous communities? What legal and pragmatic obstacles remain? How can stakeholders address the challenges of collaborating across jurisdictions as well as limited funding and other resources? How can this serve as an opportunity to address historical injustices committed against indigenous peoples, and support tribes in regaining lost traditional ecological knowledge? Join the Environmental Law Institute and expert panelists as they explore these questions and more.
NEW! An International Indian Treaty Council Webinar: “Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Heath: Restoring and Defending Our Ways of Healing in the Time of COVID-19”
Friday, May 22, 2020, 9-10:30am PDT. Click here to find your time zone.
This webinar will share Indigenous Peoples’ initiatives to defend their Right to Health and restore their traditional healing systems during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. The voices of Indigenous elders and knowledge holders will be featured. For more information contact: [email protected].
- Please click here to download the materials for this webinar.
- To register for the webinar via zoom, click here.
- English/Spanish interpretation will be provided. Click here for information on how to use Zoom’s webinar interpretation feature.
Public Hearings on the Proposed Rule: Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
EPA has published this proposal in the Federal Register, and the NTAA is developing a full Policy Resource Kit. The proposal states that no changes to the NAAQS for particulate matter will be taken at this time. The deadline to comment is June 29, 2020, and two virtual public hearings will be held on May 20 and May 21.
EPA Tools & Resources Webinar: EPA Expands Research on COVID-19 in the Environment
Wednesday, May 27, 2020; 2-3pm ET
EPA scientists are building on a foundation of world-class research by applying their knowledge to reduce the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This research will help states & territories, tribes, and local governments, including public health agencies guide homeowners, business owners, and others reduce the risk of exposure. This webinar will highlight research EPA is working on with CDC, including the following:
- Environmental Cleanup and Disinfection
- Wastewater Virus Detection
- Salivary Antibody Assay Development
Tribal Grants Education and Technical Assistance Webinar Series Second Wednesday of Every Month at 1pm ET
For more information, click here!
NTAA Upcoming Calls. The toll-free number is 1-800-309-2350. If you do not need to call toll free, or would like to help conserve NTAA funding, you can call 1-805-309-2350. Both numbers use code 928-523-0526#. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about any call! *Registration instructions* When you register for the GoToWebinar, please remember to include your Tribe, Region, or Organization in parenthesis after your last name. This allows you to see everyone on the call and prevents us from conducting a roll-call, ultimately saving everyone’s time.
STAR Planning Call: The NTAA Status of Tribal Air Report (STAR) helps tell the story of Tribal Air Programs, why additional funding for Tribes is critical to advance air quality, and is a great resource for Tribes. | Wednesday, May 20, 2 pm ET |
Wood Smoke Work Group: Join this work group every other month to address wood smoke issues in Indian Country. | Thursday, May 21, 2pm ET |
EPA Policy Call: Call in to hear updates from EPA on policies, actions, and tools relevant to Indian Country and Air Quality. | Thursday, May 28, 2pm ET |
Mobile Sources Work Group: This monthly work group addresses all mobile source pollution issues. | Thursday, June 4, 2pm ET
Indoor Air Quality Work Group: Join this work group every other month to help support IAQ work throughout Indian Country. | Thursday, June 18, 2pm ET |
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professional’s (ITEP’s) Tribes and Climate Change Calendar includes conferences, trainings, webinars and other events related to tribes and climate change.
Click here for ITEP’s other trainings and events.
Click here for ITEP’s new Tribal Environmental Management and Planning Online Courses. New courses have been added, so check it out!
