About Us: Executive Committee

Janice Archuleta
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Region 8 (Alt)
Since 2016, Janice has been the Air Quality Program Manager for the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, striving to strengthen the air quality program over the Reservation lands that expand into three states in the Four Corners Area. The current program monitors TSP, pm2.5, and ozone in two different Tribal communities along with sensors and an ozone field instrument for other Tribal locations, and addresses indoor quality issues such as radon measurement. As a part of the Environmental Programs Department, Janice comments on and reviews neighboring State, Tribal, and Federal plans and permits and also helps with Tribal initiatives such as Renewable Energy Projects. Janice has a BA in Biology and MS in Health Physics (Radiation Safety). With an array of environmental experience that ranges from nuclear test site cleanup, asbestos inspection, environmental air modeling, and mixed waste compliance, Janice is looking forward to supporting the Region 8 Tribes with the unique regional issues, and assisting the NTAA to strengthen environmental policy and management across Indian Country. Janice lives in Colorado enjoying a variety of outdoor activities with her husband, son, daughter, and dogs.
Email: [email protected]