ITEP’s FY20 AIAQTP Course Schedule
Course Title | Dates | Location | Course Level |
2020 | |||
Air Pollution Technology (Postponed!) | TBD | Flagstaff, AZ | 2 |
Meteorological Monitoring (Postponed!) | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Pollution Modeling | Fall 2020 | TAMS Center, Las Vegas, NV | 3 |
Air Quality Outreach | TBD | TBD | 1 |
National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTFAQ) (Postponed!) | May 2021 | Tulsa, OK | n/a |
Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke | Anytime | Series of 6 recorded webinars | n/a |
Indoor Air Quality – Independent Study | Anytime | Independent Study | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Cold Climates | Open | Online | 1 |
Building Performance: Improving IAQ in Warm Climates | In development | Online | 1 |
Residential Building Science Review | Open | Online | 1 |
Radon Fundamentals | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Fundamentals (QA 101) | Open | Online | 1 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (QA 201-209) | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Fundamentals | Open | Online | 2 |
Emissions Inventory Advanced | Open | Online | 3 |
Note: This schedule is subject to change. For up-to-date information, course descriptions, and applications please visit http://www7.nau.edu/itep/main/Training/training_air/ |
Climate Change / Energy
May 20 and 27, Noon (ET) – Ask the Expert
Every Wednesday ENERGY STAR holds a Portfolio Manager “Ask the Expert” session. It’s a live webinar that gives all users an opportunity to ask their questions directly to EPA experts in an open forum. Want to talk to a “real” person? Have a question about how Portfolio Manager calculates your score? Want to learn more about entering Green Power? Join ENERGY STAR, and they’ll answer all your questions about ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager in this public forum.
May 20, 2 PM (ET) – Tracking GHG Emissions in Portfolio Manager
This webinar will provide a closer look at tracking and reporting your GHG emissions using the EPA’s Portfolio Manager tool.
Attend this webinar if you’re interested in:
- Understanding the Portfolio Manager GHG emissions inventory
- Learning how to track emissions benefits from green power use in Portfolio Manager
- How to use Portfolio Manager’s reporting functionality to track GHG emissions for the properties in your portfolio
NEW! ITEP’s Tribal Resiliency Webinar Series Part 3 of 3: Programs to Support Tribal Mental Health and Cultural Resiliency
Thursday, May 21, 2020, 1-2:15pm PDT
May 21, 2 PM (ET) – Renewable Energy Options for Small Businesses and Congregations
Electricity use is often the single largest source of an organization’s emissions and air pollution footprint, not to mention being a significant expense. Making the simple choice to use renewable energy can offer environmental, economic and community benefits. On this webinar, you will learn about the various options available in the market to buy green power through retail purchase, self-generation and direct purchase from a renewable project. You will learn about how to align your desired energy and environmental outcomes to specific green power supply options. You will learn about the role of renewable energy certificates and how they can support your organization meeting its renewable energy and carbon footprint reduction goals. Speaker: James Critchfield, Program Manager, EPA Green Power Partnership
May 27, 1 PM (ET) – Tribal Energy Project Technology Options
The energy landscape continues to evolve rapidly. In many areas, costs continue to drop as technology improvements and other market drivers create greater opportunity for distributed generation. This webinar will provide an overview of several common energy technology options. Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy, the 2020 Tribal Energy Webinar Series will focus on how to accomplish specific tasks related to energy development on tribal lands. Presenters will provide instruction and sharing tools and resources.
May 28, 2 PM (ET) – Strategies for Setting Effective Energy Performance Goals
Are you aiming to set meaningful energy performance goals for your buildings? Join this webinar to hear from three ENERGY STAR partners how to use a technical approach to estimate the energy efficiency improvement potential of a building and set effective goals. Boston Properties will share how they used a scientific method for setting performance goals for targets to make them realistic and achievable. In addition, CommonWealth Partners will talk about how they provide guidance on tracking emissions through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to all their properties and established science-based emissions targets. Finally, Hudson Pacific Properties will discuss how they setting performance goals and updating targets for their buildings, and how to incorporate carbon reduction goals into a program.
- Ben Myers, Director, Sustainability, Boston Properties
- Jessica Loeper, Director of Sustainability, CommonWealth Partners
- James Soutter, Vice President, Engineering, Hudson Pacific Properties
NEW! National Adaptation Forum Webinar: Meeting the Rural Resilience Imperative: Integrating Resilience into Rural Planning & Action
May 28, 2020, 2pm ET
Learn about the Resilient Rural America Project’s approach to integrate extreme weather resilience into local comprehensive planning through risk assessment and implementation of practical resilience strategies. The training mainstreams the Steps to Resilience into rural planning using selected resources from the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, EcoAdapt, Geos Institute, and the Model Forest Policy Program. Webinar participants will gain greater understanding of the importance of rural resilience, the barriers rural communities face, and new ways to advance rural resilience strategies.
June 3, 2PM (ET) – Equity in Action: Heat Planning in Greater Phoenix
This 90 minute webcast will cover how The Nature Conservancy Arizona, Arizona State University, the Maricopa County Department of Public Health, and other partners developed the Heat Action Planning Guide for Neighborhoods of Greater Phoenix. This team worked directly with community members using a participatory process to identify challenges and create community driven solutions to mitigate and adapt to future heat. Specific cooling solutions include revitalizing vacant lots with trees and vegetation, and increasing shade along transit routes and at bus stops. The process was designed to develop awareness, agency, and social cohesion in underserved communities.
- Victoria Ludwig, U.S. EPA Heat Island Reduction Program
- Melissa Guardaro, Arizona State University
- David Crummey, Retail, Arts, Innovation & Livability Mesa
Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group Webinar Series
The Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Working Group (IPCCWG) would like to invite you to join us for a 4-part webinar series that will discuss the future generations of American Indian and Alaskan Native geoscience professionals, educators, and workforce. An in-person IPCCWG meeting will take place at the National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference. To register for the May 14 webinar, please click HERE. We also greatly appreciate you sharing within your networks. The webinar schedule is as follows:
- June 11 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- July 16 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
- August 13 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
If you have any questions regarding registration or anything else, please do not hesitate to reach out to Althea Walker at [email protected] or 480-258-3963.
Registration Is Now Open: National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference
August 31-September 3, 2020, St. Paul, Minnesota
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) is honored to host the United States’ first Biennial National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) along with support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Resilience Program. The NTICC is open to all US tribal nations and Indigenous Peoples from throughout the world, with an emphasis on including our Elders and
Youth. The NTICC will convene experts on climate change and will include a balance of Traditional Indigenous Knowledges and Western Science. We invite people to submit proposals before May 29, 2020, discussing climate-related impacts, assessments, tools, adaptation planning, mitigation and actions in one or more of the following tracks:
- Indigenous Knowledges
- Air, Health & Well-Being
- Land
- Water
- Relocation
- Infrastructure
- Energy Systems
- Food Sovereignty
- Ecosystems and Biodiversity
South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center: Earth to Sky Workshop
Earth to Sky is a partnership between NASA, NPS, and USFWS that enables and encourages informal educators to access and use relevant NASA science, data, and educational and outreach products in their work. The partnership’s focus is on climate change science and communication. Join us for three days of training with native informal educators from across the South Central region who recognize the importance of teaching climate change. The workshop will take place July 15-17 in Sulphur, OK. Learn more here.
Save the Date: Southwest Tribal Climate Resilience Camp
Date: July 26-31, 2020
Location: Navajo Technical University – Crownpoint, NM
The Tribal Climate Resilience Camp will support teams of Tribal Leaders, climate change coordinators, planners, and program managers to build skills, gather information, and develop Tribal policies and plans needed for Tribal Nations to address climate change impacts. Information about travel, lodging, and registration will be available soon. You may contact Althea Walker, Tribal Climate Science Liaison, at [email protected] or (480) 258-3963 with questions.
We are currently recruiting 10 Southwest Tribes to participate in the 2020 Camp. Each Tribe should identify three delegates per Tribe. The delegates must participate for the entire week curriculum. Delegates may include climate change staff, tribal policy leaders, Tribal Council, natural resource and environmental managers and staff, administrators, department staff from health, public works, education, housing, and other relevant departments that should engage in climate change planning. FOR APPLICATIONS Visit this link.
Save the Date: Shifting Seasons Summit 3, October 6-8, 2020, Keshena, WI
Contingency dates: March 2021
The Shifting Seasons Summit is a gathering that focuses on climate resilience planning and implementation within Tribes and across Tribal ceded territories in the Northeast Region. This summit will also include network-building opportunities and initiatives developed outside of the Northeast by capacity building organizations, academic institutions and Tribes. Visit www.NICRN.org for more details.
ITEP’s Climate Change Adaptation Training Courses registration is online! Learn more about the courses and register here.
Toxics/Mobile Sources
Managing Road Dust webinar series
Webinar #1: Introduction to Managing Road Dust, May 28, 2020 at 10am (AKDT)
Road dust from unpaved roads is a major air quality concern in many tribal communities. Dust (also called Particulate Matter (PM)) has negative impacts on health, road safety and quality of life. This webinar is the first of a series of four webinars to help tribal environmental and transportation staff to manage road dust, resulting in improved air quality. Presenters from US Environmental Protection Agency, University of Alaska, Alaska Department Environmental Conservation, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals will provide information to help tribal environmental and transportation staff create community partnerships to:
- Assess current roads.
- Develop community education messages leading to behavioral changes.
- Develop plans to improve road design.
- Consider appropriate use of dust suppressants
- Continue with air quality assessments.
- Create a dust management plan.
- Identify potential funding sources.
Participants will also be introduced to a variety of online resources to help with planning for road dust management. Training Certificates will be available for everyone who completes all 4 webinars. Webinar recordings will be available to anyone registered for the webinars.
- Webinar #1 – Introduction to Managing Road Dust
- Webinar #2 – Introduction to Dust Suppressants (palliatives)
- Webinar #3 – Engaging Community Leaders in Road Dust Management
- Webinar #4 – Case Studies on Road Dust Management
Contact [email protected] with questions.
Tribal Consultation Period Extended for EPA’s Draft Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country
Extended through August 3, 2020
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) – Office of Pesticide Programs is provide notice to federally-recognized tribes that EPA’s Tribal Consultation on the Draft EPA Plan for the Federal Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides within Indian Country is extended through August 3, 2020 to accommodate a recent tribal request. The timeline for the consultation and consultation period will extend from February 10–August 3, 2020. During this period, a third consultation session will be conducted. To participate, the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) invites you and/or your designee to join us during the following consultation session:
- Session 3: Wednesday, July 15th from 12:00pm-2:00pm ET
Conference Line: 866-299-3188; Code: 202-566-0603
Adobe Connect: https://epawebconferencing.acms.com/draftepaplan3
Postponed: Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the West Coast Collaborative Partners Meeting has been postponed until August 24-26, 2020
After careful consideration of the growing public health concerns associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Green Transportation Summit & Expo and the US EPA West Coast Collaborative is postponing our GTSE | WCCPM event until
August 24 – 26, 2020, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center in Tacoma, WA.
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the Green Transportation Summit & Expo (GTSE) have partnered to provide 25 complimentary full-conference passes to the Green Transportation Summit & Expo. The GTSE is the Pacific Northwest’s premier clean fleet and transportation event, focusing on fleets, fuels, technologies, policy & practice, with a regional focus and a national scope. We will provide you the opportunity to see, touch, drive, and learn about new transportation technologies firsthand, such as electric, hydrogen, natural gas and propane-powered heavy-duty vehicles, off-road utility vehicles, generators, and others. Workshops on DERA, VW funding, other federal funding opportunities, and alternative fuels will be presented. Please join us at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center for the 10th annual GTSE to learn about clean transportation, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollutants, and costs in your fleet operations. To learn more about the conference, check out our website. To receive the code for the complimentary passes, please contact ITEP’s Dara Marks Marino at [email protected].
Indoor Air Quality
Be sure to subscribe to CodeTalk, HUD’s Office of Native American Programs newsletter, for webinars and opportunities!